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Chap. I.


VI, Thofe more general refpeůs and habitudes which feveral things YL MODE

or notions have to one another, are (tiled by the name of MODE, nean

ner, way, fort, fajhion,guijë, wife, garb, тиф, form ­alit}, kind. 'Ihefe may be difhnguilhed into fuch as are I'Internalg` denoting that

In which another thing езгф‘жэ or 'the thing jh всё/15:13 in another SUBJECT, liable, obnoxioue, expojêd, так", Text, Theme, under l.

goe, capable.

ADj‘UNcT, грима, inherent. About which a thing i: itnplojed. ‘ i a. OBJECT', niark, lß‘ope, butt, treat, handle, тише with, have to do with. lLExternal 5

With which thing: are accompanied or done 5 according to the l i Kind: of them, either in General, or Люда/д of fuch things, as are I I I ‚

remarkable for Extraordinarinefs and Статей. ЁСШ CUMSTANCE, Rite, Ceremony.

< 3. SOLEMNITY, Grandeur,flate, Pornp,Port, celebrate,ßlenanize, Rite.



l LConjêquenceojr` them; or that habitude refulting to any thing from ‹ -f the coníideration of all its circumliances together. I i 4. Eßateßoïdition, Cafè, j'unäure,Lil<gng,ntanner,paßpzchle, l ё

1g t, in] шт. in ooknonfn. re air. Bypwhich thinggic


i 5, SIGN, Badge, Token, Marh, Note, S}ntptorne,Sjnzbol,Index, Indica v' tion, Cue, Print, Scarf, Track, Signature,ßgnijïe, Beacon,becÍ{en,BoatÍ,

l ртом, pre age, Prodigie,portenton:, ontinoue, außoicionc. l lkAccording to w ich an)l thing i:,or i: donc, relating either to the

‘ Order obferved in the being or doing of things, whether by '- Oneper/on or thing after another who hath left hi: place, or for ano

l ther who is onely „ifm from his piace. I I 6 ЁКООМ, as Зш’сеДдга Caliph, apply, place. <I ' STEAD, as_ßibßitute,Магнит, jêrvefor,jîtccedaneona, De l '

par) , Surrogate, Vicar , Delegate , шее-‘ветви: , Atteurnej, Broaker, Рада", т lien, Liet/tenant, Proäor, Prox).

¿Twoperßm or thing: either one after another, or one with another. 7

TURN, Coutß, alternate, [ec-ond, bont. ° RECIPRO CATION, rnutual, interchangeable, interconçů,

сон-фонд. ' Í Ё Meaßere: of Being, whether the more General naine for fuch thea lures,difíerenced according to more and МВ, or that [жди lq'nd


which denotes the jodain and jhort Being or Doing of any thing ° according to a greater meafure. (and little. 8 ÍfDEGPtEE, gradual, a ßiice, aßrein, gradation, leaßtrelj, by little


` UMPETUS, Fit, Paroxjfrn, brunt, cra/b, ф", pang. Муфта: of Being; with reference either to fome common agree

il. E. .lim-.A-

` nient and mutual dependance,or to fome incotf/lßency betwixt Идет. ЁСОСНАТ ION, Aßnitj, Nearneß. 9° OPPOSI'IIUN, атм/метр; contrary, counter, repugnant, with

ßand, againß, „др, thwart, other'I jîdtgadverfe, Antagonii‘î, An tithejn, confront, iinpugn, oppugn. Tran

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