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`Chap. V. Т/эе

Ргтсг1’1е QfCommumcatzon.

lf to every thing and notion there were aíligned a diílinâ Mark, to: gether' with prozéîßan Grammatical Derivation: and In I ßexionr, thisfome might fu ce astoto exprefs one great end of a младше”, паше .ly ,the exprellion of our Conceptions by Mar/q which lhould íig'niñe things, and not mardi'. And fo likewife if Íeveral diltinů ward: were

afiigned for the nume: of fuch things, with certain invariable Ruler for ‘all fuch Grammatìcal Derivation: and Inflexiom, and fuch onely, as are

natural and neceliàry 5 this would make a much more eaûe and conveni ent Language then is yet in being.


But now if thefe Marks' or Note: could be Го contrived, as to have fuch

a dependance upon, and relation to, one another, as might be futable to the nature of the things and notions which they rcprefented5 and fo likewife, if the Name: of things could be Го ordered, as to contain fuch a kind of affini!) or bpprjítion in their letters and founds, as might be fome way anfwerablc to the nature of thefuperadded: things which­bythey figniiïcd 5 This would yet be afarther advantage which, belides the

belt way of helping the Memory by natural Method , the ‘Undef/landing likewife would be highly improved, and We Íhould , Ьу learning the

Clmraäer andthe Name: of things, be inliruŕled likewife in their Na huel, the knowledg of both which ought to be conjoyned. For the accurate of this,it would neceffary, that the ТЬеа »y it­ felf,upon whicheffeůing Íuch a defign were to bebefounded, lhould be exact ly [Маша the плиту“ tbingf,

But, upon fuppofàl that this Theory is

dejìóì'iœ, either as to the Fulneß or the Order of it, this muli needs add muchperplexit 'to any fuch Attempt, and render it imperfeò?. And that this is the и‘: with that common Theory already received , need not much be doubted ; which may afford fome excufe as to feveral of tholè things which may feem to be lefs conveniently difpofed of in the follow-A

ing Tables, or Schemes propofcd in the next part.

The End of tbe Fz'tß Part.


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