Part. II.
WVM- -—-———-›—
Vl. MODES 0F Dl.
VI. MODES OF DISCOUKSE may be diůributed intofuch as con “Ош”. cern the buíinefs of proving or perfwading, either
rAntecedently 5 denoting (uch forms of fpeech as imply _ "Doubting, or a deßre of being informed b] othert, to which may be op pofed the eneral name for tho/ê return: which other: nuke to jin/3 ll forni: oflpgeech. <
QUESTION , A:k, Interrogate, деяний, exafnin, eapoßulate,
ANSWER, Helpen/al, Reply, Rejoinder, Return.
Knowing or acknowledging, whether
'.lîQ/I`tivef5 Дух‘; a thing to be fo, 0r not to be fo. `SAFFIRMATION , Alle", averr, avouch, рифм Aßëveration, < NEGATION, Den), renonnce,refu_/ê,Recu/ànt,diffu/ow, gain/[1], Po/ltion. e 2.
ffrßlßsßr MJ»
lConditional5 allowing a thing to be _fh for the pre/Ent , that We may thereby the better judge of the confëquences from it, or owning the truth фига bj another, ` SUPPOSITION, Adnait, prernijè, pre/uppijê, Condition, Proviß, ‚3 З Щроффдри! ca_/ë. l CONCESSION,` Grant, Jie/d, allow, acknowledge, adrnit, agree. ` ¿l (onconiitant/)f 5 as the Aůs or parts of it. I [Мою general 5 Sajing ßiniething again/t what another aßìrnu, orfllyi'lg W54! i! ту! centrar] to it.
ÉOPPOSITION, Gain/aj, thwart.
‹ 4' `coNTuADiCTloN. l Arguing again/1 another, to which is oppofed,The fhewing an inßiß l cien in Ли!) argunienn. OB ECTION, Impugnßa‘vil.
I 5' SOLUTION, Solve,An_/wer, Rfyolveßubteifuge, Eva/ion, Ca/ui/t. LMorejiiecial5 relating to ` r(tur own argument: or opinions, by тип‘; the truth of Мат, ог fê conding ßichproof, bj further evi ence. PROBATION , Prove, deruonßrate, evince, Evidence, veriße,
< 6. З
Rea/on, Pre/uniption.
CONFIRMATION, .sn/.1.- ‚ .pabo-f1», wißt».
¿Our adverjarie: argunxenn, by fbewing the тел/«фof Мат, or turn ing the force of then: againß hirnfeljî CONFUTATION, Refed, rejute,eliß>rove, "фа again/i. ' 7’ ЁКЕТОК’ПОЫ, Invert, recritninate. ° Subßquentl), 5 whether Rea/l 5 by „мы; an adverjìty unable to defend his” own opinion , or making hin: to рама: to они, 8 ÉPOSING, Puzzle, nonplna, дате, confbuud,gravel, run down. ' CONVICTION, Sniffe, evince.
Ver/m15 acknowledging the truth of our opinion, or renonncing the error of hi: own. ÉCONEESSION, Acknowledge, own,jield, grant,„фр, cry inert). 9’ RECAN'I'ATION, lìenounce, тетей‘, recal, revoke, unßtj, bite in.