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398, 437, 553, 649, 650, 816, 821, ac 5iS» 718, 863, fee 567, fer 434; BaJ four, fee 564, br 707; Bal - lard, ac 860; Ballod, ac 282; Baaca, fee 275, 422; Bancroft, 484, 485; Bandelier, 485. Banking: 6c 422, 565, 708; {see Clearing House,

Finance). Bankruptcy: 6c 565, 571, 715. Banneaux, ac 282, 716; Baptist Handbook, fee 712; Baratieri, ac 715; Barassi, fee 277; Ba- ratta, 6c 713; BarbagaJIo, 6c 858; Barclay, oc 285; Bares, 6c 276; Barker, 00431; Bamaby, ac 427 ; Barnes, ac 572; Bamett, ac 283,716; Barolin, 6c 858; Baronchelli, 6c 200; Barr, ac 283 ; Barrows, b 556, ac 287 ; Barth, ac 282, 286, 863 ; Bashore, ac 431 ; Bassi, fee 4*6 ; Bates, ac 430, fee 708. Baths : ac 282. Battles: fee 856.

Batten, ac 428; Baty, ac 860; Baumann, fee 275' Bavaria: 6c 279.

Baxter, ac 716; Bayard, ac 571 ; Beanne, 6c 280; Beaumarchais, 6c 424 ; Beardslee, ac 429 ; Beaton, 6c 568 ; Bebel, 6c 278 ; Bechade, be i,-2-j ; Bechterew, 6c 713; Beckmann, 6c 856; Beer, 6c 422. Begging: 6c 420; (j^^ Charities, Tramps). Beha ed Din, fee 565; Beitrage, 60422,424; Bel- ford, oe 862; Bell, ac 430; Bellesart, ae 863; Bellet, ac 717; Belloc, 6c 855 ; Bellom, fee 710; Below, fee 708; Beltrani-Scalla, 6c '^7I, 572; Bemis, 6c 854; Bender, 6c 276, 563, 706; Bene- dict, ac 286; Binct, fee 274; Benini. ac 2B6; Benner, 6c 708 ; Bennett, ac 715^ 863, fee 855 ; Benoist, ac 282, 718; Sensing, 6c 280; Ben- tham, 235. 241 ; Bentzon, ac 282, 574. Bequest: 6c 714; (j^# Inheritance). Berard, 575, 845; Bernard, 6c 570; Berenger, fer 569; Bericht, 6c 714; Berlin, 6c 5631 5^9; Ber- liner, 6c 420; Bern, fee 279; Bernard, ac 286; Bernat, ac 285 ; Bemer, 6c 424, 564 ; Bemheim, ac 284 ; Berry, ac 431 ; Bertha, 6c 277 ; Bertheau, fee 713; Berthelcmy, ac 860; Berthelot, ae 283 ; Berthold, ae 428 ; Bertolini, ac 283 ; Berton, ae 284; Berze, ac 716; Besson, ac 427; Beukc- mann, 6C713; Beyschlag, oc 283; Bezold, ac 283 ; Bianchi, 6e 274. Bible: ac 860, fee 568, 712; (j« Criticism). Bibliography: Current bibliography: Books, 273. 419. 562, 705, 854; ArticUi, 282, 427, 571, 715. 859; Manuel de bibliograpkie generale, b 400. Biblioteca, 6c 377: Bibliothek, 6e 714; Bicknell, 332. 333; Biederlack, 6c 279, 426; Bierling, fee 567 ; Biervelt, ac 862 ; Bigg, 6c 714 ; Billeter, fee 567; Billiard, 6c 857; Billot, ac 717; Binding, fee 7"- Bimetallism: 60565,708.

Biography: ac 282, 428, 571, 715,860, 65280,281, 282,420,421,422, 423, 434, 425, 426, 563, 566, 567, 568, 570, 707, 709, 855, 856, 857. Biology : disuse of biological analogies, 143 ; ac 282, 428, 715, 6c 373, 420, 563, 606, 854; (see Life, Man). Bippen, 6c 706 ; Bischoff, 6c 569 ; Bismarck, ac 428,571,715, br 424, 567; Bismarckreden, 6e 424; Bissing, ac 427 5 Blackford, ac 43°; Blackmar, ac 716; Blackwell, 6c 273; Blanc, 6c 275,831; Blanchard, 6c 857; Blau, 6c 568; Blaviel, 6e 426; Blenck, 6c 858. Blint>: laws as to care of, 51 ; 6e 563- Bliss, a 79, ac 287, 862, br 568; Bloch, ac 860, 6c

858; Block, ac 431,863. Blockade: ac S&o.

Blok, 6c 708, fer 565; Blondel, ac 284,717,861,

fee 708, 714. fer 427; Blum, 6c 278, ac 572;

Blumbach, 6c 857 ; Boas, 845 ; Bodley, fe 98 ;

Bogart, ac 573, fee 570.

