1- “к”.
Tranfceizdental: General.
Part. ll.
I. That common Eflence wherein thing: of dferent nature: do agree, is called GENUS, general, common Kind. . That common nature which is communicable to feveral Individual: ,° is called
` SPECIES, Sort or fpecial kindJpecißQ/pecifìcal. Breed. Thefe common kinds may be diûinguiíhed into fuch as are either more properly ‘Tranjŕendental 5 namely, thofe той univerfal and comprehenlive Terms which fall under Difcourfe 5 relating to
rThe and maß general Conception,of which the 'Underßanding take: notice, as l molt known. I êßElNG, Entity, Eß`ence,Exißence, am, in', extant. l ' NOTHING, Полу)‘, null, rione, Annul, :jitter/ul, (шт/эдак‘, abrogate, aboli , l void, undue, cancel, evacuate, Ciphre. '
l Thojf: Being: which are trulyfire/J, or thofe which our Sen/ë: лиг/$144)?” Being. 2 ìTHlNG, Afair, Matter, Bußngß’, Cajë, real Jy, indeed. ’ ' APPARE N СЕ; Apparition, Phantafm, Shaw, Идея, Едф‘оп and vani/h, lSiniilitnde: of Being: 5 formed in our Mind: either by apprehen/'on of thing:
that are, or imagination of thing: that are not.
NOTION, Conce tion. ` l ' FICTION, Figmenímake, feign_.frame,dea1ifë,counterfet,forgejcoirnmint, Fa
ble, Apolfgue, Romance, Tale, Legend, Mythology, Fairy, Nymph, Centaur, стада, Bugbear, Goblin, Chymera, Atlantif, Utopia.
{Не word: aj/ignedßr the Лифт‘; cffe‘veral Thing: and Notion: : to which that common name jor theßgnifying if particular rational Being: may be an nexed, though lels properly. NAME, Style, Title, Tilular,CompeUation,Appel/ation nominate,denominate, 4. î
штате, Inßription, “отдадим”, anqnymow, cali, Мата, Теги.
PERSON, Age, Party, No-body, Wight. Predicamental5 thofe chief Heads, under which other Terms may be reduced 5
denoting either
l lrSuch thing: a: ДМ]! by them/2111er, or which (according to the old Logical
lt’ielinliìtion)drequére a Шума’ inhe/îon: Though they are Indeed nothing ut t е mo es o Su ance. `SUBSTANCE, ubi 5’ iAccIDSNralLf т.
That ‚(ш/тайну" thing: whereby they may be jìzid to have parts difiinä and ca pable of' divifion, or thegeneral difpglìtionof thing: either to Aäz‘on or Paßion. l ÉQUANTITY, Much, Deale, Mathematich. ‘l 6. QUALITT, DiÚM/itionßndoument, indue,part:,qualfcatiommanner,con " dition, фиг.
l The application of the Agent to the Patient, or the reception of the force if the ‘t
âACTION, doe,perjiirnt,commit,praäï¢proceeding,funêiion, exerci/ë, at' chiene,dealing, Ад‘, Fай‘, Deed, Feat, Earp/oit, Paßage, Prank, îric/g, play 7
the Part. l РАЗ-$101", abide, ail, bear, endure,jitfer, undergo, fitßain, feel, capable. i t Such thing: a: cannot be, or cannot be known, without a rejpeä to _ßznething eyê 5
or which may be, or may be ifndef/food (Г them/elan, Without any fuch refe rence. 8 SKELATION, refer, Regard, Refpeâ’, Habitude, corrclative. ' 2ABSOL‘UTENESS, дне/Рейды, peremptory, jiatqpojìtive. l
Il. That