Ficury, M. de. Lame du criminel. P., F. Alcan.
192 pp. i8mo. [Gross. Hanns. Handbuch f. Untcrsuchungs-
ricnter als System dcr Kriminalistik. 3. Aufl.
2. HaUte. Graz. Leuschner & Lubensky. Pp.
401-813. 8vo. M. 6. Korn. A. 1st die Deportation unter den heutigen
Verhaltnissen als Strafmittel praktisch ver-
wendbar? (Veroffentlichung der Holtzendorf
Stiftg.) B., J. Guttentag. 259 pp. Bvo. M.
4.50. Laschi, Rod. La delinquenza bancaria nella socio-
logia criminale, nella storia e net diritto.
Torino, fratelli Bocca. 180 pp. L. 3.
6. Education.
Kant on education (Ueber Padagogik), tr. by An- nette Churton. L., Kegan Paul. 146 pp. 8vo.
Luchaire, A. L'Universitl de Paris sous Philippe Auguste. P., Chevalier- Marescq & Cie. 59 pp. 8vo. f. 2. (Bibllothequc internal, de I'enscignement sup^rieur.)
McMurry, C. A. Elements of general method. Bloomington, 111., Public School Pub. Co., 1898. i2mo. $0.75.
Mark, H. T. Outline of hist, of educational the- ories in England. L., Swan Sonnenschein. 152 pp. 8vo. 3s.
Page, D. P. Theory & practice of teaching; or, motives & methods of good school keeping, ed. by E. C. Branson. N. Y., Amer. Bk. Co. 382 pp. i2mo. $1.
Russell, J. E. German higher schools: the his- tory, organization, & methods of secondary education in Germany. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co. 455 pp. i2mo. $2.25.
Thomas, Grace Power. Where to educate, i8q8- 99 ; a guide to the best private schools, higher institutions of learning, etc., in the U. S. Bo., Brown & Co., 1898. 382 pp. Svo. $3.
[Zeitschrift f. padagopische Psychologic. Hrsg. V. F. Kemsies. i. Jahrg., 1899. 6 Hfte. {i. Hft. 56 pp.) B., H. Walther. M. 8.]
7. Ethics, Philosophy, Psychology.
Gomme, Alice Bertha, ed. Traditional games of England, Scodand, & Ireland, with tunes, singing rhymes & methods of playing accord- ing to the variants extant ^ recorded in differ- ent parts of the kingdom. In 2 v. V. 2, N. Y., imported by C. Scribner's Sons. $5.
Groos, Karl. Die Spiele der Menschen. Jena, G. Fischer. 538 pp. Bvo. M. 10.
HeinrichjW. ZurPrinzipienfrage der Psychologic. Zurich, E. Spcidel. 74 pp. 8vo. M. 1.40.
Lipps, T. Die ethischen Grundfragen. 10 Vor- trage. Hamburg, L. Voss. 308 pp. Svo. M. 5.
Spielberg, Otto. Die Moral der freien Mannesart. ZiinchjE. Spcidel. 316 pp. i2mo. M. 3.20.
Weir, Jr. The dawn of reason ; or, mental traits in the lower animals. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 234 pp. i6mo. $1.25.
8. Family.
Deck, L. Syphilis et reglcmcntation de la prosti- tution en Angletcrre et aux Indies (etude de statistique medlcale 1866-96} (these) . P., Jibr, Carre et Naud. 94 pp. 8vo.
Gunther, C. Das Recht der Frau auf Arbeit, e. soziolog. Betrachtg. B., G. Wattenbach. 14 pp. Svo. M. I.
Heinzen. K. The rights of women & the sexual relations- ... C.. C. H. Kerr & Co. 385 pp. i8mo. $0.50. (Library of progress, No. 29.)
Schrank, J. Die amtlichen Vorschriften bctr. die Prostitution in Wien, in ihrer administrativen
sanitaren u. strafgerichtlichen Anwendung. Wien, J, Safar. 126 pp. Svo. M. 3.60.
