ican cities, ah 270; 00284,573,717, be 570, 571, 710, 714, 856.
Howard, ac 283, 286, 428, 574, be 569, 713; Howe, 434; Howe vi. Bancroft, 57 ; Howerth ac 286, 862; Howett, 475; Howison, ac 429; Hoyle, be 276; Hoyvis, ac 717; Hrdlicka, ae 572; Huber, be 568 ; Hubert- Valleroux, 109 ; Hubiier, be 570; Hubrick br 712; Hueppc, be 569; Hudson, uc 284; Hughes, ac 716; Hulberi, ac 861; Hull, ac 283, 287 ; Humbert, 60571 ; Hume, 834, be 709, br 566.
HitNCAKv: ae 285, 717, 6c 566,567, 856.
Hunt, 845, ac 571,716; Hunter, ac 715, 860,6c 8?6; Hurd, 178, ac 573,60423; Huse, 00572; Hyatt, ac 428 ; Hyde ae 284, 286, 719, 860, 861 ; Hyndman,6c 559-
Hypnotism: 60421,422.
Hyslop, 140, ac 286, 6c 711.
4dc, af 862.
Ideals: change from religious to economic, 840, be 570, 713.
Idiots: laws as to care of, 63; distinguished from insane, 328; {see Feeble-minded).
Ihenng, 253 ; Ilbert, l/c 278 ; lUing, be 424.
Imagination: ac ^\^.
Imbart, be 566.
Imitation : Tarde's theory of, 326.
Immigration: A/ien ifnmigyaHes in England^ b 104, ae 285, 861, be 280, 281.
Imperialism: 861; ^f 711; {if? Expansion).
Inama-Sternigg, be 856; Inaugurazione, be 858.
India: ac 429, 573, 862; be 422, 423, 565, 566, 855.
Indians: customs of, 775, 782; ac 285, 573, 717* be 420.
Individualism: charity and, 268; Individual- ism £^ social feeling in England, ab 699; Individual ir^ society, ab 850; at 285,429,573, be 858; {^see Paternalism, Socialism).
Industry: development of American, 95; Ger- man National Socialists' view of the great. 772 ; Real cause of the industrial &r> colonial de- velopment of England, ab 109; at 429, 573, 717, be 280, 281, 423, 424, 843, 856.
Inequality: motive force of, 36.
Infallibility: ^f 425.
Infanticide: ac 285, 573.
Information, Labor: oc 710.
Ingegnieros, ac 863 ; Ingram, 580.
Inheritance; ac ^is^^ be 711; {_see Bequest, Ownership, Property).
Inhulsen, ac 430, 719, 863.
Injunction: ac 285.
Innere Mission: nature of, 76;, a*^ 285, 573. ^c 273, 274, 420. 563, 564, 706.
Inquisition: be 710.
Insank: laws as to care of, 51; ac 285, 429; Criminal insane in the U. S. &* in foreign countries, b 556; marriage and, 639; ac 285, 429, 861 ; be 708.
Instinct: Instinct &* reason, with some special study of the nature of religion, 6 685- 87 ; be 564, 565, 708.
Institutions; analysis of social, 382.
Insurance: possibilities of, 342; IVorkingmen^s insurance, b t>95;in Germany, 773; Insur- ance against non-employment tn St, Gall 6r* Berne^ ab 703 ; ac 285, 429, 573, 717, be 276, 277,280, 281, 282,420.427, 571, 710, 714,715. 856,859; (j^f Old -Age Pensions).
Interest (Sociological) : Ratz'enhofcr's idea of, 538-40.
Interest (Economic) : ac 573, be 276, 567.
International, 516, 519, 646, 647, 648, 789, br 420.
International Law : ac 285, 429, 573, 861 ; be 276, 423.567, 710, 856; {see Blockade, Protectorates).
Internationale, be 276.
Interstate Commerce: 715; (i« Railroads).
iNTHRVENTtON: ar 573.
Ireland: cooperation in, 687; ar 385,573,718, 860.
Irrigation: ac 285. Irving. 484; Issaieff, ac 284, 708, 718. Italians: ac 717.
Italy : ac 285, 429, 573, 717, 861 ; be 275, 276, 422, 424. 563. 565.566,567,568, 570.709i7Jt.855,856. Izoulet, br 714. Jackman, ac Tid; Jackobs, br 42^; Jackson, ac
571, 718; Jacob, be 275; Jacquart, ac 428, 574 ; Jacquinet, be 279; jaeger, ac 286, be 274; jahnke, be 711 ; Jahrbuch, be 275, 278. 564, 567. 857; Jahre. be 563 ; lahres, be 275 ; Jahrhundert, ^^ 570 i Jalaguier, oc 425; James, 820, ae 716, 718, be 709, br 564 ; Jane, ac 574, 6c 277.
