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‘ Chap. I.

Tranfcendental Relation: of Ailton.


Vl. The General name denoting Tranfceudental Motion or telt, is VL "10N" ITION, Penetrate, Flitt.Going, Pa ing, Remove, Миф, repair,tranfm1_'ßion, i A'

STHTING Abide шт‘;êtage, continue, re/lde, ‘ф„ß ‘ op, ß ick аdumm, detain„hold at it remain щмёфщ Remera. The Relations belonging to this motion,may bediltinguilhed into fuch asare

‘ Solitary, fuppoling but one Perf'on or Thing», with refpeft to its А[Мы/103 toward: or from the Speaker. 1

äCOMlNGj, concour e

Áccelß, Ryort, repair to, frequent, recourß, ce re urn. ‚

GOING, D)epart,recede, return, regret?, ingreß, egreß’, be packing,


bejogging, retire, retrograde, withdraw, :li/lodge, avant, void, Íßipbawazdllink or jneab away, fling away, fab’qf, get gone, fst


ort , ru a ong.

. ‚ kContinuing gf Motion ~ whether г‘гтру, Toward: tliejìme term, or changing of the Term.

PROCEEDING, Petßß, рифм“, perjëvere, рту-ф paß, ad vance, hold or go on,ßetforward or on.

,‹ 2.


TURNING, Winding, I/eare, Double, tack, about, face about,


. wheel about.


[With Dejign 5 either to _frime certainplace,or to no certainplace.

TRAVAILING, Expedition, Voyage, journey, Progre_/i,Peregrinati­ on, Itinerant, Paf/enger, Wayfaring,March,fèt out, Palmer, Pilgrim, Paf', Pit/port. . . 3


WANDKING, Stray, idlray, range, ‘Мёртвый, err ищу/0314111, Vagabond, random, ramble, rome, prole, gad, дуг/10, Rag”, Land.

loper, Labyrinth, .4mbage:. social, fuppohng feveral perfons or things. ` fCaußng another {То go or to come, ­

ЁЗЕМОНЧС ‚ Mißion, mlßive, ‘To/gen, convey, difwifr, Remit,

dißmtch, MeßengemEmbaßtdor, Legat, Envoy, Lieger, Emi/ja <4.

‘у, Currier, Arrant. FETCHING, Bring, reduce, {ММ-00021118. ` To come after, or to go before. l < {ЬЕАВШЮ , Guide, Conduòl', bring , convey , draw , липидн 5. 671011.


DRIVING, Chaß’, drift, expel, repel, „риф, goad, beat bac/1,' Ferret out.

l Coming after another thing in motion, or coming up equal to it. lé. ÉFOLLOWING, Eri/ue, come afìer,puifite, clogging, trace. OVERTAKING, Reach, Тop, Catch,fetch up.

Coming-cy` thing: together from (счета! terms, or the Pretcrition of jòmetbing in our Way. MEETING, Obviate, obvio”, encounter, occurr,Randevouz,¢,


AVOIDING, Decline, Fly, fhun, cß'hew, Wave, beware, фарс,


out of the way.



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