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Chap. I.

Tranfcenclental Relation: of Áöîion.

39 _

Il. Tranfcendentallìelation: ojïióiion _COMPAKATEL are fuch as do concern. п‘ “Щ ‘fDiver: . _ thing: _ at thejàme tzme5 , whether fuch kind ­ of Afhons . as from the nature'ltîmalánsm el . _

be Called




‘Сирена! of the Agents

‚ denoting

or Patients, the may


'i Caufíng if thing: to be together or a/icnder.


ì l l


_]OINING, annex,Connexion,couple,link, copulation,concatenation,conja„_


¿lion,Coalition,coherent,copulative,conglutinate,combine, compat?, fet grim;


a’ I. together. l SEPARATING, Segrcgate,ßtnder,fèver, едим”, divide, diijoinàdf/îmiieâdiß l

jêä, dijo/ve, part, take in piecer, di:junäz`ve. ‹

_ ’i ‘ ‘

. ~,

i 1 t Continuing them together or afitnder. ADHEARING, (Леша, flick to, cling to, hang together, coherent, in/epar„[,]e_ ° ABANDONING, F(„Ё/(г, Dejêrt, RelinquißJ,Leave,Forgo, Flinch, gint, Derek

шок, forlorn, dqiitutcgßaalìe or cafi of, ßart back, give over. i Mental; Putting of things together or a/under APPLYING, la) orput to.

3’ ABSTRACTING. t»_ _-_ Both Corporeal and Mental 5 with refpeÜt to the _qu-_*

Taking in bf feveral things, or the leaving out of fome. ÈCOMPRÈHENDING, Contain, сетует, Implj, Involve, Incio/ê, Include,

{пе/‘фиг, hold, complication.


EXEMPTING, Except, reßrain, ~ß’clude, exclude, five.,/Ítlvo,feit g/îde. Putting of thing: together, the better to judge of their Iikeneß or'unlzkenqi, щ examining of them for the dißingui/hing of that which is right and true. COMPAKING, Conferr, Collation, rejêmble.


5~ TRY, Prove,5’earch,Temptation,Experinzent,te§l,touch, eocarnin„gagepnnfèpQ/êa ­


l_ljheßme thing: at diver: timer, whether the lame as to rsubßance 5 Íignìfying either the doing of the finie thingЛюси! time:,or the making

of a thing to be dißerent at one time from what it ma: before. REPEA'UNG, Iterate, reiterate, recite, render, rehearß,redonhle,reduplicate, i 6 З


inculcate, ingerninate, recapitulate,renew, afreßmgain, Tautologbthe burden,

cHANGlNG, Mana-aa, cabalier, staff.

l ‚ IQnantity5 Thegiving hack of the veryjante thing,or offòncething elfe equal to it. l

KESTORING, Give back, Reßitution, refund, return, Reßauration.

I 7- COMPENSATING, Recontpenfê, award, make antend:, remunerate, quit, re. ‚ quite, retaliate, retribute, reparation,paying, ft, being even with, meet with, l make good, cr)l quittance, likefor like, onefor another. ` fatality 5 endeavouring tojhetv how another thing it, or to do the like, REPRESENTlNG, declare, [Ищи/ЛИ!) preßnt.

Ig’ lMlTATlNG, Mimick, рек/отл, take forth, follow. tia/ë âdaS means to an end , The making of a thing more _fît or ley? fit fir if,

en .



REPAIKING , ¿lending , Bettering , Improving , correâ' , reä‘i/îc ‚ „new reedifïe, Emendotion, Inßauration, Redre/Ír, Ё: to right, make good, mak; up, patch up, piece up. SPOILING, Marring, corrupting, дереве/сумрак, газе, ßrape or crq/Ír out,

еще: werkt. lll. Thofe


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