44 .
Рака, П;
of DiscouR'sE; Or the leveral notions belonging t5 Grammar or ЬоёйсЬВ
'HE moll general name forthol'e external expreflîons , wherebff 0- V l'
Tmen do make known their thoughts to one another, is DI SCOURSE, Commune, Communication, Farb, Talk, Coßoquie, Traë?, Trcatzfë, bundle, Stile. -
To which may be annexed that particular Wa'y of clil'courfe, тот" ufo, namely by articulate voice and words, called LANGUAGE, `. ' Tongue, Speech, Плана}, dia/eff. v
The feveral things and notions belonging to dîfcourfe, may be dillrìbu ted into (uch as do concern either the
f1,„и „f „а or thofe primary ingredients of which it confifls, ‘ whether flfloreâimplq “Пес! ELEMENTS. '‘
[ф ,Simp/e5 WORDS.
îKz‘mLr у‘ it 5 or thofe fecondary parts belonging to it,y whether fuch as are
ё Proper, to
GKAMMAR. ш. Looic. 1v. . l coMMoN To BOTH. v LMODES ‚у‘ и. VI
I. The '