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Gas: 0^284, 573; (j^c Monopolies).

Gasparotto, be 279; Gasquet, be 566; Gatti, ae 861; Gauike, ^c 567; Gaullieur,^<:424 ; Geddes, 577-92; Geden, i^c 425 ; Geffcken, be 424; Geh- nng, be 568, br 712; Geikie, ac 862; Gemein- "delexikon, he 280.

Genius: observations on the problem of the man of genius and the mass, ah 415, ac 284.

Geography : Geddes' outlook tower, 584-92 ; Reclus* globe, 591.

George, ac 287, be 276, 425, 564, 748; Geriolles, be 856 ; Gerland, ac 574.

Germany: society in. 112; National-Social party and its objects, 765-73,; ac 284, 429, 573, 717, 861; be 280, 421, 422, 424, 427, 563, 565, 566, 570, 708-14, 857, 858.

Geschichte, be 569, 709; Gewerbe, be 710; Ghidig- lia, 00429; Giacometti, 6c 709; Gibbins, 6r 422, 566; Gibson, ac 571, 718; Giddings, 126, 677, 694,813,814, ac 717, b 543, br 570; Gide, ac 431. 574. 715, 716; Giffen, ac 573; Gigot, ac 862; Gilardoni, be 707; Gilbert, ac 719, be 568, br 712 ; Gilman, 6c 564 ; Gilson, ac 861.

Gipsies: persistence of, 35.

Giretti, ac 431, 717.

Girls: ac 284.

Giuffrida, 717, 862; Gladden, 60425; Gladstone, 839,00282,428,60281; GIauert,a0 7i7 ; Glen, 6c 420 ; Glossner, 60 707 ; Glyn, 581 ; Gobineau. 6'* 563; Goblot, ac 575, 6r 426; Godin, 803; Godkin, ac 860, 6 266, 6c 277, br 567 ; Gbhre, a 765, 6c 420.

Gold: ao86i; (j^cMoncy).

Goldstein, 6c 422,858; Gomel, 6c 571; Gomme, «c 575, 6c 563, 85s, (5r 706 ; Gomperz, 6c 564; Gondinet. ^^ 855 ; Gonnard, 6c 571; Gooch, 6c !?77, br 424; Gordon, ac 574t 6c 709, 859; Gor- ham, be 857; Gosse, a^ 574; Gossip, ac 283; Gotthardt, be 569 ; Gounelle, ae 438, 572 ; Graetz, 6c 425; Graham, 6c 712; Grandeau. ac 427, 511; Grandmaison, ac 719; Grannelli, ao 427; Grasserie, ae 716; Grassi, oAi 572;Grasso, ac 863 ; Gratzer, ae 285; Gray, ac 284, 573.

Great Britain: cause of greatness of, 368 ; other nations imitate, 369; individualism in, 699, ac 284, 429, 573, 717. 861 ; 60 274, 275, 276, 277, 281, 420, 421, 422, 425, 427, 563, 564, 566, 567, 568, 569, 570,571, 706, 707, 708, 709,710, 711, 714.856, 858, 859; {see Canada, Colonies, House of Com- mons, India, Statutes).

Greece: ac 429, be 565, 568.

Green, rao 285, 429. 712; Greene, 6c 709; Green- well, 6c 564 ; Greenwoiod, ac 282, 428 ; Gregoro- vius, 6c 274, 709; Gregory, ac 718; Grcnier, 6c 279; Griffiths, ac 427; Griffs, br 566; Gri- maldi. 6c 281; Grinling, br 281; Grinnell, ac 717; Grisar, 60 709; Gronlund. br 569; Groome, 61* 563; Groos, 6r 411, 6c 855: Groppali, ac 719, 863; Gross, ac Tid^ be 707, 854; Grosse, br 276, 580, 706; Gninau, 6c 565; Grund, ac 428, 571; Grunwedcl, ac 862; Grunzel, 6r 711 ; G ru pp, ac 428; Guastella, 60275; Guenin, 6c 856; Guerin, 109, ac 284; Guida, 60 563; Guide, b. 857.

Guilds: ae 284, 429.

Guillot, ac 863; GuUotta, 6c 570; Gumplowicz, 6 105, 6c 858, br 279: Gunther, 60855; Gunton, ac 283, 285, 287; Gurteen, ac 428; Guthrie, 7<:9; Guyau, 60275 ; Guyot, ac 286, 573, 717, 860.

Haberlandt, br 420; Habler, ao 573; Haddon, 580,6 413, 6r 563;Hadley, 599, 00716, 718; Haeckel, 6c 706; Hagen, 6c 708, 851; Hagcn- meyer, 6c 709; Haig, 60 569; Hale, 60 858; Hali'fax, ac 8&j; Hall, 434, 446, ae 430, 60 567* 71a; Halperine, ac 860; Halstead, ac 572,6c 709, 856; Halton, 6c 707; Hamelin, 6c 711; Hamilton, ac 575. be 277, 564, 713, br 567; Hamm, ao 86a; Hammond, ac 718; Hapgood, ae 283.