Japan: development of, 379, ae 430, 574, 717, 861 ;
be 422, 423, 711. Jastrow, ae 430, 718, br 425,427; Jaulmes,^c 712 ;
Jellinck, be 4124 ; Jcnks, ae 287, 428,718, br 424 ;
Jennings, be 867; Jentsch, i^i: 278,858; Jesuit,
be 423 ; Jevons, 595. Jews: invisible organization of, 35, ao 861, be 712. Jodl, ac 718 ; JohnM>n, a 326, 463, ac 571, 572, 717,
be 566; Johnston, 845, 856. Joint-Stock Companies: (see Stock Companies). Joly, ae 717, 861 ; Jones, 475, 687. 790. ac 429. 430,
572, S61, be 427, br 709 ; Jordan, ac 571, 572, be 563; jostenoode, ae 286: Jourdain, at 862, be 423; Journal, Ac 857; Judge, be 570.
Judiciary: ac 574. 86i ; (j^e' Injunction).'
Julian, ac 719; Jullian, be 709.
Jurisprudence: ^c 567, 568; (jcc Law).
Jumitschek, be 276.
Jury: origin of trial by, 522; perversions of the system. 631-32.
Justice: be 627.
Justinien, ae 863 ; Juvara, be 422.
Kaan. ac 430; Kiinlcr. ac 574 ; Kalendar, i^c 712 ; Kampffmeyer, ^c 858 ; K.3nx,b>-Ss4\ Kappelmann, be 276; Kataster, 3c 281; Katholische, 3c 712; Katzenstein. ac 573 ; Kaufmann, 3c 707 ; Kauff- mann. 3c 856; Kautsky,ac 715, 3c 858; Keasbey, ac 57: ; Keller, ac 715 ; Kelley, ac 285 ; Kellor, a 515, 630, ae 716 ; Kelly, a 21, ac 717 ; KeUey. aC7i5; Keltie, be 278; Kennan, 3c 709; Ken- nedy, be 709; Kennedy- Kra^ier, 581; Kent, br 434.
Kentucky: social life in eastern, 1-20.
Kerr,ac7i9; Kctterer. 3r 709; 575 ; Kiarer, ac 287 ; Kidd, 686. ac 575, be 279, 568; Kiebel, 3c 276 ; Kimble, a 666, ac 863; King, ae 863, be 565, 709, 856; Kingsbury, ac 286.
Kingship: 3c 856.
Kinley, 8^5; Kipling, 833, 841; Kirchenberg. ac 479; Kirchenheim, ae 431; Kirkus, ac 428; Klacko, be 709; Kleinwachter, ac 286; Klein - Schmidt, be 566; Kline, ac 574, 862; Knight, 687; Knox, ae 431. be 425; Kobler, be 423; Koch, be 274 ; Kochi, ae 284 : Kohler, ac 285 ; Kolisch, 3c 710; Kollman, ac S7^y ^<^ 7^1 Ko- loniales, be 711 ; Koni, ae 428. be 707 ; Kopp. br 570; Koppe, ^c 850; Korn, be 854; Kbrosy, 3c 859; Kosmodike, be 424; Kovaiewsky, be 421. 3r 424 ; Kraemer, 3c 566 ; Krafft,3c 571 ; Krajik, <*<^ 573 » Kran^. 412; Krausse, ac 428, oc 711 ; Kro- potkin, ac 428, 430, 572, be 427, 856; Krout, br 423 ; Kruse, ac 430, oc 564 ; Kuczynski, br 420 ; Kuefstcin. ac 285; Kuhlenbeck, 3c 711 ; Kuhne, 3r 700 ; Kunstcdt, 3c 281 ; Kurs, ac 860 ; Kiirsch- ner, be 424 ; Kurth, be 709.
La Barrc, 3c 712.
Labor; Some aspects of the labor problem, ab 108; Labor crises &r' their fiertods, ab 418; Annual statement relating to the operatives &* tuagt'tarners at Pullman, ab 561; L'ou- vrier amiricain, 3 94 ; Levasseur's study of, iu U. S.. 94; problem* of modern labor, 336; irk- someness of, 187-201 ; analysis of labor prob* leni, 336-51 ; claims for, in Germany, a 767-^8 ; ac 385, 430, 574. 718, 86i ; be 276, 277, 279, 423.
424, 567, 71a, 713, 856; (j« Arbitration, Capital,