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(Шары. l

0f ‘GodJ on War/of.



С Н‘ A P. II. I. Concerning GOD. II.v Of tbe/êverol thing; and notion: reduci/)Ie under that oolleô'ive Gent/xr of WORLD. Hofe more Í‘pecial kinds of beings to be treated oli Antecedane


l oufly to the Predicaments, becaufe the are not (as Predicaments are)capable ofany fubordinate fpecies, are OD and WORLD.

That which the Heathen Philofophers fiile the ñrfi Mover, the firfi

and I'upremc caufe of all things , and fuppofe to be n Beingof ollpqf/ìlzle perfeŕliongis GOD, Lord, Этот/1,069’, Divine-ity, Deijïe.

    And becaufe of that abfolute Simplicit and Purity of the Divine na»

    ture,whereby ’tis diíiinguifhed from all otiier things, and therefore inch

    pable if being divided by Parti, or by Difwrence: and Specie: a's the гей are 5 hereupon, under this Head there is onely provifion to be made for ' that great Myíiery of Chrifiianity, the Sacred Perfons of the Bleíied



    âSON, (Мг/1,740’.

    HOLY GHOST, Holy Spirit. A lTo the name of God that of IDOL may be oppofe'd , by which is rheant any Fol/ë God 5 according to the Acception of the word in thatl Scripture,»All the God: of tbc Heathen are Ido/r.

    To the Second Per/bn the name ANTICHRISTmay be adjoyned by way of Oppa :tion s the true Notion and Im ortance of the word fo requiring. By

    OPLLD, ‘Univeijëjs meant t e (‘отряды or Fronte of the whole


    шмотки more efpecial reference to thofe Principal and more Gene SPIRITLIAL and immaterial. I. (rolport: ofwhich it confifhßwhether

    Страна’, confidcred акт-411218 to the rrPart: into which it is divide , whether

    lcELEsTiAL. п. ¿.l‘l‘erreßriol: either ­




    lciacussbywhichundivided. v1.

    I. By SPIRIT is meant InzniaterialSu/)ßanoc .' to which may be ad- I. SPIRIT. j0yned,as its proper Oppoíite,the Word BODT, Corporeal,1l«!4tter 441,67" A Created Spirit is eirherßtcb o: (co/"',Corpgcwpulenh {Dot/i not relate to a Body 5 and that conlidered according to its ‘ General Name, as being a ininißring Spirit. 31. ANGEL deal, D zon. < Special kinds, as Gooïor Evil. » 2 êGOOD ANGEL, Chem/i, Seraphim, Good Genitn. l '

    DEI/IL, .S'atan,l"iend,DiabolicaÍ,D¢2nton,Fury, Goblin, [md Genil”.

    tDoth relate to а Bod) 5 and that conlidered according to its


    ìGeneral Name,as being deßgncdfor the enli'vening and gaio/¿ning „а 9,.> SOUL, Animate, Spirit, Illind, Special kinds, as rendring it; Boal] capable ‘у’ Nutrition and Growtb 5 4. VEGETATIVE, grow. Sen/ë 5 5. SENSITIVE. —


    ` ( evil.

    Difcour/ë and Religion”, together with a fenfe of moral good and

    6, RATIONAL, req/Enable.

    Н 2

    II. А

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