9. Finance, Taxation.
Arendt, Otto. Die Ursacheder Silberentwerthung. An die rcchtlich Denkenden aller Parteien. . . . B., H. Waither. 215 pp. Svo. M. 2.
Austria — K. k. Finanz-Ministerium. Mitiei- lungen. 4. Jahrg. 4. Hft. Wien, Hof- u. Staatsdruckerei, Pp. 716-1031 Svo. M. 3.
Austria — K. k. Finanz-Ministerium. Tabellen zur Wahrungs-Statistik. 2. Ausg. 9. Hft. Nachtrag zum 6. Abschniti. Industrielle Verwendig. 1895, 1896 u. 1897. Pp. 657-770. 2do. Wien, Hof- u. Staatsdruckerei. M. 1.
France — Ministerc des finances. Compte definitif des depenses pour I'exercice 1897. Session de 1899. 209 pp. 4to. P., Impr. nationale.
Gondinet, P. Les impots sur Ics valeurs mobi- lieres au point de vue ^conomique et fiscal (these). P., A. Rousseau. 175 pp. Svo.
Italy — Annuario dei ministeri dcllc finanze e del tesoro del regno dTtalia, anno 37 (1898-9). Roma, tip. Adelaide Ked. Pateras, 1898. 756 pp. Svo.
Noyes, A. D., comp. The Evening Post's hand- book of Amer. finance, comprising high & low records in banking returns, treasury exhibits & trade statistics, with comparative tables. N. Y., Evening Post Pub. Co. 27 pp. i6mo, $0.10,
Steinacker, Edm. Zur Bdrsenreform in Ungam. Auszug aus den stenog. Protokollen der vom kdnigl. ungar. Handelsministerium veran- stalteten Enquete u. Materialiensammlg. zu deren Vorbereitg. Wien, A. Holder. 287 pp. Svo. M. 5.40.
Viti de Marco, A de. Saggi di economia e finanza. Roma, Giornali degli economisti, 189S. 188 pp. Svo. L. 4.
10. History.
Adams, G. B. European history: an outline of its development. N. Y., Macmillan Co., 1899. 577 PP* Svo. $1.40.
All, Ameer Syed. Short hist, of the Saracens: rise & decline of Saracenic power & economic, social & intellectual development of the Arab nation from earliest times to destruction of Bagdad & expulsion of the Moors from Spain, 662 pp. Svo. 7s. 6d.
Ajnico, Carl. Die Republik San Marino. Eine Studie. Augsburg, M. Ricger. 159 pp. Svo. M. 1.50.
Arbuthnot, A. J. Lord Clive: the foundation of British rule in India. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co, 318 pp. i2mo. $1.50. (Build- ers of greater Britain ser., no. 5.)
Arm^e (1') \ travers les ages. Conferences faites en 1S98, \ I'Ecole speciale militaire de Saint- Cyr. par MM. Lavisse, Guiraud. Langlois, Gebhait, Lehugeur, Sorel, Vandal et Boutroux. P., libr. Chapelot & Cie. 283 pp. i8mo.
Belloc, H. Danton: a study. N. Y., C. Scrib- ner's Sons. 440 pp. Svo. $2.50.
Bennett, E. N. Downfall of the dervishes. N. Y., New Amsterdam Book Co. Svo. $1.40.
Bluddemann, M. Der Krieg urn Cuba. Nach zuverlass. Quellen dargestellt. Mit zahl- reichen Abbildgn. a. Lig. B., E. S. Mittler & Sohn. Pp. Si-258. M. 3.40.
Bonsai, Stephen. The fight for Santiago: the story of the soldier in the Cuban campaign from Tampa to its surrender. N. Y.. Double- day & McCIure Co. 543 pp. Svo. $2,50.
♦Burleigh, K. Karthoum campaign, 1898, or re- conquest of the Soudan. L., Chapman & Hall. 352 pp. Svo. 12S. (Literature, Mr.
34 + — )