< Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 4.djvu
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The following are the divisions : " Report of the Committee on the Scope and Method of the Twelfth Census": "Area, Population," etc., by W. F. Wilcox ; " Colored Population of African Descent," by W. Z. Ripley ; " Census of the North American Indians," by Franz Boas ; "Age, Sex, Dwellings and Families, and Urban Population," by G. K. Holmes; "Educational Statistics," by D. R. Dewey; "Statistics of Occupations," by Richmond Mayo-Smith; "Mortality Statistics," by C. L. Wilbur and Irving Fisher ; " Statistics of Crime," by R. P. Faulkner; "Pauperism and Benevolence," by S. M. Lindsay ; "Agri- culture," by N. I. Stone ; " Farm and Home Proprietorship," by David Kinley ; "Transportation," by E. R. Johnston and W. E. Weyl ; " Manufactures," by S. N. D. North, W. M. Stewart, and W. C. Ford ; " Wages," by C. J. Bullock ; " Valuation and Taxation," by C. C. Plehn ; " Municipal Finance," by H. B. Gardner ; " Scope and Method of the Twelfth Census," by W. C. Hunt ; " Extracts from Let- ters;" appendix: " Provisions of the Census Laws of 1889 and 1899;" index.

The papers are designed to be in the main critical studies of the leading divisions of the eleventh census. But they are also very valu- able for comparative estimates and information on all the previous censuses and contain considerable constructive work.

It is unfortunate that the publication could not have appeared a couple of years sooner, so that it could have been used in its entirety, as a testimony to the need of reform in our census methods before the taking of the twelfth census.

The law for the census of 1900, given in the appendix, does show that Congress is not utterly lost to reason ; for it asks for returns on somewhat fewer and simpler heads, and provides for more expert help than did the census of 1890. But the short time allowed for organiz- ing the force, the refusal to place it under civil-service rules, and the failure to provide for a permanent census bureau show that the publi- cation under review may yet do royal service as a tract to be circulated

among members of Congress. C. H. Hastings.

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