Parker, ac 431, ^75, 860, be 563.
Parks : see Chicago.
Pifloa, be 569, 713; Parodi, ac 429; Parry, ac 383; Parsons, ar 718.
Parties; Patten's cbssification of, 827
Pascal, at 863; Pascand, ac 428; Passy, ac 861; Pastor, be 425. 568.
Paternalism: ^r 424.
Patrick, ac 716.
Patronage : be 563, 567.
Patten,^ 823, be 714; Patterson, ac 574; Paulban, ^^ 573; Paulsen, ac 429; Paultre, be 426; Pautzovitz, ac 860; Pawning, ^^430; Payen, ac ^84, 860; Payne, ac 572, 719; Payson, ic 714 ; Peabody, ac 718.
Peace Movement: Disarmament, ab 559 ; Disarmament : a study in international law^ ab 560; ac 430, 574; La guerre et ses fri- tendns bienfazts, b 408-10; ac 285, 431, S75t 862, be 857, 859; {see Arbitration, Interna- tional).
Pechand, be 713; Peck, ac 719, 856; Pecker, ac 283; Peckham, 27; Pecks, ^c 575.
Pedagocv : ac 718, be 421.
Peel, 857; Peet, ac 282, 571, 715; Peffer, ac287.
Pennsylvania : be 274.
Penology: be 274, 564, 707; {see Criminol- ogy)-
Pensavalle, 6c 857; Penzler, be 425; People ^-j. Hamilton Mfg. Co., 25; People's Palace, ac 285 ; Pepper, be 568 ; Perez, ac 428 ; Perier, ac 572, 716.
Periodicals, New: be 421, 422, 423, 424, 565, 567, 710.
Perns, be 7141 br 426; Perry, a 62i;Pesta- lozzi, be 275 ; Petarel, ac86o; Peters, be 713; Petcrsilie, br 421 ; Petharam, ac 574 ; Petrie, be 425 ; Pfleiderer, ac 429, 862 ; Pfoundes, ac 718.
Philanthropy : be 426.
Phillippines: rtc, 285, 430, 574, 718, be 567,709, 710, S56, 857; (see Spain, Spanish- American War, United States).
Philippson, ac 573; Phillipovich, ac 862; Phil- lipps, be 571.
Philosophy: ac 285, 574, 718, 862,3c 275, 421,
422, 426,564, 565, 707, 708,855 ; (see Positivism). Philosoph. Studien, be 275; Picard, ac 860, ^c
713; Piepenbring, (^c 425; Pierantoni, ar 571;
Pilon, be 568, 707; Piolet, be 710; Pitard, ae
572; Pitt Lewis, ac 572; Plassard, 802; Plato,
236, 396 ; Platter, be 426. Play : ac 430, be 421, 855 ; {see Amusements). Playgrounds : Municipal, in Chicago, a 145-
58; Movement for small playgrounds, a
159-70; ac430, 574. Plea, he 708; Plehn, 845; Plunkett, 688; Pobedo-
nostzeff, ac 282 ; Pobyedonostseff, be 425 ;
Pohlmann, rtC286; Poinsard, ac 284,429, 573,
716; Pokagon, ae 287. Police: ae 574. Political Economy: aversion to labor of the
- 'econnmic" man, 187; Ruskin's criticism of,
683; philosophy of history from economic point
of view. 831-43; igth century the age of the
economists, 839. ac 285, 430. 574,718, 862 ; fto
423, 565,566, 567, 710, 711, 856; (see Capital, Consumption, Savings, Value. Wealth).
Political Geography: Studies in political areas, \\\y a 366-79; Small political areas, character & influence of, 366-79.
Political Science: A summary of the trea- ties, laws, &' ordinances of the year i8q7, ab 110; social psychology and, 662-63, ac 286, 574, 718, 862 ; be 274, 277, 278, 420, 421, 424, 425, 567, 857 ; (see Citizenship, City Slate, Civil Service, Constitution, Democracy, Elections, Legisla- tion, Legislatures, Primaries, Referendum, Rep- resentation. Sovereignty. Suffrage).
