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Ch'ap. I.

Tranfcendentalr General.


42 9

IV. That kind of Dilference betwixt things, which relates to Aóti- W' m1"

ons @mindering the End,m..y be fined DisAonEAßLEuEss, .mam- ¿Egli-¿$5 ble, difêrepant.

fhe‘END 0f

FIo which may be oppofed the Notion of CQNVENIENCY, agree- “hm” nient, agreable. ßetabfe, jerving, cornrnodiour.

Thele may be diftinguifhed into fuch as are ' More Simple 5 denoting their _ ‘ Рйпфк o promote, or hinder our well-being. ' l PROFITABLENESS, Advantage, Betreft, Ernoluinent, тему},

Concern, Boot,Frnit, 'Uli/it), Cornrnodioua, Ediß'e, [fand iff/led, i I’


i l


pernitiour, локти, noijonr, damniße, endarnznage, impair, an

no] , diÁv/eq/ure , na’ught for , vermin, weed.

i <

i -

good for, avail. — H'Z RTI' ‘ZJLNESS, Haren, Prejudice, Dijadvantage . Darnrnage, Dgßoreßt, Nujance, Mifchief difconznrodioua,nocent, ßtrenvd turn,

Sutablentß’or unjutablencßto our appctiter.

âPLhAâANiNhSS, Delight, ¿'onzplacenee,injojrnent, fixtifallion, i 2.

рис‘, tabing,delicioua, Paradife. СОЫРЬЕАЗАЫ? NESS, lîegret,dr]plegßng,qñrßveJroublQgrievol/r,

i uneaße,painful. ‚ ‘ lffgreableneßor Dijî/greableneff of things to Right reafon. f DUENÍ: SS, Duty, ought, fhould, Hondt, owe, part, incumbent on.'

S’î UIND‘UENESS, ought not, dlllronefì. ' - More mixed implying a refpeft to the nature of the end,as to its ‘ t‘Capacity or Incapacity of exißing. POSSIBILI'I Y, Fedible, nia), can.

4’iIMPoss1ßrLIir, cannot te. i

Degree: ofgoodneß; whether fuch as­ are like to anfwer the delires, by proving ver)lgreat and conliderableor fuch as are like to dilappoint the delires. by proving to be very little or none. < IMPORTANCE, of Mon1ent,Conjêquence,Strength,Force,~Weight, I 5. Ё material, corßderable, pithj, pregnant, файл, it naattcreth. 'l VANITY, Yrifte, trivial, frivolous, Fаура)‘, Getvgatr, Knack, Toy, Девы/{Д ßight, light, fruitley?, ßdling, void, титры)’, Bauble, ,Gaul/et, ,Qur/g, Gambol, to no boot, to nopurptjê,


’ tlg/leem among/t' good nien 5 whether fuch as they are like to think we!! of; as deferving praife and reward , or to think illof; as delerving fhame and punithment. ’ ìWOR THINFSS', Merit, De/êrt, Value , детей! , cheap , dear,


price, preciovr, depreciate. UNWOR'I HINESS, Vile, Mean, Poor, undeßrving, indign.l


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