Chap. l.
Tranfcendentalr General.
Il. That which any way contributes to the producing of an .effeëlg is ftyled C1 f AUSE. CAUSE, Rea/on, Ground, Principle, proceedfrom, procure,produce,mab„e,conßitute,In ji'nenee, raife, put, fêt, bring to pa/f. That which proceeds from, or depends upon the Caufe, is fiyled EFFECT, Eventgluefruit,accrueßucceßßring from,become,gron>,come ofit,imprej/Íon,Produ¿?. IfExternal, fuch as are without the Effect.
rl?) which thing: are done, whether ,More immediate and abfolute 5 either moreритмы which the lirfl Acti
i il
on is,or [фprincipal, and fubfervient to the chief Agent. ÍEFFICIENT, Author, Maker, Eßi`cacy,efe¿lual,5nergj, Virtue, Validity, i, l Fакцизов”,ОРегаИ0п,1п/1иепсе‚ frame, сои/Биде, beget, фа, ¿1o/mike, ’ тиф, work, render, create, bring to pafì. í l l INS Г RUMENT, Tool, Organ -ical, Implement:
_l ‚ ‹
More remote and relative я being either in "The Agent, ferving either to ‘i’Excite, or rg/irain 1t. IMPULSIVE, Incentive,illotive, Reajonßround, ConcitationJn/liga
dcommonly into Caufes ifirareibuted
tion, Inducement, impe/l, „диким, ßir up, prickforward, Лат‘ т, rou/è, quicken, irritate, provoke, excite, egging,incite,lnßinò`t,Conßde ration, put on, Ё! at or on, move, urge, draw in.
COHIBITII/E, reflrain, check, curb, with-hold, keep/hert or bach, in hibit, repre/5“, hold in, bridling, ßint, coerce, conßne, limit, no ho,fia), Дикий, moderate, nia/ler, controle. [Едва and regulate it: Aäion, either | bj that Idea which the Agent hath -< l
_ in hir mind offome like cafè, or by ome Pattern before hir ejer. B'ÉEXEMPLAR, Example, Infiance, Idea, Precedent, Gauß’. TYPE, Pattern, Platform,Model,La`/1,Mold,ProtoUpe,Antiype,Exp-dä,
_ ^_‚— — .—_
Original, Copy, counterpart, Draught, Sampler, .Prooj‘,DupIicat¿a схем
pliße,prefigura’. '1'he Patient, relating to fome peculiar capacity in the thingprjomeßtneßin
re/peâ' of time.
( lißcation.
l 4 ìCONDlTlONßrovißnSalvojn cafè,Term,Caf’,State,lil¿ng,Habit,‘Qg¢a l . OCCASION al, Eoeigence> Emergence, Advantage, Opportunity, draw,
l provo/@,/candaL
- _~»`_`_
tSome third thing, by which the force of the Eßïcient is' either increafed or ADJUVANT, Help,Aid,Aj/ißance, знати’, Кейс]; Support, Advantage, auxiliar), _ßib/idiary, avail, conduce, promote, farther, ßand in fiend,
ßipplj, accommodate, ß’rve, Co-adjutor, abet, take one: part, ßand by, a fla] to one, forward, mini/ler, relief, back one. IMPEDIENT, hinder, Obßacle, Remera, Clog,Bar„dehar,ogìruëía`mm.
ber, Rnb,Chec/{, Dam,Luggage,Lnmber,Baggage,Prtjudice, Dißidvantage,
forti/low, lett, fiop, Dlßérvice, fla), Лат!’ in the wir), trigg, keep bachl rg. l Лили, withhold, interfere. LFor whoß [феи thing ir: to which may be annexed the general name ofЛи!’ thingr и have any tendency to thepromoting of it. (Reafom/ïnal, tend. 6.; END, AzmtMark , _Goal,Dr1f~t,Intent, E_Ú‘eů', I’urpojëßejígnßcopgßzke, Reach, MEANS, Way, Shift, Expedient, accommodate. kInternal, fuch as are within the Effeä as its chief conftituent parts, out of which a thing ir made, and of which it conlills 5 ог bj which a thing ir con/titu на! in it: being, and dißinguijhed from all other things. {MATTER-iol, Staf, Subßance, Argument, Subjeů, Boot ar fre-boot,&c.
7‘ там-„1, Eßence. ‘
E 2
ш. ThOfe