In which all overtime is compensated for.
Physical conditions. — A standard house is one in which work-, lunch , and retiring rooms are apart from each other and are in good sanitary condition.
In which seats are provided for saleswomen and the use of seats per- mitted.
Other conditions. — A standard house is one in which humane and consid- erate behavior toward employes is the rule.
In which fidelity and length of service meet with the consideration which is their due.
It is a comparatively easy matter to enlist the sympathy of intelligent and educated people, and through them reform must be brought about. The great body of buyers who regularly pat- ronize the cheap stores will take no interest in the matter. Some may feel that they have done their duty when they cease buying at stores where evils exist ; but that is a dwarfed concep- tion of social obligation. We should not rest until the bad stores improve or go out of business.
Annie Marion MacLean.
The University of Chicago.