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Chap. I.

i l




I. The Iirll and more Íimple ingredients required to the framing of Difcourfe or Language, are [tiled I‘ILEMIE’NTS.l Abeda‘rian.

Thefe may be diltinguilhed into fuch as do concern either the sound: made by the Organs of fpeech,according to the ‹ l i General name 5 denoting either that which is jpoken', or theшт l of it in writing. ‚


I I Ёыэттвк, literal. l

CHARACTER, Figure, Note, Letter, Cyphre, O'rthographj." _ Particular kinds; relating to fuch as are 'A -_ _I'More primary and _harp/e5 whether fuch apert found: as are fra

med by a free витая if the breath through the organs of fpeech , or fuch clojedfound: in the pronounciug’of which the i i,

breath i: intercepted by fome collifion or clofure amongft the in lirurnents of fpeech. ’ 2



­ '

а LLefs primary and mixed 5 either that which ( for the molt part) doth confifi ofß‘veral letter:_.prononnced in one continued motion,


or of more Vorrei: coalefcing in one found. SYLLABLE.


l» —

‚ ‹ Tinte or3’paufe DIPHTHONG. ‘ to be obferved in the pronouncing of feveral words"r or '

fentences, according to the


rGeneral name5 denoting that mark which ferves, either" forдр; rating ßich word: as belong to Дым! clau/ë: orfentencca, or for

uniting thofe word: which are to bepronounced a: one.


ттвкриыстюы, Period, Para.

А” ' HYPHEN, Macca'ph. [Particular kinds5

f Le[/ér5 according t0 the degrees OfLeß 0r More



5° - sEMiCoLoN.

Greater 5 according to the degrees of Ьф or More.’


6 äcoLoN.




PERIOD, fudpoint, flop, patß, ‘ф’.

I Il/fanner of Pronouncing 5~ with reference to I'Dillinëtion of _fuch words or‘claufes as are _­ I .f ‚ '— " Leß material 5 denoting that fuch a pafiage, either || is not мифа)" I to make the/ênfe perfeò?, or is added by tra) of Explication Of forne 1 thing preceding. l l l I 7 ЁРАКЕЫТНЕЗКЗ.


PARATHESIS, caparra».

‹ i_More щит! 5 either that which ferves4 to di/iinguiß: ‚Да/2 ntordr, t


wherein the force cy" the [ей/ё doth more peculiarly Conflß, 0r that

which denote: the mord: to be intended to a contrary jin/ê, to what they naturally Íignilie. 8

ЕМРНА513.— -. ' lRONY--ca/Í. l Prolongation of Vowel: , or Elevationof voice in the prolloilncing of any fyllable.

ACCENT. 9‘ ACCENT, awa..

n. тьф

BENI-fg I °

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