709; Mayo. (IJ429; Mayo-Smiih, 845.0^ 430; Mayr, hr 280: Maze), ac 574, 716; Ntazzini, 459, 573; Slazzola, ac 716; Mead, dtt; Meade, ac 717 ; Medd, ac 283.
Medical Charities: be 563,706.
Mchring, ^r 278, ^r 569; Meter, ^r 711; Meikle- john, b< 774, 433; Meili, be 568; 287; -Melli, if 711 ; Mellinaud, ai 386; Menos, a£429; Mensi, ac ^\\.
Merchant Marine: ^r 709, 714.
Merchan-ts: if 570, 571.
Mcrlino, ac 411, be 713 ; Merrill, ac 719.
Methodology: analysis, iiS; synthesis, 122; Method of iocioioi^'cal investigation^ 53?' Wundfs MethodenUhre, b 114-38 ; De Greet's classification of phenomena, 138, ar, 574.
Mexico: ^^566, 567.
Meyer, ac 863; Meynall, ae 282; Meynial, be 275; Micheli, af 430; Michon, be 857; Middle- ton, ac 282; Mignet, be 708; Mikalowtich, if 714; Mikhailowsky, if 279 i Miles, if 425; Slil- tiaud, af7i9; Mill, 179. 235,593,800,834,842, 843, ac 429, 571. be 277; Millas, if 426; Miller, ac 429, 571, if 565, 70S; Miliiken, a 289, ac 575.
Milling : if 280.
Millis, a ^i, 178; Mills, if 275, ir 421 ; Milne, 434; Milncr, ac 861; Slilsand, if 713; Milton, 841; Milukow, be 566; Minovici. be 274; Min- sez, ae 574; MJrot, ac 716; Mismer, 267. br 426.
Missionaries: he -jii.
Missouri Compromise: if. 565.
Mitchell, ac 717 ; Mitteiluagen, if 565 ; Mivart. ac 282, 862, br 420, 563 ; Mobius, ae 2S6.
Modesty: ac 862.
Moeiler, be 713; Moffat, 475; Molinari, be 28; Molinier, if 709 ; Molmenii, he 709.
Monasticism: if 568.
Mondaini, ac 286; Monete, if 70S.
Money: if 275, 276, 422, 565, 710; {see Currency, Finance).
Monge, ac S63 ; Mongredin, if 281; Monod, ac 428, 572, be 856; Monographien, be 463.
Monopolies; Public service b' the question of monopolies in the U. S., ab 700; be 569; Mu- niiifal, be S54 ; {see Trusts).
Monro, a: 574 ; Monroe, a 593, 788, br 566.
Monroe Doctrine: ac 430, if 276, 424.
Montanari, be 422; Montesquieu, 396. 831, 834, be 709; Monteuil, ac 574; Montgomery, ac 862; Monumenta, bi 566, 709; Moore, ac 287, 429, 573, be 713.
Morality: Sex tn primzttve, a 774-8S; func- tion of, 774; nutrition & reproduction as related to, 774-75 ; primitive, for boys, 775-76; marriage &, 777 ; skulls &, 777 ; manial feats &. 779 ; pen- alties, 780; intra-tribal vs. extra- tribal, 782-83: motor predominance in, 783-84 ; poisoning, 7S3-84 ; infidelity, 785 ; sacrifice of widows, 785-86; double standard of, 7S7 ; {see Double Standard),
Morant. ac 575; Morelli, if 711; Morgan, 4S5. 580, 581, ae 571, 715, 863, i 697, if 275, br 564 ; Morley, ai 428.
Mormonism; <if862; (.r« Polygamy).
Morrill, ae 429; Morris, ac 430, 566, be 714; Morrison, ac 283; Morse, ae 284 573, 715; Morsclli, br 714; Morsier, if 422; Mortillet, ac 430, br 420; Morton, be 278; Moses, be 278, br 423; Mosnier, be 423; Most, be 425; Motley, ae 428, 571; Moulton. 580, be 568; lllourre, ac 286; Moxom, ab 108. if 422; Mozumdar. ae 286; Mucke, be 281 ; Miihlbrecht, be 281; Muir- head. af 574, if 566. 857; Mulbcrger, be 569; Mulford, 547; Mullenhoff, bi 566; MUller, 843, ac 286, 428, if 275, 421. 425, br 427; MuIlcr, ae 283. 286, 86i, 6c 425 ; .Miinchener, bi 424, 567 ; Munich, be 280.
