hitherteyíialibßed‘bgislìnferiaß¿im ,i
who have‘bnetnîor (шею) y'lem‘s'idgagedinltllńsiwitirk, ,L “mot amie, сидим fnl’ ûmet'Tisîldlatbdxf ßßilperidaß'ing цгпмщггщьдшдь .fob the com. WWF“ f' ‘ ypen'idìcmfneti» o5iiarhje'ggr~addtmtho Багет!’ МрЁЁЬптЬМе Letters
- it „жецьдапдщшьщьытшшшшпг
iéli' t
l -Í
romption “anni
ufe of them through his Dominions, and that in al Schoolazïsuths eńimhliienfeóf M>~Mnd.yet, .nntllithílanding his мышь щьвшщпщ.шщшиу збшгыв _death laid айдыыафыд mi: .l'iilorllaaw J8( '.'Jll ,Nawal lo ‘Ш. i“ "п:
Ag rbeïaltbbgrńpbfoiit‘iîz to „m- am; Lan „Жить perimshave takmmueh painsSea» bone f iŕl‘rhànhea'rnedlínìghti Sanità, «muy штат ЕНйАегЩ "щмштфсьЕшьашсшпйрщ France,
>hath públiihed melegammmrfe in ищут ми датам Lim gua щшшумрамь. Martini, this Stiliin'fìm'aain annthénßifcourfe
prúfnmlted by' 'nñetuii the «Heraklrgxwbomllp b' ltpßlicßtrls who was followed by one Wade, that writ to the farne purpo e. After thefe, Bnl' [aber endeavoured to add to, and alter divers things in thofe others that preceded himfg'twbóiìsaißecnédedinítbß щиты laß aff/#MM40
Gi/Ain'hìs EaglzgUrGrammat. LAM-.yet bium' @tía (Fulham, .that (lill we retain the fame errors and incongruities in writing which сидишь fáiihůl'â tmlght'msï .v ‚ И: fiJ-:ri Ишим Íl ’— l1 io tÄ“."i_j`‘§f.'~lkann 't ‚ ‘ » ‹ - г.‘ gt. :di ora. 1:‘.Ё cimiionl; uuu u1 enfllf‘liwill'ii vf" f ‘l Rr' . :lr/r '1_/1 ï'mlrioitrnq fr, Í.' bnr. ,t‘a‘swst ‹. i'i-„B ;.Í i _.'
. Y
" i
aa »aart-taff.mtraaal’tìiwèataaaylef »had a ',çet ejer/eral
- besarla a". JL. sïêsfrfrrfdërtraëïaftliffw
‘maf «f Marmande#«esercitata lli ür fr); 15018” "г ‘т ‚ vided ma theaßall'llffńaafa l’êr'lafallit‘lfßbsfa .trat ¿amusés
. т j” wenn „и «f #Er/Mbits# “asienta” ‘s 11i/lieb. »van д’е’дьс‘бшёщЙчы
t _’. "ndi
РРщш what hath beata,y alŕeadyìíaid i; mayapptar, Atlitnstl‘iere, are nu' Q_ L.
Letters to orthe languages andteůabllfhed according Rules oftbathagvefbgen Artg but thatatonceainvented all, ‘eirceh раз: 653, which we know nothing ГО Ссшйр as, that ity was non ma' e by human _Art u on Experience) have been шт tal-Sen up
that flrll, and дай‘!
way of Imitation, or elfe, `in along кайф’
have, upon (счета!
emergencies , admitted var-ioustand crgßtal alterations; by rwhich means
they muli needs be liable to manifqkd defeéts and imperfeéìions, that in a Language atlquçefinvented‘and tothe ruler tо atArt mi ht be ealily avoided. VNor could this` aenordì otherwi e be,v becaufe very rt
by which Language íhould be regulated, viz. Grammar, is of rmuch la
- fr invention the» Langage: Муфты, beingëadîpted‘towhat was al-l
ready inbeing, rathegthen the Rule of making ire. Though the Hebrew Tongue, bç‘the mqů ancient ,
» _ ,_
et Rabbi Índab “gm-„ddp
Ching of .Fezin .#rigwholived A. D. 1040,; was the fir that reduced it t? Grßmfïiafef to the Art of Grammar.
And though there were both Greek and Latin щ" “ "l" 4"
Grammarians much more ancient; yet were there none in either,tilla
long time after thofe Languages flourilhed: whichisthe true reafonof .
D 2