Gigot, Albert. L'evolution du trade-unionisme, RefS., Mr. i6.
Le Cour-Grandmaison. A propos d'une greve r^cente, AC, F.
Levasseur, E. Les colleges professionnels a Rome, RIL..Ja.-F.
Murray, J. C. **The Merchant of Venice" as an exponent of industrial ethics, IJ E. , Ap.
Philippovich, E. v. Organisation der Berufs interessen, ZVS., 8: i.
Tennant, H. Dangerous trades, FR.. F.
Zueblin, C. Industrial democracy, JPE., Mr.
See also Churches. Landscape Gardening : Tolman, W. Land- scape gardening for factory homes, RRN.. Ap. Law: Bourcart, G. L'evolution du droit prive en Grece, RPP., Mr.
Holmes. O. W, Law in science and science in law. HLR.. Mr. Legislation: Durand. E. D. Political & mu- nicipal legislation in 1898, AAP,. Mr. Liquor Question : Fraser, D, J. Ethics of pro- hibition. IJE., Ap.
Ryckere, H. de. L'alcoolisme feminin, AAC.
Viart, de, H. L'eiat de la question de l'alcool- isme en Belgique, au point de vue legislatif (suite), RSC, F. Lynchings: Prevention of lynch-law epidemics,
RRN. Mail: Tunell. G. G. Charge for railway mail
service, JPE., Mr. Marriage: Adler, F. Spiritual meaning of mar- riage, Ethical Addresses, F. See also Sexes. Modesty : Ellis, H. Evolution of modesty, PsR.,
Mr. Mormonism : Oppenheimer, F. Die Utopi.i als Thatsache; die Wirthschaftsordnung des Mor- monensiaats . . , 2S., Mr. Young, E. Revival of the Mol-mon problem, NAR., Ap. Municipal : see Cities.
Navies: Taylor, H. Future of our navy, F.. Mr. Negro: Cook. O. Negro and African coloniza- tion, F.. Mr. Hamm.W. Three phases of colored suffrage,
NAR., Mr. Holly, J. T., & others. The race problem,, A., Ap. Old Age Pensions: Old age pensions made easy.
FR., Mr. Peace Movement: Bliss, Edwin. The Czar's peace conference, RRN., Ap. Bowles, T. G. The lost notion of war, CoR., Mr. Howerth, Sir Henry. Some plain words about
the Tsar's new gospel of peace, NC, F. Stillman, W. J. The peace of Europe, CoR.,
Mr. Tolstoi, Leo. The Czar's peace conference. In- dependent, V*p. 13. Philippines: Belford, S. Material problems in the Philippine Islands, RRN., Ap. Bellessart. Andre. Une semaine aux Philip- pines, RDN., F. 15. Denby, Charles. What shall we do with the
Philippines? F., Mr. Lala, R. R. Situation in the Philippines, Inde- pendent, Ap. 13. Philosophy: Bakewell. C. M. Teachings of Friedrich Nietzsche, IJE., Apr. Ijcrda, G. Stoicisme et pessimisme, DS., D. Levy-Bruhl, L. Contemporary movement in
French philosophy, Monist, Ap. Montgomery, E. Actual experience, Monist,
Ritchie, D. G. Philosophy and the study of philosophers, Mind, Ja.
Zuccante, G. Intorno all' utilitarismo della
Stuart Mill, RIF.. N.-D. Political Economy : Dagan, H. La question
agraire et les systemes economiqnes, HN., F. See also Anthropology, Capital. Political Science : d'Araujo, O. Le federal-
isme au Bresil el dans les rcpubliques hispano-
americaines, RPP., Mr. Paoli, L. Le mal de TAlgerie, RPP.. Mr. Saunders, W. F. St. Louis election schools,
RRN.. Mr Smith, F. Politics as a form of civil war, PSM.,
Mr. See also Protectorates. Poor Relief: see Charities. Profit-Sharing: see Cooperation. Protectorates: Chailley-Bert. Joseph. Les pro-
tectorats de I'Inde britannique, AEL., Mr. Psycholoey : Biervliet, J. J. van. L'hommc
droit et Phomme gauche, RPh., Mr. Colegrove, F. W. Individual memories; AJP.,
Ja. Ellis, H, Stuff that dreams are made of. PSM.,
Ap. FouiH^c. A. La psychologic religieuse dans
Michclet. RPh., Mr. Giuffrida-Ruggeri, U. L'cvoluzione delP im-
maginazione, AAE., 28:2. Herrick, C. L. The maicrial vs. the dynamic
psychology, PsR., Mr Kline. L. W. Methods in animal psychology,
AJP..Ja. Ladd. G. T. Certain hindrances to the progress
of psychology in America, PsR., Mr. Mivart, St. George. The new psychology, NC,
F. Remade, G. Recherche d'une methodc en psy- chologic, RMM,, Mr. Washburn, M. F. Subjective colors and the af- ter in.age: their significance for the theory of
attention, Mind. Ja. Railroads : Dietler, H. Regulation and na- tionalization of the Swiss railways, AAP.. Mr. Jourdain. R. L'exploitation des chemins de fer
de I'etat frangais, RPP,, F. Newcomb, H. Opposition to railway pooling,
NAR.. Mr. Prout^', C Powers of the Interstate Commerce
Commission, F.. Ap. Spoouts, M. Some phases of interstate com- merce, ALRv., Mr. See also Africa, Mail. Religion: Cams, P. Yahveh & Manitou, Mon- ist. Ap. Fiamingo. The policy of the Holy See, CoR.,
F. Griinwedel, A. Zur buddhistischen Ikonogra-
phie. Globus. Mr. 18. Lang, A., & Hartland, E. 3. Australian gods,
Folk-Lore. Mr. Lasch, R. Religioser Selbstmord und seine
Beziehung zum Menschenopfer, Globus, Ja,
28. Pfleiderer, Otto. Religionless morality, AJT.,
Ap. Russia: Oseroff, Ivan. Industrial development
of Russia, F.. Ap. Tolstoi, L. La famine en Russie en 1898,
ReS., F. Toujoroff, S. Russia's march on Europe, A.,
Ap. See also China. Saving: Ide, Mrs. G. E. Shall we teach our
daughters the value of money? PSM., Mr. Lemire. La petite propriete et I'epargne, AC,
Mr. Science: Geikie, A. Science & education*
PSM., Mr.