Tranjcendental Relationr of Áäiion..
Part. Не
{ffl-2:12(- Ш. ТЬОЁЮМ of Aûions about which men befiow their time and labour, are B U S 1- .Called by the »general name of BUSINESS, „ради/ь Cbare,'1“ranß&ion Moneglia и E s s' дед Agent,negotiatc,oecupie, iclìleyneddle, intermeddle,dealing, iinplojnient,aůive.
То which may be opp ed the Negation or being free from (uch Aûions l‘iiied' LEAS’URE, Vacation vacant,idle or [pare tinte, unoccupied, râßrite.
Tranfeendental „шт of BUSlNESS,may bc diůribute into fuch as are ‘ Preview to it.
.Mental or Verbal.
DESIGNING, allot, appoint, plot, preordein, projeä'. 2 I ’ UNDERTAKING, enterprize,talte in band/Et #pongas/e.
(Íite materials.
Real r, either moregeneral or morejpecial, with refpeů to the providing ofrequi 2
PR EPA RING, Parade, Рустам‘, read), nea/te iva), jïtting, Tuning, Harbinger.
` . ` FURNISHING, Äî'qnipage, ‚миг, ready. Part: of it 5 whether
,fInitial, with refpeů: to the Firß entrance upon а buíinefëi, either Real or seeming. ÈBEGIINNING, 1псЬол’е,йпййа’дсоттепсе,Март’, Spring, Rijë, 01-13! nal, ßrß, fet about,_fèt [оп/з, jêt afoot, go in band witb, enter upon. 3.
OFFERING, Propoß, prefer, tender, bid, proponnd, overture.
(be done,
Application oftbe labor, either to tbe doing of any thing,or to know zvbetber it can ÈENDEAVOURING, Devoir, beßir, adoo, coyl, flic/(le, flrein,ßrive,ßruggle, фига make a ßir, do one: be/i, reacb after, la) ont for. 4
l <
ESSAYING, Trying, ja), attentpt, prove, ‘пир: ation,Te/t, Experience, enter
prize,venture,jòund,taß,toucb,rnn tbe rick or adventure.
(longer tinte.
l Medial 5 with refpeeì to the time beftow’d in the doing of it, whether/borter or l
5~ <
ÉDISPATCHING, [да/105916011, big/9, onward,barry,precipitate,jpeed,Ce/e rit), Expedition,ßdain, apace, out of and, cnt/bart. ‚' I
PROTRACTING, Delay, dejèrt, retard, flac/een., „рт, tarrbfm/Im, linger,v prolong, lengthen, prorogue, procraßinate, dal/j, lagg,ßand about, tobi/ing about. of,pnt agr, pri/l of, /pin out tinte'.
{Final 5 with refpeft to t e
"End of*tbe Aòiion;
either the фаз”; ofwhat we undertake and profefs, or
1 l
our ailin in it. j PERFäRMING, Accompli/hing, Atcbieve, fufbveriße, clifibarge,execute, ’ 6. à keep, objërve, exploit, make good, bring topa/ì. . I I/IOLATING, infringe, break, trejpaß tranfgrtß {Aäion itßlf; whether Perfeël or Impetfeů‘. FINISHING, Conclnding,ending,accomplßinâfnß'l, performing, ceafe,give over, Period, Тerm,ultintate, laß, conßentinate, determine, di/patcbeel, clone, 7-
MgaágírâpT/Èîrëlapäipìßut up, wind np, elo/e np, draw tg ‘фут’, gbo‘tbi-ongb
, not az ing. ,rim erreurfe. ` Hinderancet of it 5 either rigbtljn ing tbe meant, or not :dingwit fonte of' t/Jeni.
j I
ÉERRING, Swerve, ‚(Ира/174}, a/iray, nti/take, overßgbt, deviate,falter,faßible. beterodox, Fallaej, wrong, antiß, awr), being ont, beßde tbe niark OMITTING, Preternez't, Wave, decline, default, фарс, lap/ê, leave, „ждем, balk, ftperfêdgoverlook, шарф: preterition, overßip, overt/(ip, let paß', paß
Ь; or over, la) aßde, bold one: band. iLHelpe of it; denoting either avoiding nti/lake: at tbe beginning, or „атм; nii ßake: afterwards.
PRhVENTlNG, Anticipate, Preview, aforeband, fore/lai, Рог-едите’.
9” авмввпыс, mangi, sii-ft, aftergme, Help. IV. Tran~