busch-CIou£h,6 694* Rawitz, be 373; Rawlin-
son, br 425. Reason: bcjo^. Recidivists: oc joj. Reciprocitv: 0^286. Reclus, 580, ac438; Record, ac 284; Records, br
420; Recueil, ^r 276; Rcddaway, 6c 276; Rede,
ac 428; Redouly, 801 ; Reeve, ac 571 ; Reeves,
ac 863. Referendum- ^r 567, 711. Reformation: ^c 425, 567. Reforms: be 713. Reform Schools; ^£-564. Reich, ac 431 ; Reichenbach, be 423 ; Reichesberg,
be 714; Reichstag, be 278, 7x2; Reid, ac
715; Reign of terror, ^c 566; Rein, 581, ac 716,
br 421; Reinhardt, S58; Reinhold, be 277;
Reinsch, ac 718. Religion: biologic view 01, 685; is an instinct,
686; Religion and morality ^ ab 698; ac 386,
430. 574. 718. 852; be 425, 426, 565, 566, 707, 708,
712,713,857,858. Remade, ac 862. Renaissance : be 422, 568, 710. Renard, be 425 ; Rendsa, be 858 ; Renooz, be 565 ;
Renouard, be 707. Rent: ac 3S6, be 2S1. Renton, ac 861; Report, ne 861; ReppHer, be
564. Representation: ac 430, 718, be 377, 278, 424,
425»7»i- Resch. br 713. Revolution: theory of, 817-19; causes economic,
831 ; be 566, 709. Revue, be 421 ; Reynaud, ac 715. Rhode Island: be 708. Riant, 3<: 707; Richard, ac 575, ^c 568, 858;
Richards, 464; Richmond, be 854; Richter, ac
287, be 278, 563 ; Rideal, be 569 ; Ridley, /*c 276 ;
Ridpath, ^^287; Rien, ^C7io; Rienzi. i^c 713;
Rigolage, br 426; Riis, be 563; Rimmer, be
564 ; Riordan, be 425 > Ripley, 845, ac 284. 573,
861; Rist, ^f 277; Ritchie, 22, ae 718, 862, be
281; Rivalta, ac 71Q. River and Harbor hirRovEMENTS: ar 286. Rivers, ae 287, 43' ! Rivet, ac 719 ; Rivier. ac 428,
571 ; Riviere, *»^ 287, 42S, 574 ; Rivisia, be 278.
421. 423-
Roads: <zr 286, 574^ 7^8.
Roberts, 763, ae 717- 860. be 423 ; Robertson, ar S74, .5.r568, 713; Roberty, ac 287. 431 J Robin. be 273 ; Robinson, ae 431, 7i5t 7i7i. '^'^ 454, 566. br 281 710. r 410; Rochdale Pioneers, 789; Rochetin, ae ^73. 7^6 ; Rodbertus, be 567 ; Roder, 270; Rodiet, *C28i ; Rodocanachi,flc 716; Kody. rt<:386; Rogers, rtc 282. 285, 77. 860, 6c 423; Rohleder, bC422; Rohlfs, 379; Kohrscheidt, be 424 ; Roman, ac 718.
Rome: be 425, 426, 563. 565. 568. 708, 709-
Romero, be 280, 566; Rommel, be 858; Root, be 8<;7 ; Ropes, br 709 ; Rose, be 568 ; Rossa, be 566; Rossi, ^C7o8; Kossignoli, ac 863 ; Rostand, br 276; Rouane, 4ts; Rouby, ac 285; Rouire, ac 571; Round, ar 428, 717; Rouse, br 421; Rousiers, ac 282. 285, 287. 429. 7i8. ^r 714; Roussel, ac 575 ; Roux, rtf 716, be 565 ; Rouxel, «f 572, 717; Rowe, ac 224, 287, 863; Rowland, /i<r 572. (5<r 423; Roycc, be 275; Ruskin, 681; Russell, ab 282. 285, 86j, *f 855, 856, br 422.
Russia: Society in. 112; flf" 286, 574,7*8, 862; 6c
422, 424, 566. 568. 707, 708, 70Q, 857- Rulier. 65; Ruvigny. ac 43' ; Ryckcrc, ac 863. Sabatier, ^r 568. 713; Sabbaiini. be 712; Sable-
mont, ac 284; Saccozzi, ae 2S3; Sacher. be 858;
Sacred, be 426; Sagnac, ^<r 278, 71°; Saillard,
bcTf2\ St. Clair, be 426. St. Helena: importance of, 370. ,
St. Simon, 831, 839; Sajous. nc 286; Sal an, ^f
708; Saleilles, ^^707, br s^A\ Salmon, ^r564;
Salmon-Legagneur* ac 429; Saloman, be 706; Salius. be 856.
