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Concerning MetaPhy/ìc.

„ 'Q5

by thefe Tables it will fo fall out, that feveral things cannot be difpofed yof fo accurately as they ought to be.

The fêveral things belonging to Metaphylical or Tianfcendental no tions may be comprehended under thefe three Heads, namely fuch as are either more


/îhfòlnteyconteining the Kinda, Can/er, ÀDifereneer and Maele.: of g

things , which [такс the liberty to call TRANSCENDENTAL

GENERAL. Relative 5V whether



_ ` .Jl/fixed, and common both to Qiantitßfhialitygwhole andPart, ftiled TRANSCENDENTAL MIXED. ` Simple, and proper to Aélion, viz. TRANSCENDENTAL re lation of ACTION. l

The moll Unìverfal conceptions of Things aregifually fliled TRAN SCENDENTAL, IlÍetaPhy/ìc-all.

To which may be annexed by way of affinity , that general name which denotes thofehigheft and molt common heads , under which the {everal kinds of things may be reduced in an orderly feries: viz. PRE~ DICAMENT, Category.



Tranfŕendentalr general may be dillributed into fuch‘ as do concern‘ the nature of things according to their

,fKiNDs i. ‘CAUSES Этими}; 1i. more

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‚_ '

ABSOLUTE andCommon. III.l

‹` Relative to Aäron, conlidering

l ётнв END. lv. THE MEANS. V. [Monts vi. .




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