Christmas: Conybeare, F. C. History of Christ- mas, AJT., Ja. Churches: Bamett, Canon. Cathedral reform, NC, D.
Hughes. H. P. A new catechism, CoR., Ja.
Lejcal, G. Hist, nsturelle de Jesus. HN., Ja.
Mallock, W. H Does the Church of England
teach anything ? NC, D. Mirot, Leon. La politique pontificale et la retour du Saint-Siege a Rome en 1376, Le Moyen Age, O.
See also Christianity & each no. of Open Church. Cities: Blackmar, F. W. San Francisco's strug- gle for good gov*t, F.. Ja.
Hadley. S. P.,& Mabel Hill. Lowell: a char- acter sketch of the city, New England Maga- zine, Ja.
James. E. J, Growth of great cities, AAP., Ja.
Maltbie, Milo Roy. Municipal functions. MA., D.
Maael, Henri. Idees en I'air: comment fairc naitre I'esprit municipal, RefS., D. 15.
Perier, Jean. Une grande ville de commerce : le type rochelais, SS,, D.-Ja.
Smith, Stephen. Vegetation a remedy for the summer heat of cities. PSM., F.
Talcott, May Churchill. New Britain, Conn., New England Magazine, F.
Vandervelde, Emile. L'influence des villes sur les campagnes: La Hulpe, Rixensart, Genval, AIS., 4:6.
Wach. Willy, Les preoccupations de culture intellectuelle du proletariat berlinois. ReS., D.
See also Lighting, Sanitary, Street Railways, Water. Colonies: Baxter, Sylvester. Java as an ex- ample. How the Dutch manage tropical islands, RRN., F.
Collier, James. Evolution of colonies, PSM,, Ja.
Donnet, Gaston. French colonial craze, FR.. D.
Dorchester, Daniel. Drift toward colonial & protectorate gov'ts in the last 300 years, RRN., F.
Hart, A. B. Brother Jonathan's colonies, At- lantic, Ja.
Mahan, A. T. Relations of U. S. to their new dependencies, EM.,Ja.
Mazzola, U. Le origini, le vicende e le forme stor. della colonizzazione in Prussia, GEc, Ja,
Rodocanachi, Ed. Les iles ioniennes sous la domination russe et sous la domination fran- gaise (1790-1814), RHD., 12:4.
Stephens, H. M. Administrative history of the British dependencies in the further East, AHR..Ja.
Strong, Frank. Causes of Cromwell's West In- dian expedition, AHR., Ja.
See also Trade. Co-operation: Banneaux, L. Societes coopera- tives de consommation. RSC, Ja.
Gide, Ch. Has cooperation introduced a new principle into economics? EcJ., D.
Rochetin, Eugene. Les premieres associations cooperatives en Grece - . . , RPP., Ja. Courts: Logan, W. S. Saxon & Latin c'ts, F., F. Craniometry: Shrubsal, F. Notes on Ashanti
skulls & crania, JAI, Criminology & Penology: Arboux, J. Re- forme des prisons. RCS., Ja.
Aufgabe u. Ziele T Program in first no. of Archiv f. Kriminal-Anthropologie u. KnminalistikJ.
Berze, Josef. Unbewusste Bewegung u. Straf- recht, Archiv f, Kriminal-Anthropologie, O.
Grasserie, R. de la. Code de procedure penale Bulgare. RPe., Ja.
Gross. Hanns. Kriminalistische Institute, Archiv f. Kriminal-Anthropologie, O.
Kellor, Frances Alice. Criminal anthropology in its relation to criminal jurisprudence, AJS.,
Kellor, Frances Alice. Sex in crime, IJE., O. Lowenstein. Der Fanalismus als Quelle der .
Verbrechen, Archiv f. Kriminal-Anthropol., Ja. Mathews, B. C. A study in nativities, F,, Ja. Nacke, G. Degeneration. Degenerationszeich- nung u. Atavismus, Archiv f. Kriminal-Anthro- pologie, J a. Roux, J. A, Origtae de la science penitentiaire,
RPe., D. Stooss, Carl. Kriminalpolitische MitteilungcD iibcr Warenfalschung, Archiv f, Kriminal- Anthropologie, Ja, Warner. C. D. Mal-ing of criminals, A., Ja. See also each no. of RDC, RPe. Cuba: Cox, J. S. Mineral resources of Cuba, EM.. F. Hinton, R.J. Cuban reconstruction, NAR., Ja. Deaf: Anzoletti, Luisa. La nuova era civile dei sordmuto e il I congresso di beneficenza pei sordomuti in Milano, RISS., D. Degeneration : see Criminology & Penology,
Feeble-Minded. Democracy: Democracies in foreign affairs, QR.,j3. Nelson, H. L. Weakness of the executive power in democracy. Harper's Magazine, Ja. Education : Ahmad, Moulvie Raufiddin. Pro- posed Muslim university in India, NC, D. Aleandre, Jerome, L'universite de Paris et I'hu- manisme au debut du i6e siecle, Revue des questions hist., Ja. Briggs, L. B. R. Fathers, mothers & fresh- men, Atlantic. Ja. Bulkley, Julia E. Social ethics in the school, F.,
Ja. Fairchild, E. M, Ethical instruction in school
& church ; the need & a method, ATS., Ja. Gardner, H. P. School system of Porto Rico,
F.. F. Gardiner, Percy. Impressions of American uni- versities. NC, Ja. Harper, W. R. Shall the theological curriculum
be modified & how? AJT., Ja. Harris, W, T. Future of the normal school,
EdR.,Ja. Jackman, W. S. Constructive work in the com- mon school, EdR., F. Lockyer, J. N. Short history of scientific in- struction, PSM., F. Patrick, T. W. Should children under ten learn
to read & write? PSM., Ja. Poinsard, Leon. La reforme de Tenscignement
primaire, SS., D. Rein, Wilhelm, Culture & education, F., F. Smith, W. H. No national university at Wash- ington, EdR., Ja. Thurston, R. H, Professional & academic
schools, EdR., Ja. Welck, M, Freiherr. Fabrikschulwesen, JGV.,
23:1 Woods, Margaret L. French view of an Eng- lish university, NC, D, See also Pedagogy, Psychology. Egypt : Dicey, Edward, & others. Future of
Egypt, NC.. D. Electricity: Weiller, Lazare. Les sources dc
I'electricite. RDM., D. 15. Emigration: Ottolenghi, C Le migrazioni del
lavoro agli Stati Uniti d'AmerJca, GEc, Ja. Ethics: .si-^ Education.
Education : see Biography, Child-Study, Peda- gogy, Psychology. Ethnology: Hunt, A. E. Ethnographical notes on the Murray Islands, Torres Straits, Jour-
nal of the Anthropological Institute, N.