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i 46




Part. Il. ‘

II. Thofe particular лилий or (haraò'len, which are agreed upon to'

ßgni/ïe an) one thing or notion,are called by the general name of WORD, Verbal, verbatim, term, endite.

. - -’

That which i: intended b) anyßichßund or Charaóler, is called MEAN ING, Зал/е, .sigayîeanm Purport, Acception, Import, tenor, denote, moral

Words may be dißinguiíhed according to the rGeneral name.` given to the chiefkinds ofthem, whether the more l Principal fuch as figniñe fome intire thing or notion, or the Lcji Princi ‚ pal, fuch as conlignitie and ferve to circumüantiate other words with < I INTEGRAL. (which they are joyned‘.



_ LParticular kinds; whether of "Integral: 5 eontìdered according to their {Палец being either more — l Ahfolute5 denoting eitherthe naked Edén? Ofa Thing» Orth@ EU l p



ABSTR ACT, feparate. CONCRETE, complex.


(and thing it fell:

Relative5 to the

Name: of thing: 5 whether[itch asjigni/ie more

and ofthem

filou, or fuch whofe Íignificatìon doth import their being ad­` l


( jojned to fomething elfe. v

3‘ ADJECTivE. Aäion: or Римом af thing:5 (which is here taken notice of in

f g

compliance with штанга Grammar, tho it be not properly one ßmple part of f ech, but rather a mixture of two, namely the


predicate vand opula.) To which may be annexed that which is commonly adjoyned unto this , to ligniñe the Qnalit] or afie





Place and Order ,in а propoíition, whether that which accord ing to


L natural coníiruftìon doth precede the Copnla, or that which doth

‘ --u

(óìion of the Aüion or Рита”.


SUBJECT. — 5­ PaEmcATE, amaramente, tapan.

(fat/0» a.

tPartic/e:5 whether the

Maß шефу and eflential to ever)l propcßtion. â

6. COPU LA. Lcji’neceßary я "Идти 5 in the room either of fome Integral wordpr of fome

PRONOUN. ( ß’ntence or complex part of it. INTERJECTION. Connexive or declarative 5 whether fuch as are more rProper to Sub/fautive: 5 beingl ufually prefixed before them, ei i ther that whofe otiice it is to join тегу-01101“: integral on the „Никуда of the Copula,or that whichßrve:for the more full and `

Ё8 l ’


(di/linct ezprej/'ionqfSn/gßantiven


Мотив’: to other uordt5 either that kind of particle which 'n ufually adjoined to Verbs, to Ждите/Эта kind of Mode or Cir cumfl‘anoe belonging to them, or that which [эти chieliy for the рупия; of clau/e: or fentencu.


9‘. сомJUNCTION.


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