Bohemia: ac 715-

Bohm, 6r 714; Bohm-Bawerk, ae 430. fee 278;

Bdhmert, 6e 275 ; Bohmer, 6c 425 ; Bois, ac 860 ; Booar, ac 282, 718; Bon Marche,8o3; Bonnaffe, 6c 422; Bonne, 6e 714; Bonsai, ac 283, 860; Bonwick, 785 ; Bonzon, nc 860 ; Bordiga, 6e 427, wi ; Borght, 6e 427 ; Borgius, ac 428 ; Bort- kemitsch, ac 285, 574, 715, ;i8; Bosanquet, fee 426, 6r 569; Boston, ac 860; Botsford, 6c 277 ; Bottoni, ac 573 ; Boucicault, 802 ; Boucher- ville, ac 572; Boueil, 6c 856; Bouet, ac 719; Boulger, ac 573, 860, 6c 565 ; Bouloc, 6c 856 ; Boulnois, be 274; Bourzart, ac 862; Bourguin, ac 427; Bourne, ae 427, 6e 571; Bouvier, fee 711; Bova, be 426; Bowles, ac 862; Bowley, ac 575, 719; Boyd, oc 572. fe 102. fer 277, r 696 ; Boyle, 778. Bovs: primitive morality for, 775-76, ac 282, 428. Braasch, 6c 569; Brace, oe 715; Bradford, ac 719, 6c 857; Brandt, ac 283; Branford, 581; Bransod, ac 284; Brants, ae 575; Brassey, ae 284, 6c 377 ; Braim, ac 431. 7^9 i Breach, 6c 570. Bread Question : fee 427. 711 ; (-^^^ Food, Wheat). Brebner, fee 564; Breckinridge, ac 431; Brcden, ac 428 ; Brelay, ac 283 ; Breley, 6r 567 ; Bremen, fee 279, 570; Bremer, 27; Brentano, ac 574, fee 711, 856; Brereton, ac 572; Breslau, 6e 279; Briggs, 596, ac 716, 6e 712 ; Bright, ac 429. fee 712 ; Brinkerhoff, ac 572 ; Brinton, ac 429, 574 ; Brockdorff, 6c 421 ; Brockway, 559.56°; Brod- rick, ac 428 ; Broglie, fee 563 ; Bromby, ac 283 ; Brooke, fee 423. 427; Brooks, oc 574, br 706; Brousse, ac 430 ; Brown, ac 282, 284. 572, 860, 6c 275, 854 ; Browning, 841 ; BrownBeld Guild Potter soc, 806 ; Bruce, fee 857 ; Bruhl, ac 571 ', Brunei, fee 710; Brunelli, 6c 857; Brunetiere, ac 572, 861; BruDS, 6e 854; Brunschvieg, ac 385; Bryan, 6c 708; Bryant, 6c 568; Bryce, ae 282, 284. 860, 6c 568; Bucbez, 788; Buchly, ac 573; Buckle, 834 ; Buckley, ac 283 ; Buckton, 6c 278 ; Budapest, 6c 858; Buddeman, 6c 855. Buddhism: 60425,426.

Bugbee, ac 431, 719; Building Asso.. 6c 714; Bulkley, oc 716; Bulletin, fee 570; Bullock, oe 431 ; Bump, 6e 565; Bunzel, ac 429; Burck- hardt, 776, 6c 565 ; Burdett, ac 718, 6c 273 ; Burk, ac 283; Burgess, oc 286; Burinot, ac 282; Bur- leigh, ^c 855; Bume-Jones, ac 428; Bumham, oc 283; Burton, ac 429; Busch, 6r 424; Butler, 780, 6r 421 ; Butterworth, 6C564; Buttgenbach, 607x2; Buttrick, 434; Buxton, oc 285; Byles, ac 863 ; Bynum, ac 861. Cadell, 6e 708; Cadoux ac 428; Cady, ae 719; Cahen, ac 572 ; Caimes, 595 ; Calayarmi, ac 285 ; Caldwell, ac 431. California: 571, 6e 565.

Calisse, ac 715; Calmon, ac 375; Calonne, ac 861; Camera, fee 275; Cammerts, oc 715; Campbell, ac 718, 6c 568. Canada : ac 282, 571, fee 566, 709, 860. Canals; ac 282, 571. 715, fee 427. 860. Candee, ac 285 ; Candel, ac 573 ; Cannan, ac 287,

860 ; Cannit, 6e 712. Canon Law : 6c 568, 857. Cantoni, ac 861. Capital: ac 860,6c 276,277,424; (see Interest,

Labor, Wages). Carassavi, ac 430; Caroopino, ac 572; Cargill, ac 43o;Carlile, ac 717; Carlyle, 682, 839; Car- nagie, 6c 712; Carnegie, ac 287; Carrington, ac 867; Caro. 6e 708; Carpenter, fee 708; Car- rara, 6c 707; Carriere, 718; Carus, 6c 718,862; Carver, 6c 275, fer 422 ; Cary, ac 286, 431 ; Case, 6c 714; Cassel. ae 431 ; Castelar, ac 428; Cas- tellani, 6c 706; Castelot, 00574; Castagnol, ac 429; Castiglioni, fee 277; Catalogue, 6c 708; Catholic directory, 6c 712; Cathrein, 6c 569; Cattell. 650; Cavaglieri, ac 431; Caverley, ac 430; Cenni monograiici, 6c 571. Census: methodic of nth, 86; T/ie federal, 6

843; ac 572, 715. fee 710-

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