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Conrad, J. Grundriss zum Studium der politi- schen Oekonomie. 3. Tl. Finanzwissenschaft, Jena, G. Fischer. 176pp. 8vo. M. 3.50.

Loria, A. Economic foundations of society, tr. from ad French ed. by L. M. Klashey. L., Swan Sonnenschein. 40a pp. 8vo. 3s. 6d.

Macfarlane, C. W. Value, price & distribution : an historical, critical & constructive study in economic theory . . . Phil., J. B. Lippincott Co., 1898. 300 pp. 8vo. $2.50.

Mallner, W. W.-ihrcr Werth allcr im Wiener Coursblattc notirten Lose f. d. I. i8gQ, be- rechnct zu den Coursen vom 28. IX. i8q8. 16. Jahrg. Wicn, Hubci & Lahme. 24 pp. 8vo. M. 0.80.

Root, E.T. *'The profit of the many": the biblical doctrine & ethics of wealth. N. Y., F. H. Rcvcll. 321 pp. lamo. $1.35.

Vcblen, 'l"horstcin. Theory of the leisure class: an economic study in the evolution of institu- tions. N. v., Macmillan Co. 400 pp. 8vo. $a.

Virgilii, F., c Garibaldi, C. Introduzione alia economia matematica. MiUno, Ulrico Hoepli. 210 pp. i6mo.

Volkswirthschaftlichc Mitteilungen aus Ungam. Red. V. J. Szlercnyi. Jahrg. 1809. 4 Hfte. Wicn, A. Holder. 3^ pp. 8vo. M. ao.

Volkswirthschaftlichc Zciilragen. Vortrage u. Abhandlgn., hrsg. v. der volkswirthschafll. Gcsellschaft in Berlin. 159. Hft. 20. Jahrg. 7. Hft. Brentano, L. Der Schutz der Ar- beitswilligen ... B., L. Simon, 35 pp. 8vo. M.I.

14. Political Science.

Bacou, A. De I'influcnce du fed^ralisme sur

r institution des chambres hautes (these).

Toulouse, iibr. Riviirre. 203 pp. 8vo. Billiard, A. Politic^ue ct organisation coloniales

Cprincipes g^neraux). P., Giard & Briere.

300 pp. 8vo. f. 5. Blanchard, G. Fonnaiion & constitution politique

de I'Etat independant du Congo (these.) P.,

Iibr. Pedone. 399 pp. 8vo. Blumbach, E. Der biirgerliche Stand in Russ-

iand, seine Rechte u. Pflichten. Riga, Ernst

Plates. 64 pp. 8vo. M. 1.50. Bradford. Gamiel. The lesson of a popular govt.

N. Y., Macmillan Co. « v. (526 & 590 pp.)

8vo. $4. Brunelli, Ign. Teorico della sovranita. Ferrara,

Antonio Soati, 1898. 301 pp. 8vo. Chenilliard, G. L«s colonies anglaises. P., Iibr.

Ch.iltamel. 415 pp. 8vo. Debrctt's House of Commons & the judicial bench,

1899, 33d year. L., Uean. 470 pp. 8vo.

7s. 6d. D^marct, E. Organisation coloniale et federation.

Une federation de la France et de ses colonies

(these). P., impr. Noblet. 208pp. 8vo. uische Kolonial-Gesellschaft. Vcrhandlungcn. Bcrlin-Charlottenhurg. 1898-99. a. u. 3. Hft.

B.,I). Reimer. M.0.60U. i. Dod's Parliamentary companion (67th year). L.,

Whittaker. 408 pp. 32mo. 4s. 6d. Eotscheidungen des konigl. preussischen Ober-

verwaliungsgerichts, hrsg. v. Freytag.Techow,

Schultzensiein, Rcichmann. 33. Bd. B., C.

Heymann. 497 pp. 8vo. M. 7. Fauran, R. De 1 election du president de la R6-

publique (etude de legislation compar<5e)

(these)- Toulouse, impr. Passeman & Alquier. Gorham, G. C. Life & public services of E. M.

Stanton. Bo., Hougnton, Mifflin & Co. 2 v.

(456 & 50a pp.) 8vo. $6. Guide annuaire ilhistrc de la Cochinchine. P.,

au bureau de la Revue des colonies, 63 bvd. St.

Michel. 688 pp. 8vo. M. 5.

