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Part. II

ll. лишив]? Coiporcal Sub/lanen, that which

'e/leemed moß Simple and

mqß Perfeót, whole general name is therefore frequently ufed to (ignilie a place or a flare of the greateli Perfef'tion and Happmefs , together with — that which in both thefe refpeCts is oppoßte, are commonly fiyled

HEAVEN, Ccleßial, Firmament, Slee. HELL, Inßernal, Stygian.

_ _ _

Thofepart: of Heaven whichfall under our два/ё.‘ may be conlidered aC­` cording to their.

êGeneral Name, denoting fuch parts as are more .Solid and Luminous, l. STARR, Ste/late. Particular kinds, either

‘ _

' Fixed, that is to fay, which do alwaye: keep the Лис eli/lance fiom one another. And thefe, for the better dil‘tinftion and remembrance of them,are ul'ually difiributed into divers parcels or little Aggregates, called Conßellatiom: the received names of which are, according to their imaginary Rel‘emblanccs , either the proper names ofPer ßnu, as Perfetta, Andromeda, Orion, Ste. or the names of brute Ani malt, as Bear, Lion, Ram, 8‹с. or the патёз OfInanintate things, as

Balance,.4rrow,&c. which may each of them be fuliiciently exprelï i

fed,asthe things theml'elves are to which they are refembled, with

out being particularly provided for in the Table. 'And becaufe that great Luminary which rule: the Day, with us in this Syliem. is , by the

molt received Hypothelis,thought to belong to this number, there- A f­ _., ._­.„_­

fore may it be adioyned , as the той conliderable Particular be FIXED STARR, Conßellation. (longing to this General. 2 ' SUN, Solar. ' Wandring, viz. which do notl alwaie: keep the frime difiance from one a nother', to which may be adjoyned that other kind OfLuminouo Body,which io' now byfgficient obfèrvation and experiment dijŕovered to be above the тиф/т‘: 5 according to the âGcneral names. '

PLANET, Wandringßarr. 3’

COMET, Blazing jtarr.

Particular kinds of Planet:,being either fPrimaiy 5

l ‘ Seen by uo at a cli/lance, either more l r Frequently, . . Higher pan' à SATURN ­ine.

4’ шштвв, 70am. »I

Lower pair,




I 5' VENUS,Morningßar,Evening/lar, Üayßarr. I_Rarely, as being near the Sun, 6. MERCURY ­ial.

i LInhabited by m,

7. The GLOBE @s SEA AND LAND, Eau/„Wma т menical, Terreilrial, Terrcne, Univer?, Geography.

l Secondary; whether moving

about the Eart , or about any other



MOON, Lunar.





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