Concerning Philosophical Language.
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Noahr Ark.
Part. ll.
Ногу of the Ark tO contein thc forementioned forts of beslis which were to be preferved for the propagating of their kinds, _beñdes 182 5. Sheep, which were to be taken in as food for the трясти Beayir.
. And tho there might feem no juli ground of exception, if thefe beafls {hould be fiow’d clofe together,as is now ufual in Ships,when they are to be tranl'ported for any long voyagc5 yet I Ihall not rake any fuch advan tage,but afford them fuch fair Stalls or Cabins as may be abundantly ШР ñcient for them in any kind of pofiure,either (landing, or lying, or turn ing themfelves, as likewilì: to receive all the dung that fhould proceed from them for a whole year. And that the Ark was of a fuflicient capacity for thefe purpofes, will appear from the following Diagram. In which there is a partition at each end of the Ark, marked A A, of fifteen foot Wide, and the breadth
.of the Ark being (счету live foot-5 thefe partitions muli contein in them ñve Area: of ñfteen foot Крите, and an Area of live foot fquare, being _ fufiicient to contein four Sheep, therefore one of fifteen foot fquare muil: be capable of thirty (ix Sheep; Allowing one of thefe Area: at each end for fiairs,there will eight ofthem remain, (vizfour at each end)to be
reckoned upon for the conteining of Sheep 5 which eight will be capable ofreceiving 288 Sheep.
Beíides thcfe partitions , at the end there are live feveral palliiges marked B B, of feven foot Wide for the more convenient accefs to the fe veral Stalls 5~the four Area: on the fide marked С С, deligned for Stalls,
are each of them eighteen foot wide,and about two hundred foot long. And the two middle Area: marked D D, are each of them twenty five
`foot Wide, and about 'two hundred foot long. Suppoling the two middle Area: to be deligned for Sheep 5 an Area of twenty five foot fquare muft be capable of a hundred, and there being Íixteen of thefe, they muli be capable of i600 Sheep,which being added ° to the former number of 288 will make i 888.fomewhat more then 18a 5 the number ailigned for thofe that were to be taken in for food. _
The four Gde Area: marked CC, being each of them eighteenfoot wide,and two hundred foot long,will be more then fufiìcient to contein
the feveral bealls which Were to be preferved for the propagating of
their Над; for which in the foregoing Tablestheir is allotted to the length of their Stalls only fix hundred and fix foot, befides the Миассе‘; of the Stalls allotted to> each of them. So that there will be near upon
two hundred foot overplus, for the reception of any other beafis, not yet enumerated or difcovered.
As for that fafhion of the Keel of Ships now in ufe,whereby they are' 'fitted for pall’age through the Waters, and to endure the motion ofthe Waves : This would not have been convenient for the bulinefs here de
Пред 5 The Arkbeiug intended only for a kind of Float to fwim above _ water, the Нашей of its bottom, did render it much more capaciousfor they reception of thofe many living Creatures, which were to be contein
ed-in it. Andtho towards the end ofthe Flood when it began to abate, God is faid to Make a wind to paja”over thqEart/J, whereby the water: were
a//ivaged,Gen.8,i.Yet ’tis not likely that in the time ofthe deluge,'when thewhole Earth was overliowcd, that there Ihould be any fuch rough _and boiflero'us winds as might endangera Vciîel of this Идиш; fuch lvt'inds ufually proceeding from dry Land. _