Factory Inspection, Hours of Labor. Housing, Insurance, Strikes, Trades Unions, Unemployed, Wages).
Labriola, ac 860; Labrouche. he 707; Labusquiere, ac 71 5 ; Lacan, be 571 ; La Chapelle. be 568, 711 ; Lacombe. ae 575. 861, he 423, or 566; Ladd, ac 862;Lafitte,iir424 ;La Flize,^(:7o6;LaGrasserie, 412, ab III, ac 286,429, 575, 716, 858 ; La Gorcc, be 856; Lair, be 420; Lata, ae 862, be 709; Lallemand, ac 282, be 563; Lambert. 412, ac 719, 863; Lambrechts, ar 861; Lamprecht, ac 283, 861, be 856; Lamy, ar 573.
Land: man's dependence upon the earth, iii; physical conditions z/j. social. 652 ; physical con- ditions as a factor in sociology, 658; decline in value of large estates in Germany, 771 ; influence of physical environment, 835 ; ae 285, 718, be 281, 563.
Land Nationalization : ac 574.
Lande, ac 717.
Landscape GABDENrac: ac^d-z.
Landwirthschaftliches, <^<r85Q; Lane, ^t 425; Lang, be 425, ae 428, 574. 719, 862; Lange, ae 717; Langeron, ae 860; Langin, be 712; Langlois, be 566, br 423.
Language: ac 285, ^^t 564.
Larcher. «IC284; Larouche, 801 ; La Ronciere, ^i: 709; Lassallc, 770, be 569; Lasch, 0^862; Laschi, be 854; Laterade. ac 719; Laughlin, ac 284; Laughton, ae 568; Laupts, ab 853, a f^ 572, he 275; Laurent, ac 719; Laurie, be 275, 707; Lau- son, ac S72\ Laut, ae 860; Lavaleye, be 812; Lavy, ac 718.
Law : ae 285. 286, 574, 719, 862 ; be 274, 277, 421, 424. 425. 426, 857.
Law, Common: ^c 568,711; {j^r^ Corporations).
Law, Comparative : be •tii.
Law, Constitutional: or 711.
Laws, Both: be 712.
Laws of England, he 711.
Leadership: be -joq.
Leake, ac 717; La Belc, be 858; Leblanc, be 571 ; Le Bon, 832, b 554, be 713, ^r 570; L^chler, be 714; Leclaire, 594,806 ; LeCour-Grandmaison,af 862; Le Dantec, ac jiy^ he 273; Lcdos, be 708; Lee, ac 283; Lefevre, ae 719, 860, 861; Lefort, ae 284.
Legends: he 573.
Legge, be 710,
Legislation: criminology & lack of uniform, in U. S., 639, 644-45 ; ac 285, 430, 574, 718, 862 ; be 274. 277, 278, 423, 424, 425, 710, 857.
Legislatures: Dec/ineo/, ab 267.
Lehmann, be 275. 420; Lehr, ac 427; Leigh, ac 718; Lcithold, oe 563; Leitner, ac 429; Lejeal, ae Tit', Leloir, be 421; Lely, be 568; Lemire, ae 862 ; Lenz, ae 428 ; Leonard, ac 575, be 564 ; Le Play, 585, ae 715; Lcpreux, ^c 566; Lerda, arB62; Leroy, 6c 424 ; Leroy-Beaulieu, ae 282, 572, 575, 715, 860; Leslie, he 854 ; Letoumeau, ae 717, ^^275; Leupp, ae 573; Levasseur, ac 286, 862, 3 94, 98, br 277,423; L^vy, ae 283, 429, 861; Lcvy-Bruhl, ac 862; Lewinstein, be 2B1 ; Lewistski, be 426; Lewis, 775, 786, ac 285, 715; Lexis, ^c 275 ; Lichteoberger, be 278, 713, br 569; Lieber, ac 287 ; Liebmann, be 707.
Life: ac 430, ^c 420, 714.
Lighthall, ac 428.
Lighting: ac 718.
Lilienfeld, 412, be 279, br 426, 570; Lilley, ^c 435; Lilly, ac 428; Lincoln, ac 428, 709; Lind- ner, be 56^ ; Lindsay, 414, ae 386, 421 ; Lippert, ae 285; Lippmann, oe 424; Lipps, br 431.
Liquor Question: laws as to care of inebriates, 65 ; marriage of dipsomaniacs forbidden, 639 ; ac 285, 430, 718, 862, be 280, 281, 282, 427, 570, 571, 714,715.859.
Liszt, be 423.
Literary History: ae 285, 430, be 566.
Little, ac 428; Livi, ac 4.27; Lloyd, 687, 800, ac 717, br 423.
