_Tranfcendentalt Mixt. ‚
Part. .II _"
nlJtmffw-f ш. ¿grandma 1re/.nm of DISCONTINUED.. QUANTITY ЁЁЁ‘ЁЁ; “for Number,may be diftributed into fuchas are either — 'z T
Eb а: comparative, denoting either а `greater or leßer number then ordi
gY‘ANÜ ~ i“
nary. | ÉMULTITUDE, wan), numerous, a world of, multiply, {пена e, <î I.' FEPWlf/Ègssïßl’auczftj, ro a ate ore, шпиц/дек, rout.elimini/li' decreafêî тф‚с"от1_г/этаид‚ [та/1 number, ‘Ми,
ing. tePvßtiveg concerning the rNumber of things, whether _ l One, ornrpre then one.
SINGULAKITY, Individual, numerical, ‚щи.
„ z2' PL‘UMLITT, more
«So/ne or AL’. ÉPÁRTICULARITY, ßecial, peculiar. ‹ 3’ 'ZJNII/ERSALITT, Стили], (‚п/„1164, Oecurnenical, :mno/ì.
’ -
Kind: of things, whether One kind, or AL’ kinds.
SPECIA‘LNESS, peculiar,particular.
4' GENERALNESS, All. fart: of which number «МНЕ, whetherEqual or ‘дивана! Units.
,k W EVENNESS, Parity,V ,A ‘ 5‘ ODNESS; {три-19’, uneven.
i Радио” of things numbred, denoting their ‚Ч ’Being in а _ßate offeparation from others, or in aftate of conjun
` ¿lion wit-h Íeveral others.
‘J y
SEQREGATENESS , _[ê‘ver, fet apart 0r a
e, ¿nab/ir, Ana
ш”), piece-meal, la) retail, diß‘ence, di ‘Наше, one la) one, Parce/r, bjpole. '
AGGREGATENESS, Traìn,'1'r0op, CanapanjJ’arty, ScuÍLSwarnz,
” Team, Flock, Heard, Pac/(_, Cov), S/Jeaf; Bale, Bundle, Fardle,
Bunch, Glu/ler, Groß/1] Меры‘. ` Order, belonging either to Thingr, or to Wordt. ’ SERIES, Rank, Row, Clafr, fuceeßìve, Chain, Cour/5,1ìace, col ` 7. ì
lateral, Concatenation, Alphabet.
CATALOGUE, Index, Table, LiL/l, Role, Bi”, Serale, Terrier, a particular, Cargo, Inventor), Mißcßirnpannel, Genealogy, Pe digree, Vocabulary, Diä‘ionary, Lexicon, Nonzenclat0r,'A/nza _
nach, Calendar.
Parti` of an aggregate being all together. 8. SUIT, Pack, Set, Me/t, ailing. ~'
lV. Tran