Tranfcentlentalr Mixt.
Part. Il.
e TRANSCENDENTAL Relations MIXED, may be diliributed into fuch as do belong either Q‘LSIANTI‘IY, as conlidered ( to ore GENERALLY.
More rellrainedly , to I
I @ALITY , as confidere more Í г LARGELY
STRICTLY. V VI ` L WHOLE and PART. I. TRANSCENDENTAL mixed Relation: belonging to @ANTITY conlidered MORE
1. Tranfçcnd,
Relations of GENERALLY, may be dillributed into fuch as do concern the meafureof things compared ei (LuANTlTY
roi/m things of the fame kind or company
f Indefinitely; as to
(rl-,gr with
l'Being or Subllaiice, namely when the things compared are confidered
‘ f singly and intirc, Being either of an ordinary Iize,or more or le/i then ordinary.
r iNnirrEitEisca, Pmi, tig, pagaba, fea/mile, ‚ь ‘а. t.
l i | i
GREATNESS, Magnitude, ample,large,vafhhuggimmenß,grandgnonflrouß p10 di iori.t,{òuml, 'ivirigin ‘Кайф; deal,'n vjfbul dej,, whiileer, Судя‘. main, much, mag nife, agg пиши, ernggeran , LITTLENESS, Smalnejì, Perry, Minute, Modieum, Standing, diminutive, laß, leaŕ},poof,tihate, alla), ‘химии, Elf, Dwarf, Shrimp, Tit, Dandipmt, P/gmy.
LConjunHly; as conl’ifling of feveralindividuals or parts, whereof there are together nn ordinary numher, or more or [ф thm ordinary.
1 2 ЁМЕВ1ОСК1ТТ, a pretty deal, an indiferent quantity, mean, кармы“. ‹[ ° i" ABO'UNDANCE, яхты: deal, much, a world, affluence, plenty, llore, copious, i'fig/h, jlm'nte, flow, fluengluxurianr, enough and to лит‘. SCARCITI‘, Liitleywant,deanl,pinchin , fram, lian, ]с}ипе,1ас(.
‘il l
Uff, with refpeët to the quantity of it, wher er fuch as may by its juli proportion promote the end, or fuch as may hinder it,by being too тип/1, ог too little. i I 3’
SUfFlCIENCY,enough,/aig or much euouglr,ronzpetene;,rnoderare,fatiißgßrve,wellful EXCESS, Redundanee, „(рт/1141:], neerlleß, exuberance, teo much, overmurh, wef i chaîge, eloyŕ,l gìlutt, flut/Zet, [шеф ‘хп’ете, immodemte, luxuriartt, rank, out of rea~ on 'wa your a out. I l DEFÉÍÍL‘LI", Aït’jelnzâtglâlark, need, pemefy, irrdigent, meeßitous, deflitute, ‘птиц/‚111,‘ a denoting orto e the er,jejun¢, нет, @aan oifit, being ofineom a thing of in
- in виден’.
ordinary gooadnefr, or more or Щ} then l INDIFFERENCY, Pretty well, tolerable, not ami/Ã'. (ordinary. i
EXCELLENCT, extraordinarygood, efninence,prehem"nenee, egrrgionßeximioue, incom
parable, fir erlat'ive, fovemign, tran/cendmt,_ßngular, heroic, high, no1/le, gallant, choice, МЛ}: ‚так, remarkable, rtotahle, Paragon, Mirfour.
l I.
t SORRJNESS, mean, poor, vile, trivial, contemptible, dejpimhlqßipperyßî'a/L, Imm pery, Raf, lfcnm, Dńtgbljilly, flight, paultrßjrnrvy, poor,eourfe, flat, perlling, cShÃap,_wÃrthS_/t,b1~ellzl)twl,l Siga/i, ëolrlnpgmpìn, Кар“, Varlet, так’), Scoundril, i щит‘; ~, :istorp-jnc , nu , reim, п‘: i i i .i е.’
1 Being; either of the fame degree, or more or left.
EQLLALITY, Бампер, parity, peer, match, шт, adequate, eeguipollmt, adjufl, 5’ {INEQQALITI} unequal, addr. (halve: with, a: типу“!!! one. (l S'UPERIORITI', ahorre, upper, advantage, odds, preheminence,furmount, ovrrpaji, ‚
IÃx’rîíLgo jeyorîd, aryl-g3, get the Burnt, top, exrjlll, pref/ril, predominant. ‘_
un er~irxg
l а varita e,a aprome
'ZJ/e; as means to an enti, when one’ thing hat ‘L as another, or more or lili'.
the jame degree: of’iîtnefs for an end
6 {[@IVALENCL пишет/111. ’ ‘ BETTERNESS.
Ihemßlver ; in refpeéì of their ¢ ` l i' Being or fubllanee,either continued the fame,or changed to lmore or left,
è AT A STAND. (prove,rt/È,grow, gam,come forfwtmlnrefìelnt. INCREASE, Augmentation, progreß,inerement, enlarge,magmße, ampliße, идти/мыт i DIMIN'UTION, ,15mn 13,1", fwage, ajfwnggdefreaje, extmuate, mince, mitigate, alla),
A l _
retremh,rehnte, fhrinle.
(LUALITYin generabeither continuing in an ordinary degree,or being changed to more or leß. < 8 ,JUST TEMPER. '
i í
INTENTION, heighten, Rrein, raife, aggravate, exaggerate, сидит“, mhaunre, acute, i cutting, keen, fore, piercing, vehement, urgent, eager, earneß, deep ‚Дни ama/n, greatly,
much. (_[lendereweale , dead,dilute,dull, filmt, gentle, light. REMISSION, Ahate, allajnflalehjlackm, Ífri/age, aß‘fwage ‚Штйнф:2 mitigate,ßight,cold,
i 'Z2/ë; when things either continue as they were,or elle become more or lelrgosd. L 9'
KEEPING AT A STAY. {lmprovbI-s‘diße, hatch, „нм, clont,patch,Progreß,adv/rnef. MENDING, emendation, hettering,Repar.1t:omlůeformatiomRei‘lauration, rorrefhrea'rejr, _ MARKING, lSpoiling, D¢prave,1mpair,jpill, taint. alloy, tuur, corrupt, „мы“, waff, II. Tran