ches of Patagonia and to the Polynesians, and the smallest to the Bushmen.
One ought to compare only individuals of the same sex, measuring only those who have reached the age of maturity, a period varying from the age of twenty-three to thirty-three, according to race. In general the most inferior races attain full growth later than the others, and show a smaller difference between the sexes.
300 Belgians, age 19, measured by Quetelet 1.66 m. 300 " " 25, " " " 1.67 300 " " 30, " " " 1.68
The variations of structure in the same group are smaller in proportion as the race is more homogeneous. Here again fusion with civilization reduces the variation. Africa shows the strong- est divergence, especially among the Kaffirs and Bushmen.
The statistics on the influence of the environment furnish important information. In Belgium, for the militia and vol- unteers whose stature was taken for the ages of 19 to 20 in 1888, we have the following tables :
Of 5,426, 854 were from
1,632 "
1,970 "
150 "
33 "
r a
55m. to i.6om., # or 15.92 per cent.
.60 m. to 1.6501., or 30.08 "
.65 m. to i.7om., or 36.31 "
.7001. to i. 75m., or 14.23 "
.75 m. to i.8om., or 2.76 "
i.8om. to i. 85m., or 0.61 "
1.85 m. to 1.90 m., or 0.90 -"
100.00 per cent.
The following are the measurements of 9,067 men of the hiilitia and volunteers over twenty years of age, taken in 1888 : 1,050 were from 1.55 m. to i.6om., or 12.37 P er cen t-
25 i
i.6om. to i. 65m., or 26.25 1.65 m. to i.7om., or 30.92 i.7om. to 1.75 m., or 20.78 1.75 m. to i. 80 m., or 7.59 i. 80 m. to 1.85 m., or 1.79 1.85 m. to 1.90 m., or 0.29 more than 1.90 m., or o.oi
100.00 per cent.