May— for March-April.
Explanation. Titles fiot starred represent new publicatloos announced in the standard pub- lishers' lists since the last issue of the bibliography. A star prefixed io2i title indicates that it was taken from a review of the work in the periodical cited after the title. It may or may not be a new announce- ment. The arithmetical signs following the citation to a review indicate the tenor of the review: X, uncertain ; +, favorable ; — , unfavorable; +— , favorable, but with reservations ; — + , unfavorable,
but with commendation ; + + , very favorable ; very unfavorable ; + +— , very favorable, but with
reservations; + , very unfavorable, but with commendation. Absence of any sign indicates that
review has not been read. The publication date when not given is understood to be the current year. Prices quoted are usually for volumes bound in cloth in the case of American and English books, in paper in the case of all others. New editions, translations , and new periodicals are bracketed.
Abbreviations. See at end of Bibliography.
N. B. — For Index to Bibliography see general Index to this volume.
I. Anthropology, Ethnology.
Hagen, B. Anthropoloeischer Atlas ostasiatischer & melanesischer Volker. Mit Aufnahmepro- tokoPen, Messungstabellen u. e. Atlas v. loi
. Wiesbaden, C. W. Kriedel. M. loo.
113 PP-
2. Biology, Evolution, Science.
Cornish, C J. Animals of to-day-; their life & conversation. N. Y., New Amsterdam Bk. Co. 8vo. $1.25.
3. Charities.
•Boston. — Associated Charities. Directory of the charitable & beneficent organizations of Bos- ton. . . . Bo., Damrell & Upham. 475 pp. i2mo. $1. (ChR., Mr. +)
- Brown, M. W. Development of thrift. N. Y.,
Macmillan Co. 222 pp. i6mo. $1. (Litera- ture, Mr. 24 — + )
Charitas-Schriften. i. Hft. Das deutsche Armen- recht. . . . F., Geschaftstelle des Chari- tasverbandes f. das kathol. Deutschland. 91 pp. 8vo. M. 0.80.
Oesterreich's Wohlfahrts-Einrichtungen, 1848-98. Festschrift zu Ehren des 50-jahr. Regierungs- Jubilaums .... Kaisers Franz Joseph I. Hrsg. V. der Commission der oster. Wohl- fahrtsausstellg. {In 4 Bdn.) i. Armenpflege u. Wohlthatigkeit in Oesterreich, red. v. Ernst Mlschler. Wien, M. Perles. 479 pp. 8vo. Subskr.-Pr. (1-4) M. 40.
Richmond, Mary E. Friendly visiting among the poor: a handbook for charity workers. N. Y., Macmillan Co., 1899. 225 pp. i6mo. $1. (ChR., Mr.— + +)
Verein f. Armenpflege u. Wohlthatigkeit. Schrif- ten. 40. Hft. Lp., Duncker & Humblot. 145 pp. 8vo. M. 3.60.
4. Cities.
Alongi, G. Manuale di poHzia scientifica. ad uso di medici, periti, avvocati, magistrati .... studenii .... Milano, tip. Sonzogno, 1898. 359 PP- 8vo. L. 4.
Bemis, E. W. Municipal monopolies: a collection of papers by Amer. economists & specialists. N. Y., T. v. Crowell. 691 pp. i2mo. $2. (Library of economics & politics, no, 16,)
Bruns, F. Verfassungsgeschichte des Liibecki- schen Freistaates, 1848-98. Lubeck, Lubcke & Hartmann. 185 pp. 4(0. M. 4.
Cole, W. H. Light railways at home & abroad. L., Griffin, 352 pp. 8vo. i6s.
County councils, municipal corporations, urban district, rural district, & parish councils coni- panion, magisterial dircctory.poorlaw authori- ties & local govt, year-book for 1899, 23d year. 1220 pp. 8vo. los. 6d.
Dejean, A. Etude ^conomique et juridique sur les chemins de fer d'interet local (these). P., libr. Larose. 190 pp. 8vo.
Eheberg, Th. Verfassungs-, Verwaltungs- U. Wirthschaftsgeschichte der Stadt Strassburg bis j68i. Hrsg. m, Unterstutzg. der Stadt- verwaltg. 1 . Bd. Urkunden u. Akten. Strassburg, J. H. E. Heitz. 771 pp. Bvo. M. 15.
Leslie's history of Greater New York. N. V., Arbell Pub. Co. 1500 pp. il. 4to-,. $25-
Municipal year-book of the United Kingdom for 1899, ed. by Robert Donald. 494 PP- 2s, 6d.
Norden, Hans. Wiens Gegenwart u. Zukunft. Breslau,Honsch & Tiesler. 44 PP- 8vo. M. x.
Shadwell, A. London water supply. L., Long- mans, Green & Co. 282 pp. 8vo. 5s.
Sislev, R, The London water supply : a retrospect & a survey. 204 pp. 4to. 2rs.
5. Criminology and Penology. Annecchino, Raimondo, La stampa e la psicosl
suicida e criminale. Roma, fratelti Capaccini,
1898. S2 pp. i6mo. L, 0.30. Chonez, M. De la rehabilitation des condamnfs
en matiere criminelle, correctionnelle et disci-
plinaire (these). P., Impr, d'ouvriers sourde-
muets. 1898. 192 pp. 8vo. Corsi, Car. Nel mondo del delitto: divagaziont
di psicologia criminale. Firenze, Giovanni
Fratani. 32 pp. Bvo, Ferriani, Lino. Delinquenti chescrivono: studio
j: __:„_>„„:-. ^_^™;„^i^ r^mn Vittorio
di psicologia criminale, Como, Omarini. 342 pp. 8vo. L. 4.