Tranfcendental: Relation: of Áëïioo Part. II. TRANSCENDENTAL nÈLÀrioNs oFV HAcTioN, may be
diftributed into fuch as are more SIMPLE. General.-
âS/Ier‘jdl; denoting either
(ßusiNEss. 1n.
âSo/itar)l s wherein more then one perfon is not necefiàrily fuppofed. Socia/5 “herein more then one perfon is necefiarily fuppofed.
(thingr, are fuch as do concern
l. 'lraryfrudeutal refpcfts of AfTlON SIMPLE or relating to [ingle
IÄêIŕAg-Ñ of i SIMPLE.
f'lhe General condition ofa thing denoting the making of it to be И’, or ‘APUTTllG, Set, Lay, .Maken (to be otherwifê.
I‘ А LTERING, (hange, Юг}, Mutation, ß’ift, Revolution, Vieil/linde, | One: right in a thing 5 whether
(Categ/irztphe, мстит/‚ф,
Í 5 fllaking бунт he hir, or not to be hit. АРРКО1-‘К1АТ1КС, пиши/ё! apart, engrofr, штора/Кв. 21 _ALIEN/1 'IING, ‘лиц/гл‘. tjlrange, ptt/fama] one: right.
Doc/.firing Yit to he lm, or not to be hir. u
.i ÈCLAIMING', Ontningßhal/enging, Dernand, arrogate, aßìn/Qprqftj?, ,i 3 .
. atttiluteafcribe, take upon hint, declarefor.
i" _
L ABDICATIIAG, cli/claim, cli/own, renounce, relinquijh,rqfu_fê, rejet?, rtpudiate, def'rgfor/Ítkç, di/àvow, difherit, cxecrate, [душем-‚де
f "
` ßitute, ведет/а} aßde, put away.
i One: Штат: 5 with refРей to the {Cat/jing of _a thing to be in one: Poßl/ion or not. TAKING, .S’ejìngßpprehendzng,rqitnie, jìtrprize, a nnte, intercept. .g _' LEAKIAÍG, I_ìelinqn/jh, Reßdue, jìIr/ake, filare. I Í . Being of a thing in one: poßel/ìon, or the not being qfjïich a thing in one: < I
p'oßcLl/ion a: he ought to have. ‚ _ ’ HAVING, in hand, hold, poßßf. v s'âW/INYING, indigent, lack, nnf’, need/ity, need, решу. l C
.Continuing a thing in one: Рис/Доп 0r not. 6 âI-IOLDING, Detain, Retain, Keep.
‚ ~
° ETTING G0, Dißniß‘jiirrender, give up, Shed, C'aß, шт, rg/ign. LThe Knowledge of thingr, with refpeët to the . l’Endeavour of knowing, or the goodßtcceßofßtch endeavour. I -‚ ЗЕЕКПЧЁ, [Еле/д,feelfor,grape, ran/rick, rummage, ,@feff, 7" FINDING, „мы, out,„пе/1 out, Foundling. (луч; a thing to be knoirnpr hindring it front being known. ' SHEWING, di/clcyì, deteëï, betray, reveal, dtjŕover, declare, de j ,y той/Эти, renten/irate, render. ., . ~ ___U’WCAQIVCEALING5 Hide,Shelter,Supprcf5’, Sculk lurk. Secret,`Private, l . Latent, occult, underhand, elije, clancular,c¿inde/line in a corner,
inîhugger тише)‘, гесфёгштед/йпь ntich,fneak_,/lzp, orßealaroaj, "
cloke, veil,‘hoodwink, тих/ь rnußíe.
ф’а’ф’лд other: to be perfeöî/y known, or to be thought jb. MANIFESTING, Apparent, Evident,plain,jlqt, open, confpicuoua, 9;, >.iper/pieuauf, gbviouo, certain, clear, palpable, fbeuv, declare, certtße ' з(“3: jbrth, corne to light. .I ‘ SEEMING, Sernblance, Shew, Pretence, Pretext, ‘Z_)ntbrage, Colour, .
a fhem, a blind, Fornzal,Appear,pal/tate,fain, bear in hand, naakt
auf, rnakejhew oßßteciouo, dtßuifê, Eyfervico.
II. ‘Tran