Pfoundes, C. Japan as a power in the Pacific, A.,D. Java : see Colonies.
Labor : Die Arbeiterstatistik, Annalen des Deut schen Reich, 32 : 3. Benoist, Charles. L'organisation du travail,
RDM.,Ja. IS Cetty. H. Une parosse ouvriere organisee, AC,
O.-N. Friedrichowicz, Eugen. Die Lage des Schu- macherhandwerks in Deutschiand, ZGS.. 55:1. Ireland, W. A. Labor problem in the tropics,
PSM., F. Lavy, /vme. Les conditions du travail dans les
travaux publics. ReS., Ja. Wright, C. D. Industrial commissions in U. S.
& Austria. QJE., Ja. See also Housing, Industry, Trade Unions, Wages. Land : Hopkins, Washburn. Land tenure in
ancient India, PSQ., D. Legislation: Dembitz, L. N. Uniformity of
state laws, NAR., Ja. Lighting: Hammond, Rob. Commercial aspect of electric lighting in Great Britain, EM., Ja. Liquor Question : Avenel, Georgesd*. Le me- canismede la vie moderne : alcool et les li- queurs. RDM., Ja 1. Carriere, G. Alcoolisme au poiut de vue medical,
RCS.,N. Peabody, F. G. Liquor legislation in Norway,
F.,Ja. Zimmermann. Richard. Der Trinkgelderunfug, ZGS.. 55:1. Luxury : Baldwin, F. S. Some aspects of lux- ury. NAR.. F. Davidson. John. Luxury and extravagance,
IJE.,0. Martin, Bradley. Is the lavish expenditure of
wealth justifiable ? NC, D. Vellemann, Antoii. Der Luxus in seinen Be- ziehungen zur Sozlat-Oekonomie, ZGS., 55:1. Money: jff Finance.
Navies: Wilson, H. W. Naval lessons of the war, Atlantic. Ja. See aho United Slates. Negro : West, H. L. Race war in North Caro- lina, F., Ja. Newfoundland : see France. Old Age Pensions : Burdett, Henry. Old age
pensions, Jour. Roy. Statist. Society, D. Pedagogy : Carus, Paul. Few hints on the treatment of children, Monisi, Ja. Sec also Psychology. Philippines : Vest, G. G. Objections to annex- ing the Philippines, NAR., Ja. See also Biography. Philosophy: Azambuja, G. d'. Comment la philosophie s'est embrouillee, SS., Ja. Bo^anquet, Bernard. Philosophy in the United
Kingdom in 1897, ASP., 5:1. Carus, Paul. Philosophy in ]apan, Monist. Ja. Denis, Hector. La philosophie du i8e siecle et
Malthus, HN., Ja.
Eisler, Rudolf. Ueber Ursprung u. Wesen des
Glaubens an die Existenz der Aussenwelt,
Fornelli, N. Dopolamoitedel Comte, RIF.,0.
Jodl. F. Philosophy in Germany and Austria,
Monist. Ja. Ritchie, D. G. Philosophy and the study of
philosophers, Mind, Ja. Schubert-Soldern, R. von. Ueber das Unbe-
wusste im Bewussten, VWP.,22:4. See rt/jc Sociology. Political Economy : Bonar, James. Old lights & new in economic study, EcJ., D.
Clark, J. B. Natural divisions in economic the- ory, QJE., Ja. Hadley, A, T. Relation between economics &
politics, Economic Studies, F. Herkner. Heinrich. Frauenstudium der Natio-
naidkonomie, ASG., 13 : 4. Parsons. Frank. The new political economy
BS., Ja. Veblen, Thorstein. Preconceptions of economic
science, QJE., Ja. See also Cooperation, History. Political Science : Hasbach, W. Rechts- u. staatswissenschaftliche Fakultat, JGV., 23: i. Population: Francois, G. Mouvement de la
population en divers pays, JEc, D. Porto Rico: see Education.
Prices : Ciileuls, Alfred des. De la methode dans les etudes retrospectives sur les prix et valeurs, RefS.. D. 16. Profit Sharing : Rousiers, Paul de. Partici- pation aux benefices et la revolution indus- trielle moderne, SS.. ia. Psychology: James, William. Talks to teach- ers on psychology. Atlantic, F. Jastrow, Joseph. The mind's eye, PSM.,Ja. Jastrow, Joseph. Practical aspects of psychology,
EdR.. F. Smith, O. H. P. Evolution & consciousness,
M.. Ja. See also Imagination. Railroads : Denby, Ch., & E. P. Allen. Chinese railway development, EM., D. Dixon, F. H. Railroad control in Nebraska,
PSQ., D. Hansel, Ch. Evolution of safety in railway
travel, EM.. Ja. Prevey. C. E. Comparative statistics of railroad service under different kinds of control, ASA., S. Smith, M. H. Powers of the Interstate Com- merce Commission, NAR., Ja. Swain, H. H. Comparative statistics of rail- road rates, ASA., S. Religion: Chubb. Percival. Conservative & lib- eral aspects of ethical religion, Ethical Ad- dresses, 4: 10. Gregory, D. S. Our great philosophers vs. the
known God, Presbyterian & Ref. Rev., Ja. Hodgkin. Thos. Theon & Son, Egyptian bank- ers. CoR., Ja, Jackson. A. V. W. Ormazd, or, the ancient Persian idea of God, Monist, Ja. Representation : Jenks, E. Origin of political
representation. CoR., D. Roads: Domer, Otto. Good roads & slate aid,
F., F. Russia : Conant, C. A. Russia as a world power, NAR., F. Issaiff, A. A. La politique du ministere des
finances en Russe depuis 1885, A1S.,4:5. Reinsch, P. S. Russia & England in China,
A., Ja. See also Serfs. Samoa: Leigh, J. G. The powers & Samoa,
FR., Ja. Sanitary Science : Gibson, J. A. Open air cure of consumption, NC. Ja. Hill, O. E. Colonel Waring on the sanitation
of Havana, F., ja. Wyman. Waller. Quarantines sanitation, F., F. See also each no. of S. Serfs: Roman, J. Emancipation des serfs, ses
causes et ses consequences. AC, N. Settlements: Campbell, Helen. Social settle- ments & the civic sense. A., D. Sex: Schrenck-Notzing. Freiherr v. Beltrage zur forensischen Beurtheilung v. Sittlichkeits-
vergehen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der