Prehistoric skulls of Canstadt - 1,200 c.c.
Peruvians - - 1,234
Oceanic negroes - - 1,234
Nubians - 1,324
Mexicans - - 1,339
Australians - - 1.339
Negroes of western Africa - - 1,347
Lapps - 1,440
Tasmanians - 1,452
Kanackas - 1,470
Irish - - 1,472
Inhabitants of modern Brussels 1,490
Dutch - 1,496
Swedes - 1,500
Eskimos - - 1,539
Guanches i>554
Modern Parisians - 1,558
Basques and Auvergnats - - 1,598
According to Bertillon, the cubage of the Lapps is explained by the abundance of gross marrow and the small quantity of gray cells. The same is probably true for the Eskimos. It is necessary also to take account of the numerical insufficiency of the measures taken. An exact and complete hierarchical classi- fication based upon such simple data can no longer be satisfac- tory. It ought to take account, not only of those factors which we have indicated above, but also of other, more qualitative fac- tors, such as the complexity of the cerebral convolutions, the proportion of gray matter, the development of the superior cen- ters, etc.
In this connection it is interesting to note the weight of the brain in relation to the cranial capacity with regard to race and sex: 1
Male Female
English and Scotch - 1,427 1,260
French - I >334 1,210
German - - 1,382 1,209-1,244
Austrians - 1,342 1,160
Negroes of Africa - - 1,238-1,316 1,067-1,232
One negro of the Cape 974
One Australian 907
One Bushman - 872
The gorilla (Huxley and Topinard) 475-567
The brain of Cuvier - 1,830
1 TOPINARD, Anthropologie, pp. 336, 337.