Handbuch f. das Deutsche Reich auf d. J. 1899.

Bearb. im Reichsamt des Inncm. 24. Jahrg.

B., C. Heymann. 570 pp. 8vo. M. 5. Handbuch f. A. preussische Haus der Abgeordne-

ten. Ausg. Jan. 1899. B., M. Moser in

Komm. 3sspp. lamo. M. 4.50. Hof- u. Staats- Handbuch der ostcrreichisch-un-

§arischen Monarchic f. 1899. Wicn, Hof- u. taatsdruckcrei. 1335 pp. 8vo. M. 10. Jahrbuch d. k. u. k. auswartigcn Dienstes 1899.

. . . 3-Ja^rg- Wien, Hof- u. Staatsdruckerci.

460 pp. 8vo. M. lo. [Jennings, G. H. Anecdotal hist, of British

parliament for earliest period, with notices o(

men & examples of oratory. 4th ed. L., H.

Cox. 734 pp. 8vo. 7s. 6d.] Journal of the Society of comparative legislation,

ed.by J. M-icdonal & E. Manson. L.,John

Murray. 8vo. 5s. MacCabe, J., & Darien.G. Can wc disarm ? L.,

Heincmann. 160 pp. 8vo. as. 6d. Maitland, F. W. Canon law in England. N. Y.,

New Amsterdam Bk. Co., 1899. 8vo. $3. Michon, L. L'initiative parlemenlaire et la

r^forme du travail logislatif. P., Chevalier,

Marescq & Cie. 352pp. 8vo. f, 5. Muirhead, J. A. Historical introduction to the

private law of Rome. Ed. 2. rev. & ed. by H.

Goudy. N. Y., Ma^-millan Co. 457 pp. 8vo.

$5- . •Peel, Sir Robert. From his private papers, cd.

for his trustees by C. S. Parker. 3 V. V. 2 &

3. (1300 pp.) 8vo. 32s. (Athenseum, F.

II -t- -»- ) Pensavalle, Fr. Evohizlone storica del concetto

di stato nel pcriodico genetico . , . Catania,

tip. C. Galbtola, i8g8. 247 pp. 8vo. L. 6. Politisches Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Eidge-

nossenschaft. Hrs^. v. C. ?Iilty. i a. Jahrg.

1898. Bern, K.J. Wyss. 746 pp. 8vo. M.g. Prinz, J. Die Kolonie der Briidergcmcinde. Em

Beitrag zur Geschichte d. deut. Kolonicn Siid-

russlands. Odessa, E. Berndt. 164 pp. 8vo.

M. 4. Prussia-— Haus der Abgeord. 18. Legislatur-

Periode. 5. Session. LTebersichtuberdie Ge-

schaftsthaiigkeit. B., M. Moser. 817, 339 u.

X7a pp. M. as. Schiappoli, Dom. La politica eccleslastica del

conte di Cavour e la libera chiesa in libcro

stato: discorso inaugurate . . . Macerata, tip.

Bianchini. 46 pp. 8vo. Scrive, J. Expansion commerciale et coloniale.

Mise en valeur des colonics. Rapports ct

notes. Lille, impr. Danel. 74 pp. 8vo. Stead, W. T. United States of Europe on the eve

of the Parliament of Peace. L., Review 0/ Re- vtrws of^cc. ai6 pp. 4(0. is. (Review of

Reviews annual.) Untcrsuchungen zur deutschen Staais- u. Rechts-

geschichte, hrsg. v. Otto Gierke. 56. Hft.

Halban, A. Das romische Rccht in den ger-

manischen Volksstaaten . . . Breslau, H. &

H. Marcus. 31a pp. 8vo. M. 10. Virchow, R. Die Bevcilkerung der Philippinen.

2. Mitthlg. B., G. Reimer in Komm. 13 pp.

8vo, M. 0.50.

15. Religion, Churches. Bruce, A. B. The epistle to the Hebrews; the

first apology for Christianity: an exegetical

study. N. Y., C. Scribncr*s Sons. 451 pp.

8vo. $2.50. Controversies religieuses du temps present,

L'Americanisme; les religeuscs enseignc-

mcnts; la democratic chrcticnnc. . . . P., Iibr,

Viciorion. 112 pp. i8mo. Elliott, Walter. Father Hecker, founder of the

Paulists. . . . N. Y., Catholic Book Exchange,

444 pp. lamo. $1.

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