Salvation Army: ac \\q
Salvioni, ae 287; Samaja, ae 429; Sammlung, be 274, 277, 425, 712.
Samoa: ac 718.
Samson, ae 429; Sanborn, ar 282, 429; Sandels, 179; Sanders, ^i", 278; Sanderson, ^c 566 ; San- duz, ac 284 ; Sanger, ae 863, be 275.
Sanitarv Science: philosophy & bathing, 893; ae 286. 430, 574, 718; be 274, 278, 426, 563, 564, 569, 707, 713, 858; (see Cities, Nursing).
San Marino: ^^855,
Sansoni, be 279.
Saracens: be 855.
Sarum, br 564 ; Saunders, ae 862 ; Savatier, be 277.
Saving: Oversaving &' the unemployed^ ab 109,^^575,862; (see Thrift).
Savings Bank: be 275, 276, 565.
Sawin,434; Sawvel, ac 430; Say,ii'C276; Saycc, 568, br 713.
Savings OF Jesus: be 713.
Sayous, ac 717, be 711 ; Scaife, ac 420 ; Scalori, be 277; Scarborough, ae 574; Schabert, be 563; Schafer, 377; Schiiffle, ac 282, 429, 573, r 543; Schelbicky, be 710; Schercr. if 421, br 426; Schevichaven, ^r 281; Schiappoli, be 857; Schiedt. ac 283 ; Schitlowski, ac 431 ; Schinz, ac 719; Schlemmer, br ^x^'^ Schloss. 796, be 567; Schmid, ac 431, 574, be 421 ; Schmidt, 41S, 572 ; Schmole. be 278, br 424; SchmoUer, ar 717, be 567, <^r 277; Schoenhoff, ac 429; Schoolcraft, 475 ; Schouler, ac 287 ; Schrank, o<- 855; Schrei- ber, ac 428 ; Schrenck, rtc 718; Schriften, ic 424, 427. 563, 566, 707, 710, 715; Schroeder, ae 286; Schubert-Soldem, ab 850, ae 718. 719; Schulcr, rtC43o; Schulte, be 715 ; Schultz, be 420; Schuiz, 6c 708; Schulze-Uelitsch, 769; Schumacher, "'• 572. 715; Schurtz. br 422; Schurz, ae 427; Schvarcz, ^c 425; Schwiedland, ac 572, 573; Schwill, be 423, br 566.
Science: ac 286, 430, ^c 563, 706.
Sciences: Logic of the psychical, 235-40; Sys- tem of the />sy cnicit I, ■240-^S; Relation of the psychical^ to philosophy ^ 248; Principles of di'seovery in the fsyehieal; (a) of subjective judgment^ 250, (b) of dependence upon the psychical environment, 1^1, (c) of the natural determination of Psychical occurrences^, 255.
Sciotto Pinto, be 712.
Scotland: ac 575, 6c 278, 858.
Scott, ic 565 ; Scottish, 798; Scrive, ^c 857; Scud- der, be 570.
Sea : ar 430.
Seal Question: ac 863.
Searcy, 232; Seckel, be 712; Scc,ac 428; Seilhac, ac86o; Sekon, j^c 859; Semple, 379; Sencer, at 431 ; Senhouse, be 567 ; Seguin, 463.
Serfs: ac 718.
Sergi, ac 860; Scth, ac 574.
Settlements: ac7i8; ^c 563. 706.
Sewage: ac 286.
Sex: Sex in primitive industry, a 474-88,* in primitive morality, a 774-87 ; ae 718, 863, be 565, 708,712, 713, 855; {see Double Standard, Women).
Sforza, ac 572; Shadwell, be 854; Shakespeare, 841 ; Shaler, ac 571, be 281 ; Sharp, ac 427,428; Shaw, ae 571, 575; Shearman, a 743; Sherard^ ^f 279 ; Shinn, ac 860.
Shipping; ac 286, 575, 719, be 709, 859. 863; (see Commerce, Trade).
Shooter, 780; Shorn, ac 284, 573; Shrubsal, ae 716.
Sicily: be 422, 423.
Sidel, be 423; Sidney, ir 567 ; Siebert, be 564, 710; Sieghart, ae 287; Sienuradzkl, ac 573; Sigc!, be 279; Sighele, ae 283; Sikcs, be 566;
Simiand, ae 431; Simmel, 413, a 35, ac 287;