Chap. I.
Tranïfcendental: Tůixt.'
VI. That thing which is made up of (счета! 1еПег things united toge- VI. Ttanfcen. AL', ther Utter/),¿Ztriite is called by the and name clean,plcnary. of WHOLE,
Total, Integral, Intire, Stimm, PART,
Thofc leßer things, by the union of which another greater thing is made up, are ítiled by the common name of PARTS. Particle, Parcel, partial, Divide, ‚тяге, drflribntc, driblet, portion, piece, pittance. The tranßendental relations of whole and part are (uch as denote a refpeâ to gluem!) "Continued, in regard of the
{Qta/it); of Goodneßor Badncß‘of fuch parts. BEST PART, Qgintcß'ènce, Cream, Flower, the heartfïop. I' WORST PART, Rejufe,Scuntm,Dreggr, draft,dro_/f„ rabbi/h, tare, bran, chtwf, носит‘, ‘га/1’,garbage, еды.
I Tinte, either-that which is ßrfl taken, whereby the goodnefs of the whole is to be meafured, or that whichisßipcradded after the l n SAY, taße, touch,ßantling. ’ (whole. I ‘Ё " I/ANTAGE, ßirplu:,ovctpltor, to boot, over and above, over-weight, ‘ l corollaty,jîtpplement, vai/I'.
Place; fpecially in liquiab, either that part which in feparation doth I
ri/è to the top, orthat which fall: to the bottom. SCUM, Sander'er, Mother.
l 3- ЗЕВПИЕМТ, ß'tlingfaput тогдашний, 1ее1,с1те3:‚}%си1ет‚тс/‹‚
kFigure 5 fpecially in folids», whether Houndi J5 in greater parts, or in lqßir parts.
ÉLUMP, Bolo, Morf‘l, Bit, Cant/c, Luncheon,Gobhet, Hammock, 4
Stub, литр, grumotn, clottcd, clod, turfe,_/od.
POWDER, Mш, Вид, Corn,l Grain, Crum, Grate, moulder.
Oblong, made either by Cutting, or by Breaking, CHIP,Lamin, Scale,Flake, Flaw,Flitter,_[hive,Лёша‘,fplinter.
l l
5' FRAGA/IENT, Piece, Scrap, Sheard, tatter, Flitter, rag,`[breadjnip, ßive,jlice,cob/op, cut.
l Dijŕontinued 5
denoting the refpeól: of
L г.
A Part put to anotber, or the whole as‘being made up of_ßtchpartt. 6
ADDITUM , item, put to, infert, cke out.
' S'UMM, lay or couch together, ca up, count, draw to a head, come amount ‚фа; btheri, total inorthe ole. remaining фирм/э ta/¿ing iA ParttoJttt/¿en outDfrom thewwhole out.
¥ ‚ ЗАВЬАТПМ, abate, defalk, rctrench, dcduäl, ßcbduâ, ßtb/lraâ‘, 7
take awa).
RESID'ZJE, overpluf,jïtrplußrge, arrear, remainer, remnant, left be l ‹ hind, the other, the ‘ф, relichg, ort:, Тему, revetjïonr, gloaning, will, odd-cnd:,flnb:,ßump:,ßubble. ’ A Part repeated a certain number (уйти, f5 as to equal the whole, 0r
the whole conhdered a: it is _ß made up.
8 миьтшывв, Side. l ’ PRoD‘DcT, reóîaagle. A Part taken out Íuch a certain number of time: a: leave: nothing of the whole, or that number of time: which is the correfpondent 9 DIVISOR. (part.
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