m“Tranfcenfilentall' Minet,
Vffrfmfœnil-n Relation?
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‘Пал/Видели! Relation: of
Part. Il
STR ICTLY, may be diftributed into fuch as do concern either thcir rBeing ‘ The jante or divert. i LIKENESS, similitude, jlniilar, a zmilate,re/ën1ble, reprcfcntation 1
Specie: Idea Image Eßigier Portraiture.
l ÉUNLIKEI’VESS’, Dil/in’zí/itudcfdil/ìmilar,degeneratie. l Circumßancer g whether fSpecial, relating to their lf Place,either the being of things in their duepgßtionßor out of their
duc places.
g Суд-511%’?2110"‚Мс1Ь001,атм;,!т1тИ1е,та›;/Ьа1,та1{у,йпframe, 1_ po e c ige range. CONF 'ZJS’1UN, l)wrderßhapfödjßhao:,GaUimaufr ,tumulti-ont,
lll ll. l ,c ‹
l l I
coyl, dijbeveled, diß‘anked, out of frame or order, promiycuoac,
lPrcpojterom, Ь z ь Ruffle, 1' uShußle u ’ fcamble, nerr), ur) ur] pe me .
clutter, blunder, J'umble, _ Time, either the being of thingsac ‚фа/д the) are, or their being othernnje then commonly the] nj@ to be. ` ` §ORDINARINESS, common, Wal, trivial, currant.
3"¿IïX'IH/IQR'D‘ÓIÍV/illîINESS, fí'range, uncâmth, unaßtal,umnented, of note nota с, notariato: О щ‘; Para ox.'
General, The being of things ‘заем-‘11% to certain rule: or not fo. REGULARNÉSS, right, тайге, rule.
4’ EXORBITANCT, Irregularneß', Enormit), Dißrder, extravagant, Ii centiour, wild, fault_y,wrong, loofe, immoderate, unruly, unbridled,
out ofjèuarc, laß) out, Hetcrocljtc, Anania/ow. _ Being ‚(птиц either to man)l or few. PU BLICKNESS, Notorionr,famouc,common,extant,open,l>eing out,
, l
or abroad, Declaration, Manifeßo, lìemonßranceßdition., Promul gation, fet forth or ont, jhm», jpread, Митя, publi/h, proclaim, di ` 11u/ge, denounce, produce, poß up, conte to light, high way.
PRIVATENESS, underhand, clancular, claude/tine, retire, between tbengßlver.
LMixture with or addition of other things, when they are iBetter for„под mixture, or Woife for being without it lORNATENESS, adorn, jet out, Deck, beaurlji'e, embelli/lntrimm, ` f —« 6. ‚
tric/g, tire, garni/h, fleuri/h, dreh". prank, Ornament, Grace, flo rid, neat, [таза/Риге,е1с$ат,9иат1,Листа/де,3а],3аиа)‘,30г
geom“, flaring, garijh, jlaunting, Gallantßparlg, Bracelet, Plume, Garland, Ouch, Sie.
r. .,_ . _ _
B lHOA/JELINESIS, ßtnple, rough, rude, untrinzmed,ploin, bald. etterfor being withoutßtch mixture, or worjê for it. ’ PUKITY, Cleanneß, linde/fled, Афиша, ßnc, тф‘пе, щщмшд, 7. jìoure, purge, puriji'e, clarifie, depuration, neat, abjleijîve.
DEFILEMENT, иным, тршщ , ‘те/ели , fm1, fqualid, bedawb, befmear, bezvraj, contaminate, flabber, flabber, Лиса",
jbil, _btb/j, pollute, daggie, flurry, fmutch,fnutt, ftain, ado), сш
rufe, .1t/11. VI. That