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Chap. I.


lV. Tranfèendentallîelationi belonging t0 QUALITY, ai corjìdered W-Tf‘mfœn

Mone LARGELY, may be annahm-d im@ meh kind of Relations as äîìgï‘ç‘ëçf are either



Sing/e5 containinga refpeft to the

l fCanfe ofa thing, whether none or any, The being ofa thing,the firfi of


its kind` or not.


ÉPRIMITIVENESS, Root, original, [игр/е, nnderived.

, L_ l‘JERII/ATII/.ENES‘SQ conjugate, Notation, Etymology, tranfmilßon.

l г ВЁЗЖЭЮЁЪТЕЁЁСКЬЫ without or with any other between. ` MEDIÁTENESS. t

Next '


of being, whether of it _fe/f, or by virtue Ofjîimethi'ng l мы?“ 2. ’ intirely ' e e. ` ‘ › Í ABSOLUTENESS, Independent, Freehold.


3- DEPENDENCT, Under. «I l Degree: of Being or Caufality, whether /aperior and before all others, or inferior, and after fome others. PRINCIPALNESS, Chief, Special, Ringleader, fâveraign, fiipreme, _ 4

paramount, jïrß, main, arch, prime, primary, capital, cardinal ’

fundamental, Top, Head, Illa/ler. ACCESSORINESS, Abet, adherent, jëcondßompanion, Party,(`opart­


ner, Complice, Appendage­` Label, Appartenance, „дышит, col lateral, con/ciotat, privy, _fide with, bach, parta/ie, participate, by


the way, by the by. Mutual; whether more ’ Рфй‘ие 5 fignifying one thing either to have or not to have Relation ' to fome other.

г PERTINENCY, belong, appertai'n,appofi`te, to thepurpqßyonching, 5.

concern, material, relate to,`ß'rve for, incumbent on.



IMP‘R'IINEA'CT, not to thepiirpiú,'~.extravagant,` Лет/ф wide from the matter, wild, idle, improper. М устраните, denoting (uch relation to belong onely to ‘one 'or `few, or to many.

6 ' ЁРКОРЕКЫЕЗЗ, COMMONNESS, incommnnicable,owner, ig/iial, vulgar, шутит, general,prtylitute. peculiar, concern. ‘s` ``­ ' '

F 9-




V. Tran;

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