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Pathogencse psvchosexueller Anomalien, Ar-

chiv I. Kriminal- Anthropologic, O.-Ja. See also Criminology & Penology, Women. Single Tax: j'^^ Taxation. Shipping: Payne, S. E. Our merchant marine,

NAR., K. Slavery : Hugbee, L. G. Slavery in early Texas,

PSQ., D. Socialism: Deville, Gabriel. L'affaire Dreyfus

et le parti socialisic, DS., N. Frani;ois, G. Socialism in France, JPE.. D. Laterade. La definition dii socialisme. ReS., Ja. Milhautl, Edgard. Le congres social i'ite de

Stuttgart. ReS., Ja. Veber, Adrien. Le sixibme congres de la Fede- ration des conseillers municipaux socialistes,

ReS..Ja Sociology : Porrowed foundation ; foundation of

sociology, PSM., D., F. Bonet, H. Adam Ferguson et ses idees poli-

tiques et sociales, JEc, D. Cady. G. L. Sentimental sociology, BS., Ja. Croce, Kenedotto. Le livre de M. Stammler,

DS., N. FagfS, C. Evolution du Darwinisme sociolo-

gique, HN., Ja. Groppali, A. Roberto Ardigb, la sociologia e il

materialismo storico, RilS., N. Groppali, Alcisandro. La science comme phe-

nomene social, DS., O. May, R. E. Verhliltnis des Verbrauches der

Nlas-'^en zu demjenigen der " kleinen Leute,"

der VVohlhabenden u. Reichen u. die Marxi-

sti-iche Doktrin, JGV., 23:1. Rambaiid, Joseph. Un jugement sur Le Play et

I'cc-jle de la reforme sociale, RefS., Ja. 16. Rivet. Victor. Science sociale et les frangais

d'aujourd'hui, RCS.. N. Rivaita. Valentino. I problemi sociali e la loro

formola ideale. RISS.. D. Schinz, A. Le positivisme est une methode et

non un systeme, RPh., Ja. Schubert -Soldern. Richard. Individuum u. Ge-

meinschaft. ZGS.. 55:1. Small, A. W. Unit in sociology, AAP., Ja. Solvay, Ernest. Le produciivisme sociale, AIS.,

4:5- Tangorra, V. La sociologia e I'economica poli-

tica, RilS., N. See also Biography, Philosophy. Street Railways: Crocker, G. G. Passenger

traffic of Boston & the subway, New England

Magazine, Ja. Strikes : Grandmaison, Charles le Cour. La

gruve du batiment, RDM., D. 15. Sugar: Developpement de Tindustrie sucriereen

Rus6e, JEc, D. McVey, F. L. Sugar importations & revenues,

JPE.,D. Tariff: Lang, L. La politique douaniere Inter- nationale de I'avenir, RPP., Ja. Taxation: Adams, H. C. Federal taxation of

interstate commerce, RRN.. F. Garrison, W. L., & others. Ethics of the single

tax. A., Ja. Inhulsen, C. H. P. Die englischen Nachhss-

steuem, JNS., 16: 6. Laurent, Fr. L'impot du tabac en France; ses

origines et son developpement, RPP.. J a. Powers, L. G. Some Inequalities in land taxa- tion. AJS., Ja. Thwing. C. F. Taxation of college property,

EdR., F. Veber, Adrien. La suppression des octrois,

ReS., D.

Wells, D. A. Diffusion of taxes, PSM., Ja.-F. Telegraphs: Ch. Extension of submarine tele- graphy in 25 years, ENL, D. Telephones: Hastie, A. H. Telephone tangle

& the way to untie it, FR., D. Trade: Farrer. Lord. Does trade follow the flae ?Col<., D.

LambL-rt. Agnes. Neglecting our customers, NC. D.

Raflalovith. Arthur. Un manuel de la politique (.ommerciale Internationale, JEc, D. Trade Unions: Addams,jane. Trades unions & public duty, AJS., Ja.

Cummings. Edward. Collectivist philosophy of trade unionism, QJE., Ja.

Hollander, J. H. Study of trade unionism, PSQ., D.

See also Labor. United States: Adler, Felix. Parting of the ways in the foreign policy of U. S., ! J E., O.

Bradinrd, R. B. Coaling stations for the navy, F., F.

Clarke, G. 5. Imperial responsibilities a nation- al gain, NAR.. F.

Corbln, H. C. Army of the U. S.. F. , Ja.

Denby, Charles. W'ny the treaty should be rati- fied, F.. F.

Dilke. C. W. Future relations of Great Britain &U. S., F.,ja.

Eliot, C. W. Destructive & constructive ener- gies of our gov't compared, Atlantic. Ja.

Hart, A. B. United States as a world powcr^ Harper's Magazine, F.

Hoar, G. F. Four national conventions, Scrib- ner's Magazine, F.

Gilbert, G. A. The Connecticut Loyalists, AHR.. Ja.

Kerr. J. H. Recent election & its results, F., F.

Julian, G. W. First Republican national conven- tion. AHR., Ja.

Law, A. M. American affairs. National Review, D.-Ja.

Lowell, A. L. Colonial expansion of the U. S., Atlantic, F.

Niabie. H. W. American literature & American nationality, F., Ja.

Peck. F, W. America & the Paris expo^^ltlon of iQoo, NAR., Ja.

See also Bankruptcy. Biography. Canals, Cen- sus, Cuba. Education, Expansion, Finance Indians, Legislation, Negro. Philippines Shipping, Taxation. Wages : Bowley, A. L. Comparison of the changes in wages in France, the U. S., & the U. K. from 1840 to 1891. JEc, D.

Bowley, A. L. Statistics of wages in the United Kingdom during the last 100 years, Jour. Roy. Statist. Society, D. War: Hill. D. J. War & extension of civiliza- tion, F., F.

Novicow, J. The spirit of conquest, PSM., F. Water: Lefevre. G, S. London water supply

NC, D. Wealth : Merrill, C. C. Christian conception of wealth. BS.

Sci" also Luxury. Wheat; Hyde. John. America & the wheat

problem, NAR.. F. Women; Braun, Lily. Anfange der Frauenbe- wegung, ASG., 13 : 14.

Thomas, W. I. Sex in primitive industry, AJS. Ja.

Veblen, Thorstein. Barbarian status of women AJS., Ja.

See also Charities, Political Economy.

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