VI. Principles of sociology. An advanced general course. It includes an analysis and classification of social facts ; discussion of the principles of social theory and the process of socialization ; a study of social feeling, public opinion, and organ- ized action ; an inquiry into the causes of emotional epidemics, panics, mob violence, revolutions ; an explanation of the growth of public opinion on great questions ; an attempt to show from history and current events that public action is governed by definite laws of social chance. Giddings's Principles of Sociology is used as a text.
2. Principles of ethical, social, and aesthetic evolution. An introduction to the origin and development of modern literary and political thought, and of modern views of society. Professor Wenley.
4. Ethics of social evolution; a study of ethical types as seen in social and indus- trial relations. Professor Wenley.
1 8. Systematic ethics. Practical philosophy. Ethical problems in their relation to the individual and to social life and conduct. Paulsen. Professor Wenley.
1 6. Political philosophy. A critical study of society. The principles of political association and evolution ; relations of political and industrial institutions to funda- mental ideas of philosophy and religion ; outline of the history of the theories of society; applications to present-day social problems. Lectures, discussions, theses. Professor Lloyd.
10. Social phases of education. A consideration of the school as a social factor in its relation to the child, to the home, to the church, to the state; also a discussion of the relation of education to vocation and to crime. Lectures and recitations. Dutton, Social Phases. Professor Whitney.
5. Problems in political economy. The immigration problem, industrial crisis, free trade and protection, the railway problem, the municipal or trust problem, taxa- tion. Professor Adams.
5<z. Social and industrial reforms. Co-operation, profit-sharing, communism, socialism, factory legislation, workingmen's insurance, trades unions, industrial federa- tion. Professor Adams.
14. Seminary in economics. Labor organizations. Webb's history of trade- unionism. Professor Adams.
Mr. Kenyon L. Butterfield has been appointed lecturer on rural sociology.
19. Principles of sociology. Lectures and quiz. Assistant Professor Cooley. By special permission students may elect this course without the quiz to count as
three hours. This course aims at a systematic and comprehensive study of the under- lying principles of social science. The general plan followed is to begin with per- sonal relations in their simplest and most direct form ; proceeding thence to the more complex forms of association, to an analysis of the processes of social change, and, finally, to a study of social tendency and the theory of progress. Historical refer- ences are freely used, but the main aim is a rational interpretation of existing society, and ample contemporary illustration is given of the principles advanced. While some
attention is paid to the differing views of prominent writers, the course, in the main, is