Chapi. ‘ Y i'
49 Y. MIXED v. Mixen NoTioNs or Discourtslì belonging' ЬогЬ to NOTIONS
Grammar and Logic may be difiributed into fuch as are
'I_cjî complex,` _denoting fuch a conipleatfêntence, ‘wherein [Эта/ям; SCOURSL
if either aßirmed д" denied, То which may be adjoyned fu'ch kind of ‚Этим, ‚и by common ufe and long experience have obtained to be . 'ofauthority among/l men.
` PROPOSITION, Theft, flßertion', Point, Doä‘rz'ne, Oli/ervation, l I З Гфйоп, Problem. ' i ° ADAGE, Proverb, 0ld_/aj or 111251?)- word. У l .More complex; whether f Kind: ofdijîourfe,
i Trainee .~ ’ l
More general; denoting fomcthing to be Люкс’: in „флаг, or ńvritten to be jent to othert. z
ORATION, Speech,Harangue,Declamationßratorj,Paneg}ric.
‚ ‘ впьтш, шт.
¿ Moreлит! 5 relating to matters of Faët, [l either the more ifßial l name, or that which denote; what i: commonly jâid bj many. l
NARRATION, Relate, Story, Hißor), Tale, teÜ,‘I`iding.t,Report, recite ,recount, rehearfè, impart,infornz,Tradition, Annuneiati 3.
on,Commentoration, Diary, Diurnal, Gazet, Chronicle, Legend,
bring word, gi've notice, or inteäigence. ' ‚ RUMOR, Brute, Hear-jay, Report, common Fame, Noz/ê, Vogue.
l v i, íExp/icative 5 `according to the ëGeneral name 5
4. INTERPRETATION, Expojition, conjiruäion, explain, expli- ' cate, unfold, Trouchman. Particular ‘фиг’: 5 whereby the words are
"Altered, b] putting them into another language, or into other wordt of the [те language. . < TRANSLATION, Conßrue, ver/ion, inteipret,turn,render. l s’ PARAPHK ASE, Dtjŕant, Metaphraß, Circumlocution. ILEn/arged5by adding (тега! other words for further explication, or' Соли/127015 into fewer Words. âCOMMENTARY, Glcß, Note, Annotation, Striâ'ure,
Scholiaß, Expo/iter. EPITOME, Compendium, Brief, abbreviato, breviate, a
I bridge,ßreviary,ft`tecinä, шкаф, Abßraä, 'Synop/ít, Sj | ßem, couch, centrati?, Summary, стыд, recapitulate. iappendagc: ofdifcouife, lwhether the Extreme z, either the Beginning or the End.
~ ’
PRO LOGUE, Exordium, Preamble, Proem, Introduâ'ion, Pre~ 7 â face, Prelude. EPILOGUE , Concliyìon,
Intermediate; either that which is moŕ'e necefiìry, whereby one part i: to be conneöled to another , or fuch additionalpart as is lefs
neceíiàry to the main Гсоре of the difcourfe.
TRANSITION, tiene. 8'
DIGRESSION, 0n the bhb] the way,Diverßon, Excurfion,Ex-' travagant,glance.