Municipal: (j*-*- Cities).
Miinsterberg, 244, 385, ae 282, 429,572,574, 715, b
107, ir 274; Murchc, i< 569; Slurfrce, i ; Mu-
riquc, if 713; Murray, ac 8^2; Musgrave, af
283; Myrbach, flf 287 ; Myrcs af 427. Mythology, if 563, 706. N acke, ac 7 16 ; Nansonty , be 281 ; Nash, ac 575 ;
National, 55, 63, 335. 342, 463, 464, 574. Nationalism: Essay on national characters^
837; 60567. Natorp, he 570, 707, br 714. Nati'RE: Results of scientific study of, 266. Nature Study: nature not everything, 407, he
707. Naudct. 6r 426 ; Naumann, 766, 6c 568. Navies: ac 285, 574, 718,862; 6c 277, 37S, 423,
566, 567. Negro: The negro tn America, b df^T, ac 574,
718, 862. Nelson, 342, 806, ac 287, 716; Nerincx, ac 717. NETHERlJ^NDs: 6c 565, 708. Neumann, he 569. ac 428, 861 ; Ncwcomb, 581, ac
430, 859, 862, New England : early development of, 370, ac 574,
6c 563, 564. New Jersey: 6c 274. Newman, 839. Newspapers: ac 574. Newton, 834, 836.
New York : 6 411, 6c 274, 278, 567. Neymarck, 6c 567; Niebuhr, 374; Niemann, ac
287; Nimmo, ac 282. Nineteenth Century: 6c 566, 567, 714. Nisio, 6c 421; Nitti, ac 571; Noble, 6c 856;
Nordau, ac 574; Norden, 6c 854; Norman, 6c
422, Normand, 6c 707; North, 845, ac 285;
Northbrook, ac 717. North Carolina : 6c 566, 567. Norway: ac 430, 574. 6c 565, 856. Notiz- Buch, 6c 278 ; Nouveau, ac 860, 6c 276, 423 ;
Novicow, 412, ac 286,719, 6408, ir 568; Noyes,
be 855. NliRSlNG: be 278, 858. Nys, ac 571. Oakley, af 574; Ober, af 286; O'Brien, br 566;
Oddi. ae 284 ; Odyssey, 782 ; Oertzen, be 563 ;
Oesterreich, if 854. Oklahoma: ac 2S5. Old- Age Pensions: ac 574, 6f 570, 571, 714.
S62 ; {see Insurance^. Oliphant, afS62; Olivetti, if 423; Olivi, tic 573 ;
Oily, if 426; Olmsted, af 428; Olney, tff 387;
Oman, ir 423, 566; Oncken, ac 286; Onclair,
be 713; One hundred years, if 568; Onnis, Of
860 ; Opere, if 563 ; Oppenheimer, ae 862, if
279. Opposition : necessity of, 46 ; need of among states,
374 ; Tarde*s theory of, 397. Ordinances: if 563, 564. O'Rell. af 573. Organic Method: if 570.. Orme, 271, ac 283; Orr, if 858; Orsini, if 564;
Ortloff. ac 431; Osborne, ac 286; Oseroff. ac
862 ; O'Shea, ac 285 ; Ostrander, be 426 ; Oswald,
ac 282 ; Ottolenghi, af 716. S61 ; Oubert, if 420 ;
Oudin, <2f 431 ; Ouida, ai 573; Outerbridgc, at"
429, 861 ; Owen, 47S. 786, 789- Ownership: The beginnings of, a 352-65. Oxford Movement: influence of, 810. padagogische, if 421, 707 J Page, if 855; Pajk,
if 708. Palestine: be 567- Palcy, af 574: Palmer, af 285, br 711; Panta-
leoni, ac 285, 574, if 277, br 424; Paoli, af
862. Parents: Relation betiveen children and,
among nature peoples^ ab 416. Paris: if 563.
Parishes ; be 565, sW.