Local Government: be 707.
Loch, 574; Locke, 834, 836, 842, ae 286, 860; Lockyer. 716; Lodge, ac 573, 863, be 566.
Lodging Houses : ac 574.
Logan, ac 716; Lohmann, be 856; Lois, <5c 421 ; Lombroso, ae 575; Loncao, ac 575.
London : 6c 274, br 280.
Lord, i^c 423; Loria. 412, be 711,858; Lorimer, he 568, br 713 ; Lorini, ae 717, <^c 708 ; Lory, ac 575; Lotz, ae 572, ic 275, 707, 714; Louis, 560, ac 429, 574, 861.
Lovs: he 421, 422.
Low, ac 431, 574, 575; Lowe, ac 428, bt 425; Lowell, 202, ac 719, ab 109; Lowenstein, ac 716; Lubbock, ac 861; Lucay, ae 431, 575; Luchaire, ^c 854; Luckes, be 713; Ludlow, ac 282; Lum, ac282; Luporini, he 714; Lush, be 278, 569; Luthardt, br 425; Lutzow, ac 715.
Luxury : ac 718.
Luzzatti, he 422, 565, 714; Lynch, be 567.
LvNCHiNGs: ac 862.
Mabie, ac 572,719; MacAdaras.^c 711; McAn- nally, ac 2B6; Macarewicz, 847; MacCabe, he 857; Maccabees, he 569; McCarthy, ac 282, ^c 281, 856; McConnachie, b 412, be 278, br 425, 568; McConnell, be 281; McCormack, 842; MacDonald, 515, ac 285, 431, be 709; Macfar- lane. be 857; McGee, ac 427, 430; McGJffert, ae 860; McGrath, ac 573, 717.
Machinery : hostility of Russian peasants to, 345 ; ae 285, be 710.
Mclntyre, ac 572; Mackay, 268, br^j^, 420; Mac- kennal, ^c 568; Mackenzie, ac 2B3, ^c 568, 858; McKinney, ac 285; Maclay, ^^423: MacLean, a 721-41, ae 286 ; Macleod, ac 429, oc 422, 565 ; McMaster, ae 575; Macmillan, ae 284; Mc- Miirry, ^c 854; ^Iacrae, 777; Macrosty, 416, ac 431, 863 ; McVey, ae 283, 575, 719 ; Macy, «c 428 ; Maeterlinck, ae 861 ; Magee, ac 863, be 565.
Magic: />c 275, 420. 568.
Magnus, ac 572; Mahaffy,ac 572 ; Mahan, ac 716; Mahlung. be 706.
Mail: ac 862.
Maiily, ac 283; Maitland, be 278, 568, 857, br 425; Makarewicz, ac 283; Malarce, ae 282; Mallner, ^c 857 ; Mallock, ac 431, 716, ^r279; Malory, 833; Maltbie. ac 283, 284,716, br 420', Malthus, 378, 834, ae 282; Malzac, ac 575.
Man: differentiated from ?nimal, 141; desiresof, 381; Study of man, b 413, bc 706 ; Manchez, ac 573,863; Mandat-Grancey, (Sc 274 ; Mandeville, 834, 837; Mangin, bc 569; Manlion, bc 856; Mann, ac 428; Mantegazza, ac 717, 861, ic 421.
Manual Training: in vacation schools, 301, 325, ae 430, be 564, 707.
Mansuetus. br t^jo.
Manufactures: ac 285.
Marchesine, bc 275; Marco, ac 715; Marcovich, 557; Margoliouth, ac 574; Marillier, ac 430; Mark, bc 854.
Marriage: primitive, 507-14; of feeble-minded forbidden, 638; asexualization of criminals, 639; primitive ceremonies of, 777 ; ac 862, bc 27^, 422.
Marschner, ae 860; Marshall, 597. h 685, *c 707, br 564; Martin, ac 283, 284, 428, 429, 430, 573, 717, 718, be 710; Marty, ar 860; Marx, 411, ac 285, 287, 571, 861, he 424; Marzo. bc 421; Masaryk, ac 431; Mase-Dari. ac 284,^^281; Mason, 783, be 425; Massart, 3c 714; Masse- roli, bc 706; Massow, he 714.
Masturbation: 3c 422.
Math^i. bc 714 ; Mathews, a 603, ac 716 ; Mathiez, ac 284; Matiegka, ac 283, 572; Matignon, ac 285; Matlekovits, ac 717 ; Matter, 3c 425 ; Mat- thews, bc 564; Matttroli, be ju ; (de) Nlaurans, ac 573; Maurie, be 274; Mauriser, ac 574;
Mauroy, bc 708; May, ac 719; Mayer, 3r"