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Vamb^ry, ar 439; Van Alstine, ar 282; Vander wotte, oc 426; Vanderlip, ac 285, 429; Vander velde, ar 286, 716, 860; Vandewalker, 6g, a* 283; Van Dyke, br 710; Vane, ac 715; Van laer, at iii ; Van Oss, ac 430, 861 ; Van Rens selaer, ac 428; Vauthier, ac 284; Veber, at 43i» 575) 719; Veblen, a 187, 152, 503, ac 285, 430. 574. 7»8, 719. ic 857 ; Vecchia, ac 285, 575 Velleman, ac 718.

Venice: ac 283, 575.

Venturi, <zc 860; Verein, be 854; Vercrbung, ^c 571 ; Vergilii, ac 285; Verly, be 278.

Vermont: be 568.

Vemes. ac 428; Vemei, ^c 422; Vemey, 3^715; Verolzheimer, ^t: 570; Verzeichnis, be 715 ; Vest, ac 718 ; Vialiate, ac 573; Vico, 396; Vidal, 6c 708; Vidari, ae 429; Vidraar, ac 285 ; Vie, ac 860; Vierkandt, a^ 860; Villa, ac 431, 574; Vince, i^<r 566; Vincellcs. ac 285 ; Vincent, a i, 25s, 287, ^99. be 270, r 556, 694; Vinck, ac 9; Violot, be 710; Virchow, be 857; Virgilii, 857; Virmaitre, 3c 275; Vitali, ac 717; Viti


be 857; Virmaitre, *c 275; Vitali, ac 717;

de Marco, be 855; Vitztnum, be 420; Vivian,

791; Vlassow, ac 428; Volmar.fec 715; Volks- unterhaltung, be 282, 706 ; Volkswirthschaft* liche, be 277, 424, 857.

Vivisection : be 273.

Voting: ac 431.

Vrooman, ac 286.

W^c^i fitc 716; Waentig, for 710.

Wages : Recent history of the living-'wage movetnent, ab 416 ; in census, 845 ; ac 287, 431 , 575. 719; fee 276, 277, 567. 710.

Wagner, 375, ac 717, he 427, 565; Walckei, ftc 282 ; Walker, 126, 594, be 707 ; Wallace, ae 574, be 113, ^79, 569, br 426; Walrus, ae 429, br 426 ; Wanless, be 593.

War : La guerre et ses pritendus bienfaiis^ 6 408-10; ac 287, 719, be 281, 423, 424, 567, 568.

Ward, 133, 140, 141, 235. 248, 389, 300, 412 ; ac 286, 861, B63 ; Waring, or 287, 571 ; Warner, 59, ae 516 ; Washburn, ae 862.

Water: ac 287, 431, 575, 719,6c 563, 564,854.

Watrigant, 6 107, 6c 279; Watson, 6c 570,710; Watterson, 6c 567; Waxweiler, 6c 859.

Wealth: Disadvantages of rich men, 266; character of rich men, 350 ; advantages of rich as to taxation, 495-502; Rejections on the forma- tion and distribution of riches, 6 106; social- ist plans for distribution of, 339 ; supply and demand in, 341; ac 287, 719, 6c 277, 426, 859, 863 ; {see Luxury),

Webb, 179, 342, 6 844, 6c 277, br 424, 687; Weber, 371; Weichs, ac 284, 6c 427, 711;

Weiller, ae 716; Weismann, 6c 274; Weiss, 6c 567; Weisser, be 708; Welck, ac 716; Well- hausen, 6c 569 ; Wells, ae 287, 575, 719 ; Wenley, 581 ; Werner, 6c 706 ; Wesley, 837 ; West ac 283, 431, 718.

West Indies: 6c 709.

Westermarck, ac 284; Weyl, ac 286, 430; What- ham, oc 430.

Wheat: ac 575. 7i9>863.

Wheeler, 6c 567; Whelan, 6c 707; White, 842, ac 282, 283, 287, 430 ; Whitefiela, 837 ; Whitman, 6c 858; Whitney, oc 283; Whitndge, ae 284;

Wichem, 765, 6c 274, 420 ; Wien, 6c 707 ; Wiener, ac 574, 567; Wildenbruch, oc 285; Wilhelm, ac 282 ; Wilpert. 6c 565 ; Will, ac 7 17 ; Willcox, nc

283, 575; Wille, ae 575; Willey, br -ZTJy 424; Williams, 791, 6c 569, 710; Willoughby, 805, ac 285, 6 695, 6c 282, 568, br 427; V/ilson, 225, 51S. S47i OC 284, 285, 428, 429, 574, 718, 6c 569; Wines, 184, 648, ac 283, 287, 6c 426, 571 ; Win- gate, ac 574; Winihrop, 6r7i3; Wiseman, ac 282; Withrow, 6c 569; Witts, 6c 563; Wokurek, be 282; Wolf, ac 285, 573, 861, 863, 6c 710; Wolff, 06 112, ac 283, 284, 6c 282, 856 ; Wolfmm, 6c 422; Woltman, 6c 569.

Women : Barbarian status ofy a 503-14 ; Study of Mary Wollstoneeraft and the rights of, b 694 ; in London industries, 843 ; philosophy of history and, 838, 841, 842 ; ac 287, 431, 575, 719 ; 6c 276, 277, 280, 426, 423, 427, 563, 564, 565, 567, 571, 706, 708, 855 ; {see Double Standard, Family, Sex).

Woodruff, oa: 427, 428; Woods, ae 716, 6 696, 6c 706; Woolley, ac 430; Worcester, be 567, br 710; Wordsworth, 839, 841 ; Workman, 6c 426.

Workmanship: Instinct of workmanship and the irksomeness of labor, a 187-201

Worms, 412, ae 287, 431 ; Worterbuch, 6c 277, br 424; Wright, 79-93, ac 718, 6c 567; Wundt, 235. 6 133. 6r 4t2.

Wukktembebg: 6c 280, 570, 707.

Wyatt, ac 868 ; Wyckoff, 6c 567 ; Wy Id, 581 ; Wy- man, ac 718.

Yarros, a 758 ; Yearbook, be 278.

Yonge, be 569; Yokoi, ac 430; Yorke, ac 284; Young, ac 862, 3c 282; Younghusband, ac 572, br 423.

Y. M. C. A.: ac 575.

2acher, be 282, 856, br 427; Zemmrich, ac 861 ; Zenker, ac 571, be 282; Zerboglio. ac 385; Zeumer, ae 287; Zevort, be 710; Zie^ler, ac 384, 3c 714; Ziehen, be 565, br 707; Zielinski, ac573; Zimmerman, ac 573,718, 3r425; Zim- mem, be 564; Zola, ac 287; Zueblin, a 145- 58, 577-92, ac 430. 862, 863, PC 685, r 685, 691.


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