Happiness ; The happy life^ 266.

Hanausek, 6c 713; Handbook, 6c 278, Hand- u. Lehrbuch, 6c 276, 278; Handbuch, 60 278, 857; Handworterbuch, 6c 281,427, 711,712; Hand- habungen, 60 278.

Hansa Towns : be 563, 564.

Hansel, 00718; Haneemann, 860; Hanstein, 6c 708 ; Hansuet, 6c 563, Hanus, oc 861 ; Harcourt, 6c 712, 858 ; Hardy, ao 574, 717 \ Harisse, ac 431 \ Harnack, 60 425, 712; Harper, oc 716; Harp- net, 6c 421 ; Harris, ac 429, 716, 6c 274, 707, br 420,421; Harrison, 55, oc 283,429,573; Har- risse, 6f' 422; Hart, oc 429, 716, 719; Hartle- ben, 60 280; Hartmann, br 421, 432; Hartung, O'C 575 ; Hasbach, ac 718 ; Hasse^ ac 287 ; Hassel, 6c 708 ; Hasserl, 6c 711; Hastie, ac 575, 719; Hastings, r 102, 400, 844; Hathe, 06 853; Haupt, ao 283; Hauriou, 6c 713; Hauser, oc 717. 6c 710; Hausonville, a6 852, ac 571 ; Hay, ac 574; Haynes, ac 431 ; Hayter, ae 282.

Hawaii : ac 284, 429, 6c 708, 709.

Hawthorne, ae 861, 6c 856; Hazcll, ar 717; Hazeltine, ac 428, 430; Hazen, ac 287; Head- lam, oc 860; Heath, ac 572.575; Heaton, ac 430; Hecht, br 711; Heckcl, ac 573, be 564; Heckenwelder, 475; Heco, ^1:422; Hegel, 235, 396, br 420; Heilfferich, 6c 422; Heine, ac 575; Heinrich, 6c 854; Heinzen, 60855; Hel- ferich, ae 284, 573; Hellferlch, 00717; Helf- terich, 60708; Hellen, 60 711; Hemming, ac

863; Henderson, 558, 765, a 202-34, a6 112, ac 283, 430, 6 406, 6c 279, 566, 706, br 570, r 94, 107, 269,^11,696,843; Henning. ac 427, 6c 420; Henrotin, 711; Henry, ac 284; Her- bart, 60 707, 6r 421; Herbert, ae 287; Her- bcrtson, 580; Herder, 256.

Heredity: feebleminded due *o, 333; ac 429, 717, 861 ; {see Evolution).

Hering, ao 286; Herkner, 00 718; Hermann, 6c 708; Hcrrick, ac 862; Herron, ac 286, 6c 859; Hershey, ae 283 ; Hervey, ac 429 ; Hess, 6c 567 ; Heuffer, oc 428; Hewins, oc 575; Heysmann, 6c 424; Higgins, 6c 567; Highest and lowest prices, 60 7c5 ; Hilder. ac 285; Hill, ac 716, 717, 718, 719, 6c 856 ; Hillemand, 6c 714 ; Hillis. oc 860; Hilty, 368, br 424; Hinton, a^ 716; Hiriart, ac 572; Hirst, ac 282, 286; Historical Society, 6c 709; Histoire, 6c 274; Historische Bibliothek, 60 709.

History; must be studied in epochs, 834; social psychology and, 660; different philosophies of, 831; philosophy of different periods of , 835-40; ac 284, 439. 573. 717. 861 ; 60 422, 423, 565, 566, 567, 709, 85s, 856 ; \see Europe, Nineteenth Cen- tury, and names of countries).

History, Economic: 60567.714-

History Method: 60 708.

History, Social: 6c ^<^^ 709, 710.

History of South America, 60 856; Hiue, be 856; Hoar, ae 719; Hobbes, 834, 835,842; Hobson, ac 287, 6 681,60 569.714; Hodges, 858; Hodgkin, ac 718; Hof- u. Siaats-Hand- buch, 6c 857; Hoffman, 485, ac 429; Hogan, 60421; Holbach, 6r 714; Holland, ae 574* be 281. 710; Hollander, ac 719; Hollins, oc 430; Hollis, oc 574; Holly, ao 862; Holm, 6r 423; Holman. 6c 275 ; Holmes, 79, 845, ao 862.

Holy Roman Empire: 60709.

Hopkins, ac 284, 429, 575, 718; Horr, 6c 7^*; Horsley, br 564, 6c 707; Hotchkiss, ac 571; Horticultural Assoc, 798 ; Horton, ac 715.

Hours of Labor : The U. S. supreme court and the Utah eight- hours' law^ a 31-34; bc 377, 493.

Hourst, be 709.

House: Evolution of the English^ 6 691, 6c 708,

7'3* House of Commons: 6c 857.

Housing: Improved tenement homes for Amer-

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