Politics; Folitiis tn public institutions of
charity dj' correction, a 202-34; ae 430, 574, be 565.
Politisches, fec857; Pollard, 831 ; Pollock, ac 285.
Polygamy: .5c 708; (see Mormonism).
Pomeroy, ac 287.
Poor: ac 286, be 563.
Poor Laws : be 274, 275, 420,
Popes : be 568, 709.
Population : ae 286, 430, 574, 718, be 277, 278, 280, 420, 422.
Populism: ac 286.
Porritt, ae 571 ; Porter, ac 861.
Porto Rico: ac 286.
Posada, ac 2S7, 575.
Positivism: Ratzenhofer's view of, 534, 543, be 707.
Post, 776.
Postal: ac 430.
Pothier. be 420; Potter, 794, ae 861; Pottet, ac 283; Potts, ae 571; Powell, 63, 332, 333, 464; ae 285, 286, 6c 564 ; Powers, a 489, ac 431, 574, 719, 863 ; Prager, br 422 ; Pratesi, be 421.
Presidential Term: 6c 568.
Press: ae 282, 286. 571, 854.
Pressense, ac 282,861; Prevey, ac 718; Prevost, 714; Price, ac 715, be 424, 568.
Prices : ac 286, 430, 718, be 567, 708.
Prienne, ae 283,
Primaries: be 278.
Primo, be 278 ; Prinz, be 857 ; Prinzing, ac 860.
Prisons: development of, 522, ae 564,707,860; (s^ee Criminology).
Proal, ac 274, 287, br 421; Procter, ae 431; Procter & Gamble, 342.
Production; vs. consumption, 109.
Produktion, be 569.
Profession ; Capacity &> calling, ab 270.
Professionc, be 564.
Profit-sharing; non- success of, 97; Conclu- sions from a study of ab no; possibilities of* 343; Profit-sharing 6^ cooperation, a, 1. 593-t>o2; II, 789-806; Mill on, 593; Walker on, 594 ; Jevons on, 599 ; Fawcett on, 597 ; Clark on, 598; Hadley on, 599; ac 718, be 280,427, 567,710, 859; (see Cooperation).
Progress: manner of, 98; thus far by accident, 336; elements involved in, 336, ^c 279.
Property: ac 430, 574, he 278, 279, 281, 567; (see Inheritance, Ownership).
Prostitution; be 275, 422, 707, 708, 855.
Protfxtion: (see Tariff).
Protectorates; ac 862.
Prothero, ac 286 ; Protokol, 6c 569 ; Prouty, ac 574, 862 ; Prozzo, ac 430 ; Pnidhomme, ac 428.
Prussia: ae 514, be 280, 427, 565, 566, 570, 857, 859; (see Germany).
Psychology: Psychology &" art. ab 560; need of functional, 807; Patten's theory of, 824-30; ae 286, 430, 574, 718, 862 ; be 275, 421, 422, 564, 565,707,708,713, 85s; (see Hypnotism, Imagi- nation, Instinct, Suggestion).
Public Opinion: Groivth of, iSj.
Publikatlonen, 3c 566, 856; Pulle, ac 282; Pull- ing, be 714; Purdon, 178; Putnam, 408; Puy- wode, ac 429 ; Pyfferven, ac 285.
Quakers; be 712,
Quarantine: ac 574, 3c 423.
(^uellen, be 420, 707; Quesnay, 743; Quincy, ac 43°-
paboisson. 6c 858; Racioppi, ac 429; Rafael, ac 284; Raffalovich, ac 574, 717, 719; Raffles, 779.
Railroads: ae 286, 430, 574,718, 862, 6c 280, 281,282, 427, 571,714,715,859; [see Interstate Commerce, Mails).
Ralph, ac 286; Rambaud, ac 719, be m; Ram- say, 3c 566 ; Ranelletti, 6c 277; Rattigan, ac 574 ; Ratzei, 483, 485, a 366, ac 287, 574, br 700 ; Ratzenhofer, 3 528, br 426, 714 ; Rau. 761 ; Raucn-
berg, ac 285; Rauschenbusch, 3c 425; Rauschcn-