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hap. I. ' Tranfcendental Relatiom” (др/46720”.


1V. Tranfcendental relations of Aâion concerning fuch things as are {Í'îïanfœßŕ ' 3 10H5 0 alienated from one Район to another , are uíiially called by the General G51M

Name of COMMERCE, Entercourfegïraßck, Pratt-ick, have to do with. MERCE.

Thefe may be diftributed into {uch-as are _ ‹ Froe, and'l not upon confideration i I s Raj/ive 5 Not hindring one to talee or to do'.give wa), giveplace. ­ 'l YIELDING, Sulfaring, permitting,


' SUBMITTING to. Aâ'ive ° ' Ä ' Inipet’feär, denoting зад/‘113,14? to part with, 0r a dtßre to have а thi ng. a ëGFFEKING,Prtfer,tender,exhibit,prelëntgeconinfendßblation. DEMANDING', Require, (hal/erge. .


Perßzâ'; with reíbcöt to the


Pqßßìon ofa thing 5 the Parting with it, or Taking of it. 5'

DELIVERING, Surrender, tranrßrrgefìgn.

2° RECEIVING, Take, entertain, capable, reception, receptacle. — г Right ofa thing, the Parting with it, or Taking of,` it. `


GIVING, Be/low, confer, render,>grant, contribute, гидов’, con


4. à Луи, Gift, Boon, Largeß, Collation, Donation, Donative, Gratis.


ACCEPTING, Receiving, admini/ler, dijpenjê, cli/tribute, To

i benaand Fairing in goodpart.whether fuch ` as concern the ‘fondi/tional, upohtalee confideration,

’ Gau ing of Relation: by Aétions that are . 4 Real.;` The Parting with[лил/ли‘; of one: own for the ufe and‘in the 1 flead of another, or the rtfìoring what another hathfoparted with. ‚ I . '_ DISBURSING, Be/ìomdefray-,extendJay ont, Bntjarßrincipal. s' REFUNDING, Вера], return, reinzbnr/ê. i Verbal then:5 tothean Comparing e reality. and nica/firing ofparticular: Y ’ , or reducing ‘

RECKONI G, Conipute «Ноя, count, account, caß account, Cal

‹ 6. ‚ culate, Audit, «.S’core,y Tay). _ д l Relation; BALLANCING, them/elves enfuing Eveningupon of Accounts, fuch Atï’tions Quitting , whether fcorer,as having L ­ßnnewhat ofone: own in another: poßßionprjöntething ofanother: in one: own poßlfìort. ­


BEING CREDITOR, Lending, Loan. l 7'

BEING DEBTOR, 0wing,Debt,uponfcore, in one: boekt, behind hand, Arrear.

tCeaßug or dmolution of_[ìich relation: by fome Aft of the ’

- ВеЬйо’; either by reßoring what if due, or by being rendred unable for it.

З PAYING, rDiefraj, difcharge, jatñfe, reintburjf’, Annuity, Poun-­ ё 8. dage, Shot, re/ponfible. Í

FAI LING, Break , Banbrout.

LCreditor-3 Aclenowledging re/ìitution, or Giving awa] hi! right to it. ACQUITTING, Difŕharge, детище, Receipt, clear accountr. 9’ FORGIVING, Reruitting, pardoning, put up, ~­.. .






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