Part. Il,
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The' Second Рагг,"
Containing a> regular enumeration and defcriptiion of all thofè things and notions to which names)4 _
are to be alligned.
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l‘CHA n1. I. The Scheme о Genur’r. И. Concerning tbe more general nations@¢` tbingr,tbe d' cult] af eßablaj/bing thejì arigbt. III. Ч Tranfcenden’ tal: general. IV. 0f Tranßendentalrelatiom mixed. V. 0f Tfn”.
Делами! relation; of Adieu. V I. 0f the jêfveral пойми belonging to Grunmaror Logic.
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‘ _ A VIN G difpatched the Pifoflegoŕnena in thè former part,` I proceed' according ‘to the ‘f’'2 ’ niethod attempt propofed of enumerat'ingandfdçůribing-¿U ).'to'tha’tfmo'ne
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fuch things and‘lnotlons'a'sifíall under di fcourfe. In treating concerning this, I (hall firft lay
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down a Sçhemeor nubi: of all the Genuf's
_ o`rrn`òrecotnmon
ads-of things belonging
to this defign; And then lliewhow each of
thefe may be fubdivided' by its peculiar Dzf ferencee5 which for the better convenience of this infiitution, I take leave to determine (for the moll_part)to the number of Gx. Unlels it be in thofe numerous tribes, ofHerbf, Trect, Exanguiour Anima/r, F{'[í‘cr and Birdf; which are of too great variety to be comprehended in lo narrow а compals. Alter which I lhall proceed to enumerate the leveral Specie;
belonging to each of «thefe Diferencer, according to fuch an order and dependance amongfl them ‚ as may contribute to the dçjïnz‘ng of them, and determining their primary fignilications Thefe Specie: are com monly joyned together by pairs, for the better helping of the Memory, ( and fo likewife are fome of the Genm‘s and Этими.) Thofe things which naturally have Oppojíter, are joyned with them, according to fuch Oppofition,whether Single or Double. Thol'e things that have no Oppo
Íites, are paired together with refpeét to fome Aßínìt] which they have 'one to another. Tho it mult be acknowledged that thefe Al'linities are fometimes lefs proper and more remote, there being feveral things lhifted into Ythefe places, becaufe l knew not how to provide for them better. All l