Evolution: Lloyd, A. H. Evolution evolved, Monist, Ja.
Mante^azza, Paolo. L'evoluzionc regressiva, AAE.. 28:2. Expansion: Clinch, B. J. Imperialism as a pol- icy for America. ACQ., ja.
Clowes, W. L. American expansion & the in- heritance of the race, FR., D.
Giddings. F. H. Imperialism, PSQ., D. Family: Leioumeau.Ch. Un fait de psychologie primitive. Bulletins de la Societe d'anthropolo- eie de Paris, 9:4.
Schmoller. Gustav. Urgeschichte der Familic,
Mutierrecht u. Gentilverlassung, JGV., 23 :i.
Feeble-Minded: Johnson, Alex. Concerning a
form of degeneracy. II., AJS., Ja. Finance: Andrew. A. P. what ought to be called money ? QJE., Ja.
Carliie, W. W. Transition to gold in England &in India, JPE., D.
Cleveland. F. A. Final report of the monetary commission, AAP., Ja.
Fiamingo, G. M. Measure of the value of money according to European colonies, JPE.
Finances frangaises ei la budget, RPP., Ja.
Foville, A. de. Spanish currency, JPE., D.
Glauert, O. Borse u. Reichsbank, JNS., i6;6.
Hazell, A. P. Quantity theory- of money from the Marxist standpoint, JPE.. D.
Hellferich. Le renouvellement du privilege de la Banquc de 1' Empire, RPP.. Ja.
Mitchell, W, C. Resumption of specie pay't in Austria -Hungary'. JPE., D.
Northbrook, Earl of. Alternatives before the Indian gov't. National Review, D.
Raffalovich, Arthur. Le marche financier en 1898, JEc., Ja.
Report 01 committee on currency reform, Eco- nomic Studies, F.
Roberts, G. E. Increasing supply of gold, F., F.
Sayous, A. E. Concentration du traffic de banque en Allemagnc, J Ec, Ja.
Sayous, A. E. Reorganisation der franzosichen Produkten u. Warenborsen, JNS., 16:6.
Stroll, Moritz. Ueber das deutsche Geldwesen im Kriegsfall, JGV., 23:1.
Taussig, F. W. United States treasury in 1894-6, QIE.,Ja.
Will, T. E. Stable money. JPE., D.
See also each no. of BML., BMN., JCB., Journal of Finance. Folk-Lore: Dunlop, W. Australian folk-lore
stories, TAI.. N. Food: Bacne, Rene. What the very poor eat, S.,
F. Forests: Wagner. Gustav. Die Retjelung der Waldproduktion nach ihren gesamrwirihschalt- lichen Nutzleistungen, ZGS., 55:1. France: Adye, Lieut. -Colonel. Colonial weak- ness of France, NC, J a.
Billot, A. Le rapprochement commercial entre !a France el I'ltalie, souvenirs diplomatiques. RDM., Ja. I.
Coming social revolution in France, CoR., Ja.
France, Russia, & the Nile, CoR,, D.
Guyot, Yves. Dreyfus drama & its significance, NC, Ja.
Hauser, Henri. French reformation & the French people in the i6th century. AHR., Ja.
Joly. Henri. Nos grandes institutions nation- ales: la magistrature, RefS., Ja. 16.
McGrath. P. T. France in Newfoundland, NC. Ja.
Robinson. J. H. France today, PSQ., D.
Rouxel. A quoi lient I'lnfenorite actuelle des Frangais? JEc., Ja.
See also Africa, Art, Colonies, Finance, Insur- ance, Italy, Labor, Russia, Socialism, Sociol.
Gambling : Hoyois. Du jeur devant le Parle-
ment Beige, RefS., Ja. 16. Germany: Arch-enemy of England, CoR., D. Blondel, Georges. La politique commerciale
de I'AlIemagne et son influence sur la situa- tion sociale du pays, RefS., Ja. i. Eucken, Rudolf. Are the Germans still a na- tion of thinkers? F., Ja. Valbert, G. L'AUemagne de la fin de ce siecle,
RDM.. Ja. I. See also Colonies, Finance, Great Britain, La- bor, United States. Girls : see Housing. Great Britain: Fashoda & Lord Salisbury's
vindication, FR., D. Lande, Ch. de la. En route vers le particular
risme, SS., D. Rogers, j. G. Libera! collapse, NC, Ja. Stutfield, H. E. M. The company scandals,
National Review, D. See also Africa, China, Education, Egypt,
Finance, Germany, Philosophy, Trade, Gold: see Finance. Heredity: Le Dantec, F. Les neo-darwiniens
et I'heredite des caracteres acquis, RPh., Ja. History : Cunningham, W. L'utilita della
studia della storia economica. RilS.. N. Round, J. H. Historical research, NC, D. Thompson, Anna B. How to study history,
EdR.. F. Housing : Hardy, C. Sur le logement des
classes laborieubcs, RefS., Ja. 16. Hill, Octavia. Management of houses for the
poor, ChOR.. Ja. Leake. Mrs. Percy. A girls' lo-,^ging house,
NC, D. Meade, T. de C, & Addie, Peter. Housing of
the working classes, S., Ja. Nerincx, Alfred. Les habitations ouvrieres ^
Berlin. RefS.. Ja. i. Hungary : Matlekovits, A. v. Die wirihschaft-
liche Entwicklung Ungams seit 1867, ZVS.,
7- 4- Imagination : Giuffrida-Ruggcri, V. L'evo-
luzione dell* imaglnazione, AAE,, 28: 2. Imperialism: see Expansion. India: see Finance. Land. Indians : Grinnell. G. B. The wild Indian,
Atlantic, Ja. Grinnell, G. B. The Indian on the reservation^
Atlantic, F. Industry : Bellet, Daniel. Mouvement scientific
et industriel, JEc, D. Martin, Germain. Buffon et la Fayette manu-
facluriers. RefS., Ja. i. Institutional Church : 'iee Church. Insurance : Frankenberg. H. v. Reichsgesetz-
liche Familienversicherung, JGV'.. 23: i. Lange, Ernst. Stalistik der Krankenversiche-
rung im Deuischen Reich . . . 1896, ASG.,
i3;4. Turquan. Victor. Les retraites de Peiat, RefS.,
D. 16. See also .Associations, Old Age. Interstate Commerce: see Railroads. Italians : K.elly, Florence. Die Italiener Chica-
gos, ASG., 13:4. Italy : Daila Volta, R. La prima breccia nel
dazio consumo dei comuni italiani, GEc,
Ja. (?)
Girettt, E. L'accordo commerciale colla Francia,
GEc.Ja. Vitali, V. Element! etnici e storica del carattere
degli italiani, RilS., N. See also Associ.itions, France. Japan : Lorini, Eteocle. Coinmercio e industria
del Giappone secondole statistiche piu recenti.
RilS., Ja.