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Central America : 00282.

Centralization, 6c 977 ; Ccntralstellc, foe 276 ; Cctty, ar 718; Chabin, foe 568; Chaboseau, ac 429; Chadman, 6r 277 ; ChaiUry-Bcrt, ac 862; Chailhi, be 563; Chamberlain, ac 28^, 575; Channiog, ofo no, ac 287, 429, he 565; Chaplct, be 426; Chappell, foe 563; Charilas-Schriiten, 6c 854.

Charities : Die Armenf'flegey 6 107; in Ger- many, 107; references on, 107; State super- vision of eharitieSy a 178-86; history & present state of supervision in U. S., 178-186; need of civil service in administration of, 202- 34 ; The state and charity^ 6 268 ; dangers of, 268; Annual report of the N. Y. state board of charities, 1897, fo 411; ac 282, 428, 572, 715, 860, foe 420, 563, 706,712,854; {see Beg- ging, Deaconesses. Defectives, Degenerates, Dependents, Feeble-Minded, Friendly Visiting, Housing. Innerc Mission, Insane, Parents, Poor Laws, Settlements, Summer Charities, Vacant Lot Cultivation).

Charles-Roiix, foe 714 i Chastand, ac 863; Cha- teaubriand, 396; Chavez, foe 707.

Chemistry: ac 283.

Chenillard, foe 857; Chcsnclong. foe 276; Chiap- pclli, ac 575.

Chicago: natural advantages of, 145; parks of, T46, ae 717, for 707.

Chilcott, foe 373.

Child Labor: defects in nth census as to, 88; trades Mnions and, 448-50; Illinois law, 722, be 423. 856.

Child-Saving: ac 283, foe 273, 274. 563, 706.

Child Study: Jmportance of, 72, ac 572, 715, foe 707.

Children: ac 283, 428, 572, 715.

China: ae 283, 428, 572, 715, 860, foe 422, 56s, 710, 711.

Chironi.foe 858; Chiusano, ac 860; Chomettc, 6c 856 ; Chonez, foe 854.

Christianity : merit and defect of for social move- ments, 76«;-6; ac 715; (j*^<;)hurches).

Christian Socialists: cooperation and, 79«>-9». 794-

Churches: Le d^caiogue agrieole^ b 107; future of New England, 266 ; Significance of the church in the social movement^ a 603-20; IVorkingman^s alienation from the churchy a 621-2Q ; causes of alienation, 621-29 ; influence of Calvinists, 835 ; of Methodism, 837 ; influence of the mediaevaJ, 835 ; Locke and the deists, 836 ; ethics and, 437-38; ae 283. 428, 572, 716, 860; foe 420, 423. 425, 426, 563, 568, 569, 709, 712, 71J, 857, 858; {see Buddhism, Missionaries, Reli- gion).

Cilleuls, ac 718.

Cities: The twentieth century city, b 106, rem- edy for municipal misgovemment, 266; Pecu- liarities of American municipal government, 06267; principles of development of, 376; ac 282. 428, 572, 716, 86a, 6c 274, 280, 420, 563, 564, 568, 569, 570, 571, 706, 707, 710,714.854,858; {see Chicago, Gas, Hansa Towns, London, Play- grounds, Street Railways, Streets, Tammany, Water).

Citizenship: foe 568.

City States: character and influence of, 367.

Civilization: American contributions to civil- ization and other essays, b 266; foe 570, 706, 709.

Civil SER\ncE Reform : need of in charitable institutions, 203-34, ac 572.

Civil War: 6c 565, 709, 710.

Clark, 598, ac 574. 718; Clarke, 775* 786, 863, ac 574. 715. 7>9. f>c 277, 568, 6r 424-

Classification : of sociology, ab iii ; De GrccPs, of social phenomena, 138 ; difficulties of, 142.

Clearing Hocse: foe 565.

Cleifiie, 6c 424; Clemens, foe 564; Clement, ac 285; Cleveland, ae 717, foe 567; Clinch, ae 717; Closson, ae 860; Clough, foe 571; Clowes, ac

285. 575.717- Coal; ac 283, Sc 280. Cochin China: foe 857. Codes: 6c 568.

Codice, dc 422; Coerpcr, 6c 420; Cogniglini, ac 860; Cohn, 761, 6c 277, 713, 856; 6r 567 ; Cola- janni, 6c 569.

COLBERTISM : 6c 713, 714.

Cole, 434, 6c 425, 854; Colegrove, ac 862; Coletti, ac 571.

Collectivism: application of the collectivist sys- tem, afo 699; ac 572, for 281, 571.

Collet, ac 287; Colleville, 6c 280; Collier, nc 283, 428, 572, 716, 860, foe 567 ; Collins, ac 861 ; Colomb, ac 431.

Colonial Life: 60565.

Colonies: cause of England's development in, nfo 109; need of, 373; ac 283, 428, 572, 716, 860; foe 422, 423, 425, 566, 568, 709, 711, 856, 857.

Colquhoun. ac 573, 575, for 422; Colton, foe 859; Comtte, foe 279.

Commerce: foe 422, 424, 427, 711, 714; (5^^ Ship- ping, Trade).

Commercial Geography: 6c 571.

Communism: ae 428.

Compayre, ac 429-

Competition: foe 571.

Comte, 242, 248, 448, 585. 839, ac 571, foe 713; Conant, ac 431, 718, 861.

Confession: foe 714.

Congo Free State : foe 857.

Congregational, foe 712; Congres, foe 280, 571.

Congress: Congressional committees, b 413; foe 278, 420, 568.

Conigliani, 276 ; Conlon, foe 714 ; Conover, ac 284 ; Conrad, ac 571. S?^. be 567, 857; Cornish, be 851 ; Corsi, 6( 854; Coste, foe 856.

Conscience, National: foe 509.

Constitution: ae 283, foe 711.

Constitutional Hist.: foe 565, 566, 567.

Constitutional Law: Cases on American eon- stituiional law, h 102.

CoNSTirUTioNS: be -zyj, 278.

Consumers' Leagues, a6 108; consumers' league of Illinois, 721; standard of the league, 740; justification for, 740.

Consumption (Economic): laws of, 66; largest per capita in America, 95 ; z's. production, 109; social psychology &, 661 ; German societies for, 770; 6c 422, 710; {see Production).

Contant, 6c 277; Contarcl, for 427; Continental- Compass, be 70S.

Contracts: be 277, 278.

Controversies, foe 857; Contuzzi, foe 567; Cony- bearc, ac 716; Cook, ae 430, 862, foe 565; Cooke, foe 280.

Cooperation: International cooperative con- gress at Delft, ab 112; Profit-sharing ^y*, a 593-602 ; Caimes on, 595 ; Fawcett on, 597 ; Mar- shall on, 597; Clark on, 598; Hadley on, 599; Spencer on, 600; Labor copartnership: notes of a visit to cooperative workshops, factories, £h farms in Great Britain 6^ Ireland, 6 687; ac 283, 428, 572, 716, foe 280. 281. 282, 422, 423, 426. 571, 710, 860; {see Associations, Credit, Profit-Sharing).

Cope, 650; Copinger, for 712; Coppce, ac 286; Corbcflini, foe 707; Corbin. ae 719; Cornelius. foe 426; Cornero, foe 426; Cornil, foe 420; Cor- nill, foe 712.

Corporations : Principles of the law of pu6lie corporations, b 696.

Corpus, be 425; Cosack, for 424; Cosentini, ac

286, foe 426; Coscniino, foe 274; Cossa, foe 377, 710; Coste, foe 280; Cothran, ae 286.

Cotton : ae 428, foe 276, 427, 710.

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