Chap. I.
m. COMPLEX GRAMMATICAL _N'oTloNs of speech, may ¿lì-¿0M be difiinguiihed into fuch as concern the
IfPortion: into which а аЩсоигГс maybe divided, whether more
Tlgâts. N0
ïAbß/ute; either that which а’епо‘е: onclyfomc part of tbe jênfe, or that which Íignifies fome complete fènjê.
CLAUSE, Pdßogc.
< I'
SENTEN( Е, Period,Text,Apborgfm,Apop/Jtbegm, Axiom, Io;
I I <|
pr¢j3`,Mom, Pfyîe, Pbrafe, stile.
Relative5 to the number and order of fuch parts, either the lef,
confiliing of one or шаге/Элита, ór the Greater being an Aggre ate of thefe. ъ 1ЁЁУЕКЗЕ, Stufe, Stanza. ` SECTION, Paragrofg Article, Scene. LF’erj‘ì’â' 5 conteining either a Principalpart, 0r an Intire difêour/ê.
3‘ BooK, ma, maffe.
LKinds of fuch difcourfe5 with refpeët to the
If мат or Words, according to the General типе; denoting either a more loofe and free wa] ofputting
the wordt together, or that which is bound up to тел/Мг. PROSE. 4°
VERSE, Lyrick, Pindariclì, 0de.
j Particular kind: of Verfe; either that which depends only upon i fome s‘îated meajitre of words, or that which doth likcwife {up pìÍ/îëgŕrálgade’in tbe found of the ending. дым“. 'ICH .
5' RIME.
Агат: ог Egniñcation of words, whether
"Natural and according to the ñrů intention of them , or ‚идти! and borrowed, containing а reference to fomething elfe of near
aHinity and Íimìlitude. ` 6
° TRALATITIOUS, Metaphor, Trope, Parable, Simile, Home/j, or Ornate.
' ‚ SIMPLE. 7’ F'IGURATE. Allegorj, Improper, Riddle, Eniguatical. Full, or Dej'ì’â’i've 5 having fomething left out. 8 ÈEDÍ‘PIÈ‘ESS, Plain, open, flat, explicite, Hint,lnkling,meution, et
UNDERSTOOD, Implied, implicite, tacit, iktimated. l LEzjìe, or Düìcult to be underfiood. PLAIN, Ewiderzt, Perjpieuolß, clear, expreß, обойти, ea te, facil, 9 explain, explicate, unfold, il/ußrate, open, makç out. OBSCURE, Dark, ‘тиф, riddlè,¢nigmtieal, deep, profound, bard, dißícult, mjßeriou, intrigue. `
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