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42 i

Tranfcendental Relations of Aöi'z'on. Part. ll

Ч. EVENT» t V. The General name forthat which follows upon Aûions, elpecially as it relates to the end for which At‘ìions are done,is EVENT, Идти, Шйе, rgßilt, emergence, accrue, осени’, come to paft’,fall out, befad, betide, en jue, prove, redound, happen, light,jiiceede, Lui k, Fortune, End, Sequel, Suc cejí, incident, coincident, intervene,jiipervene, take eßeôl, how farei, goei, ßieedi it, come if it, come to good or to naught. Tranfcendental relations of Aftion belonging to Event, may be diliti buted into inch as do concern the ' ÍExi/ling or not trilling „фа Enddcligned. _ _ — OBTEININU, Acquire, get, procure, attain, reach, gain, compaß‘, re l з cover, take, win, catch, come [трек up. FEUSTRATTING, Fail,di_/appoint defeat,deceive,elude,crqî come

‚Доп ф/Ъф (if, put by, ofno eyfeä, to no purpqß,.vain,void,nullity. Good or Evil accßwing to us by it, with refpeft to the ,flncreaßng or Diminijhing ofour Pqßeífi‘onr. ` ÈGAINING, l ucre,Advantage,Prißßmolunientßtock, the proceed, acquire,get, win, recover, extort. i l a ° LOOSING, Вампир,йесгетепдйе‘гйте’й,ёфёйшпидеуйлжфд ‹ I

wrack, ЛИ”, hurt,hindcrance, out @fonct way. Dimini/hing or [лиц/[яд of our Want. SAVING, грант, take up. (.ßtniptuarhrun out.

3’ SPENDING, Lay out, bejìow, expend, dißicndßxpencefharger,cq/î, LContinuing, or not Continuing of a thing in our PqÜ’îj/ion. rIniperfetfit', denoting the Endeavour and care we aß about it, whe


ther any or none.


LAYING UP, Treafiiring, Pre/erving, Stow, Hoord, Store, Re SQf-iNDRING, Lavißi, profit e, careleß, mißiend, embezel, waff,


unthrifiy, ill hn.rbandry,_/pendthrift, jlying out.

t Per ей‘ ‘ СопБШп ‘in the Good or Ill ucce of fuch Endeavour. 5’

KEEPING, Prjërve, retain, Cu ody,holding, ретуши’), Cellar. LOOSING, Per ition, loßwrack, „Шеф/11”.

Applyingiyr a thing 5 whether more



ìSiniply; denoting the applying of a thing to it»` proper end, or the not _un -_.-s-a`

_ applyingof it ß. .

âUSlNG, Imp/oy, improve, exercifê, occupy, manage, treat, handle,

i 4 6. entertain, n_/eful„farviceable,ßand in goodflead. (hand. ÁBS'I'EINING, Forbear, refrain, pare, withdraw, тем, hold one: ¿Relatively ; as to that ртути” or difatiafaäion of mind which we have `in the u/e of athing. f INJOY lNG, Fruition. Q

7' BEING SICK 0F, NaaßaieJoaih, „шт, fafa, aearyif. i Refilt ofjitch application, in the diminißiing or increajing of our Pain..




ëREFRESHlNG, Камеди, relieve, recruit, relaxation, refeä‘ion,



ì WEARTING, Laßitude, tyring, tedious,faint,fatigue. Hinderancer. _ ~

QUlEbTlNG, Tranquillity, refl,conipofe, fea'ate, _ferene,ji’ill, calm,_/êt 9

0r e at re .

ÉTROUBLINg, Mole/ì, di/lnrb, annoy, difquiet, incumber, МЕД, in terrupt,peßer, cumber, turbnlent,jti`rr, coil, broil, turmoil­­ garboi‘l, perturbation.

Vl. The

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